I love Economics because it's applicability to all aspects of life is mindblowing. Many would agree with me that demand and supply in a capitalist State is influenced by price. Earth plain will always be liberal with its universal laws applicable to dick, Tom and Harry and one of those laws is higher the price the lower the quantity demanded; the lower the price the higher the quantity demanded is just as potent as the law of thermodynamic, law of gravity and law of motion. When the commodity is a woman; her beauty, appearance, self-discovery, personal development, intellect and *moral standards determines her value in the social market; she gets less toasters according the highs in these above listed because cheap things appeal more to the masses and when the masses can't afford her, they descend lower to what they can rather afford. Her limited toasters at that point in time might not be in her list of preference but she will always have factors influencing her worth in the social market place:
And these Factors influencing her price in the social market is as follows:
The inner needs and environmental influence her circularly causal, meaning they influence themselves. Inner needs influence environmental influence and environmental influence influences inner needs and vice versa.
Her inner needs are also separated into two which are:
Her inner needs are also separated into two which are:
A) Her desperation for companionship;
B) Desperate chase against Time.
A) Companionship:
At a given time human needs stirs the women up and push them out of their comforts to get that which they need and secure survival for themselves. Eg. The early man needed food, water and shelter.. And these needs are what fuels his thinking to start looking for it. Many would say I've drifted from discussing woman to men discussion but one thing leads to another. Now woman's desperate need for companionship starts at a point in her life time; these needs creates for her thoughts of what to do to attract men to herself, the intensity of these needs determines how she will appear in the social market with little or no thought who she is attracting.
B) Time: women are seasonal, just like "Tomato Jos" appeared fresh and clean the first time, after three days it won't look as attractive as before. Woman have three decades to shine and out shine but after that period as long as other things remains equal eg. Reproduction; younger competitors will flood our clubs, churches, school and streets constituting the four chambers of our social market. The more her biological time ticks the more she would want to loosens those code of conducts that made her who she truly is.
And Two Outer influence namely:
A) Societal norms and expectations
B) Peer groups
Societal norms and expectations:
Let me firstly discuss the norm and expetation.
As our society advances worn out norms and expectations are replaced with new ones. One of those norms is that every girl at the age of 12 upwards is expected to have a boyfriend and any girl at the age range of 18 upwards is expect to be having sex and having some good fun; any one seen without these traits are alienated and seen to be coming from the Moon. Her reasons are irrelevant. These creates sense of social abandonment which is dreaded by many; and only few can weather the storms it throws at the soul.
That's right! Ladies from the age of 25 are expected to be bringing in suitors irrespective anything. Most woman cannot curtail the needs of no calls, no admirers, no suitors while pursuing their passion in life(most times a dream, God or the combination of the two). These factor smoke her out of her closet.
Peer Groups: this one constitute your cousins, friends, church members, group members, room mates, yard gal, street friends, course mates, choir group members whose impacts are greatly seen all over you. They install their deadly thought pattern into you and you take them without properly scrutinizing it. Like scratched CD plate when their dancing motion images will be displaying in the television of your reality no one will be able to figure out the content you're being made up of.
Finally, most ladies are rich without knowing it, they qualify riches to be their appearance, friends and the kind of guy dating them but the universe sees things differently. That is why Nazereth became the only city where the Savior of the world could be born. Because they were morally rich. To me high moral standard is a woman's greatest wealth. In economics there are luxuries and cheap commodities eg Lamborghini as compared to Camry, I-phone 6 as compared to Techno Phantom. Now luxuries are meant for wealthy few, while cheap things are meant for the masses, no wonder cheap gals like Tecno are the majority in our society today as they dress skimpy walking the streets in their various classes attracting the majority morally wretched but maybe financial rich men.
- My advice is: as you are developing yourself, that special guy is also busy chasing his passion and when he needs a companion, you'll be the woman he will attract. Now, a lamborghini dealer won't because a Camry dealer sold 100 Camry at $10000 each everyday, for him to reduce his Lamborghini worth $250,000 to $10000 to measure up sales. That is arrant stupidity, but most ladies are that stupid too. Don't reduce your worth(moral standards) no matter the condition and time and one day that man who knows your true worth will grab you off the social market.
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