Tuesday, September 23, 2014
7 Incredible reasons Most Rich and Beautiful Ladies Don't Get Dates
In our busy world beauty have been so much glorified that ladies who have them thank their stars. They make our bill boards colorful, and shine their lovely teeth on adverts, there beautiful faces make the covers of most products and we see their splendor on City-magazines. Some of them in our respective vicinity glow with proud, courting all the attention their beauty attracts to them. These beautiful girls come out well polished shining in glory but a peep into their closet is little gal crying in loneliness wishing there be a hairy chest she could play with and a strong shoulder she could lean on. It is so empty living behind her castle wall and she is wishing those walls could talk. Read on to know the seven 7 reasons pretty gals don't have dates:
Our society is stratified no doubt, divided in some kind of classes and the upper-class gals categories themselves and are expected to talk to only their kind thereby disregarding any other human being who is not in that same class with them. Beauty is good but character is better. Most of our beautiful ladies don't court people with respect, they lack attitude to life and to people, they lack courtesy and it seems manner of approach have been withdrawn from their conscience. In their world everyone else is ignored as they sit to make the rules, treating people with disdain is a hobby and demanding loyalty without giving any becomes a way of life. Who would want such a gal as a date?
Most guys see going out with beautiful ladies as building castles on the air. Guys usually have a preconception that beautiful ladies already have dates that would even be better than them, hence with the mindset that it is very impossible for a gal that beautiful not to have a suitor. So many guys do have fear making advances towards her because they don't want to waste their time, money and thoughts chasing shadows. Most men usually see beautiful gals as a natural snob whereas it maybe otherwise.
In this global world and in this jet age no one wants to marry a rich but empty beautiful woman. When a lady lack purpose, when a girl is empty she lacks confidence , she is insecure and will on her own be a liability, whereas men are looking for asset that has something to offer but she has nothing to offer, when she is dreamless and selfish, when all she wants is just to get married then real men have to be running. Relationship is a reciprocal thing and when she can't give back then its either the half-full man becomes empty or the full man becomes half-empty.
This is the attitude of always wanting to be better than someone else hence putting wants ahead of needs and thereby basing who they are on material possession. They will always be the ones to have the nicest things, no talent is better except theirs. They put up 'do or die' measures to maintain their ego and beef whoever that seems better. These often leads to dissatisfaction.
Some of them are busy thinking about what their peers will say about them going out with a guy below their standards. They can't allow their ego drop one bit and continue waiting on the rich guy who has little of no time to spend with them.
some fetish and diabolical set of people do mask the faces of some pretty ladies hence preventing them from getting suitors. This happens occasionally and are often used as an excuse instead of searching innate for the major reasons.
You attract who you are not who you wish. These wonderful law do act against the pretty rich ladies. These rich and beautiful ladies dress classy, magnificently and glow in grandeur but these dress pattern cannot attract a descent man with a descent income coupled with his godliness. It could only attract wealthy married men who they wouldn't want to date. There standards are too high for upcoming men and when he sees that he can't meet their needs he will quietly withdraw. Because it is natural for men to provide; and their natural instinct is sure to minister to them a gal who wouldn't allow them exercise their natural gift of provision.
Most gals wonder why bad guys come their way without acknowledging the fact that there shabbily and loud dressing does the attracting. Being so artificial could only attract bad boys, cultist and so on...... who they wouldn't want hence continuing their loneliness game.
Mercy, Kennedy, Michael
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Like the saying "beauty is in the eye of the holder" but there is more to it that meets the eye. Beauty is confidence and confidence stirs from the satisfaction one holds about self. Though people hold various conceptions about beauty but despite what people think, what matters most is what beauty holds for you. Beauty simply implies appearing confident and being convicted that you are unique and that uniqueness is beautiful no matter what beauty holds for the public. Since beauty and confidence circumvents then there is two basic tenets to consider when discussing 'beauty' namely:
1)Minor Tenets
2)Major Tenets
The MINOR: also come with two kinds namely
a) People's views
b) Public wants
» People's view: These explains the concept "What They Want". Every individual big or small have their perception about beauty and these preconceptional knowledge of what beauty is differs from one individual to another. And these individuals often expect you to conform to their idea of beauty before you are tagged beautiful. Today the public see beyonce, Rihanna and Kardashian as a definition of beauty. Beauty to them is long hair, straight legs, voluptuous body, smooth face, pointed nose and glossy lips and the faces of top models. But these criteria spokes nothing if the self confidence of the subject in question is absent.
» Public View: these take on the concept of "what we want". Upper foundation, Mary Kay, Geo Palette, Mascara and Elf Fresh-Face are cosmetic ideas created by our society and it is fast becoming a societal norm that if not applied on your face then you aren't beautiful. These actually moved us from what beauty really is, in the essence ladies now base their confidence on these kits and lack confidence when its not on their face. These ideas end up masking her up, though she comes out with so much aura and grace but gets knocked down when not applied. The initiators of these beauty make-up ideas had succeeded in popularizing this concept and also planted these ideas into our mind with adverts of top models and super-stars wearing them. These ideas had drawn so many into its illusion of what beauty truly is.
MAJOR: entails self confidence, it connote the concept of me, myself and I. It entails your own boundaries. This talks about self knowledge and being yourself with your head held high acknowledging your powers and acceptance of yourself as beautiful and representing yourself in and out without conforming to what beauty holds for the society. And these to me is beauty.
#Josephine & #Michael
Friday, September 12, 2014
To one woman you are expected to become a soldier, but yet a man of peace,
to always fight for her love having in mind that other guys are in constant training to take her away from you. Then protect her heart so she will never be hurt again, but we all know it's a sacrifice that require the personality of an old fashion working man, which means you won't be home like you use to, On the phone like you use to, and make your presence count too.
What other way could you live life with no fears that she would never disappear, and show you big time that she cares and is never appear insecure.
Don't blink when rumors flies about you, don't panic about the lies they will fill her ears against you, because they must come.
Some of these lie would be that you are no different for all this others guys, then come home sooner to make her realize that life's just a contest and she happens
to be your prize.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
- joy Gomes
Most Americans have become "Zombified" and oblivious to the current state of war against the citizens of the U.S., and all citizens in the West as a confluence of preplanned events begin to accelerate to an orchestrated, life changing end of the lifestyles and freedoms to which we've become accustomed. There is a palpable escalation of events that lead to the inescapable conclusion that none of this is happening by accident, but by plan. We have been engaged in a covert global war by proxy, however this global war is now beginning to become more overt as situations continue to heat-up in Ukraine, Syria and all across the Middle East. The globalists are pushing and instituting their technocracy through gunboat diplomacy, tied directly to the U.S. dollar, which is facing its own death at the hands of these neo- Satanic globalists. America's sovereignty and very existence is at stake. The United States military is being systematically dismantled from within by these same Satanic globalists who are creating untenable positions for those who reject orders of subjugation to a world power. Ranking officers within the military who refuse to forsake their oaths to the U.S. Constitution are being dispelled and identified as threats. Military personnel are beginning to realize their expendability, and might soon experience the same under this regime of tyranny. There is the pathogenic Ebola nightmare that is taking place throughout Africa and in select cities across the world that also threatens us in the U.S. and all across the West. Medical surveillance of the various Ebola variations suggest potential if not real weaponization. We are witnessing the convergence of events, a series of preplanned and orchestrated crises, that will impact every person on this planet. We need to be in a state of spiritual, mental and practical state of readiness as everything is in motion for the crescendo of events.
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