Sunday, August 31, 2014
What would you do to his smart mouth? That screamed i love you loud yesterday, and seems so cold today. All your antics to pin him down seems abortive and you can't figure out why. Today he is in and tomorrow he is off as if you're in his magical mystery ride. You've gotten so dizzy trying to translate his every moves. Like its taking ages for him to realize how much you love his smiles and all his edges, all his perfect imperfections and all you ever wanted is to be his end and his beginning even when he is losing and winning but you keep wondering what's going on his beautiful mind, "is he toying with your fragile emotions?" No doubt you are in a maze with him and he wants to make a mess of you......... I will teach you 7 principles that will amaze him in the next episode. Smiles.
The Incredible 7 Rules
You are a leading character in a movie called "your life",
Angelina Jolie is not gonna act a movie worthy of watching if
she entered the role without an incredible acting skills, it is
time to improve your love play card. To stand up strong in
your relationship.
The dawn of 21 century got men feeling on top thinking the
advance in technology are for the improvement of the game.
They bump up and sext all day and have sex all night with thesame lady they sext on facebook, whatsapp, 2go, twitter.
We took women to be so loose and this help condition our
minds and shape the way we relate with the ladies, to us
there are so many fishes in the river ready to swim into our
net. And this same philosophy scare you to death, you know
there are ladies out there waiting for your exit and you hated
to leave, you hate the loneliness, you hated seeing your
friends go out for a date leaving you at home, you hated
seeing all your friends boyfriends coming to visit them and
you are left on your own. It time to let it go, be that great
women who is gonna be independent for the time being, a
woman who knows her worth and knows who she is, a happy
woman who draws happiness from the inside and is firm
enough not to let the flood of happenings in her
environment carry her. Walk out of the man and get a life, he
is the devil trying to ruin you, he is not man enough to walk
into your future, so brace up and start up a new book, you
will never end the book you both started together in
happiness and the girl you were will not be happy if the lady
you have become fail to realize her wishes and dreams. If
truly you had a dream as a child then its time to pick up
some standards.
Even if other gal are scared of leaving their man because of
the awareness he would get a replacement in a jiffy, you are
an exception. Its high time you ladies start turning the games
around. Now you have your time to yourself, get the
currency of character it will earn you a powerful reputation
at the long run, get to study, make good friends, get the
education, be dedicated to God and to your work, remain
focus, don't not decline to the lies of critics and do not be
lured to start up a new stuff just to wipe way shame or to
show him that you are still hot and attractive, it is dummy
like in nature, it is just policking with mummies, its not
leading anyway cos sooner your new guy will perceive your
game and ride on them to his own advantage. Do not go on
doing drug, it is counterproductive. Do not commit suicide it
is madness, do not kill him, you don't have a right to take
away another life.
The rest awaits in the next episode. Smiles.
Stand on the solid rock which is God where you would find peace, joy, rest and courage to forgive and to move on with your life.
Look at the big picture. You build your life upon your faith. You cherish your
faith. You aren’t afraid to tell others of your beliefs. You stand for positive values. You are ethical in your dealings. You pray and meditate to have the courage to face your fears. You pray and meditate to have the strength to accept, endure and triumph over the heart break and small daily annoyances that might come when your friends blame you for leaving him. You celebrate the good that you find in the world. Submission to God hand to you some supernatural powers that you can't feel and touch but it is being perceived by other minds, it fuels your aura and largess your presence.
With humility, submit. You are but one fragile, fallible human that need prayers. Your next great spouse that will make you happy is God’s answer to your prayers. Your selfless good works in advising other gals in choosing the rightful partners are your prayers put into action. Get to love God he will help you forget your past and aid you to maintain your presence.
Your contented presence shows an air of simple elegance and refinement in
attitude and form. You appear physically, emotionally and spiritually strong, yet you seem to have even greater strength in reserve. You are poised, coordinated and balanced. You command with effortless, assured confidence. Be calm. Be deliberate. Feel assured and alert. Look good. Feel good. Keep your head up and your shoulders back. Keep your eyes forward. Breathe deeply. Speak with a soft voice in a thoughtful manner. Walk with a purpose. Don’t rush. Have a firm handshake. Your eyes are friendly...... smiles. Your demeanor is respectful. Let your smile begin in your mind. You exhibit both style and class. First impressions are lasting. The next dude might be a corner away, the things you want drawn to you will come as a result of your good nature and determined persistence. Pause and savor the moment. Begin your work.
From the Bible, we learn that love is patient and kind. It does not envy. It
does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. It is responsibility and a willingness to work out problems. Love is too wonderful and too powerful to be kept bottled up. Let it out with your smiles, your voice, your manner, your enthusiasm and your continuing acts of kindness. For love, you can risk being vulnerable. When you find love, cherish and safeguard it. A loving marriage and family is worth all your efforts.
The short road leads to strong personal relationships. If you smile at, listen to and are generous with family, employees and the public, you will be rewarded with many friends out of the many one might be the lucky one. If you are courteous, you will be welcomed anywhere. This is a short road to a notable accomplishment.
While walking the short road beware of wolves in sheep dress.
All ladies have expectation of what spouse they want, at least the basics must be clearly seen before they can lower their guards for him and we men have a clue of this. And now that you have Opened up a new page, Picked up some standards, Stood on the Rock, Maintained your presence, and is now Walking the long road you will be seen as standing on a higher ground. You are now a star, so attractive, so pretty and command a lot of respect, if you are convinced that you are a bigger star then be rest assured that you are being watched. Men will guise themselves as angels of light whereas there heart awaits your doom, they come to inflict pain, sadness and wickedness: they want to take your pound of flesh........ I guess you get the gist. Don't give a chance, make life a contest for them and you choose to be their price. Study them closely and make sure they have unveiled all their shadows and you are satisfied before giving it a shot. Don't accept him thinking he will change, if he didn't change before marriage he might not change in it. But don't let Him in unless he has paid bride price.
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