Tuesday, July 22, 2014


May no gift be too small to give nor to simple to receive, which is wrapped. in thoughtfulness, and tied up in love” L.O. Baird. Women are wonderful creatures built into them are super-instinct that tells them if and if not you add in thoughtfulness into that Valentine, Christmas, and Birthday packages. Because they enjoy thoughtfulness more than that Mc-donald's, Mr Biggs, Chicken Republic strawberry ice creams they feel on top when they notice it, when you invest thoughtfulness it shows her you are not emotionally broke in her affairs, in fact you are wealthy enough to pay attention for her interests. So while getting your wife a gift bear in mind that she is not interested in that expensive car but rather in your care, the additional "e" means to her the "extra mile" you drove to satisfy her needs and wants with your thoughts. Though all homo-sapien dispose some amount of rationality both Men boost of having this great natural talent in large form. Your wife wants to see this talent in action as you express your love towards her. Society might have tagged value in quality and expensive things but to your wife, the more the thought you add into the present, the more valuable it becomes. Don't always forget to think outside the box, you may give a present in form of "your undivided attention", it may be a back rub, or waking so early to serve her breakfast while she'd still in bed. You can share to other social networks.

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