Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Anyway as human we often feel as though we are not talented if we don't have any hard skills such as the ability to dance, sing, write, cook or play sports really well. We tend to forget about our soft skills, such as being good conversationalist, or extremely organized, which are just as important. Are you easy to talk to? Maybe you're passionate about helping people solve their problems. That's a skill. Dig a little depper to find out what makes you, you and that will be the map to the pot of Gold(your potentials). Your skill, no matter what it is, is an asset to someone else, there are people in urgent need of it somewhere because everyone needs help in some area of his or her life. No one is complete neither are you, we are only complimenting each other. And if we improve in our inherent abilities we will remain helpful to the world. It could be a trial and error process but Keep digging deep you are that acres of diamond. A treasure to the world.

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