Thursday, September 18, 2014
Like the saying "beauty is in the eye of the holder" but there is more to it that meets the eye. Beauty is confidence and confidence stirs from the satisfaction one holds about self. Though people hold various conceptions about beauty but despite what people think, what matters most is what beauty holds for you. Beauty simply implies appearing confident and being convicted that you are unique and that uniqueness is beautiful no matter what beauty holds for the public. Since beauty and confidence circumvents then there is two basic tenets to consider when discussing 'beauty' namely:
1)Minor Tenets
2)Major Tenets
The MINOR: also come with two kinds namely
a) People's views
b) Public wants
» People's view: These explains the concept "What They Want". Every individual big or small have their perception about beauty and these preconceptional knowledge of what beauty is differs from one individual to another. And these individuals often expect you to conform to their idea of beauty before you are tagged beautiful. Today the public see beyonce, Rihanna and Kardashian as a definition of beauty. Beauty to them is long hair, straight legs, voluptuous body, smooth face, pointed nose and glossy lips and the faces of top models. But these criteria spokes nothing if the self confidence of the subject in question is absent.
» Public View: these take on the concept of "what we want". Upper foundation, Mary Kay, Geo Palette, Mascara and Elf Fresh-Face are cosmetic ideas created by our society and it is fast becoming a societal norm that if not applied on your face then you aren't beautiful. These actually moved us from what beauty really is, in the essence ladies now base their confidence on these kits and lack confidence when its not on their face. These ideas end up masking her up, though she comes out with so much aura and grace but gets knocked down when not applied. The initiators of these beauty make-up ideas had succeeded in popularizing this concept and also planted these ideas into our mind with adverts of top models and super-stars wearing them. These ideas had drawn so many into its illusion of what beauty truly is.
MAJOR: entails self confidence, it connote the concept of me, myself and I. It entails your own boundaries. This talks about self knowledge and being yourself with your head held high acknowledging your powers and acceptance of yourself as beautiful and representing yourself in and out without conforming to what beauty holds for the society. And these to me is beauty.
#Josephine & #Michael
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