Monday, February 23, 2015
Some people fear coming to Africa because they think Africa to be a jungle where lions breed; some people's fear might not be lions and sea shores; it might be fear of making a mistake or being wrong and laughed at; my fear is that am scared to present an unpopular idea hence might be proven wrong. To some it is losing their reputation. Some people have made names and fear that they may drag their reputation to the mud thus made no giant step towards El-dorado. To some they can't risk a heart break. To some it is taking a stand on what is right; to some it is confronting the boss on issue of your concern; to some it is meeting the HOD for a consideration. Some fear emanate from a heart that have not drawn a line between comfort and love......they fear substituting comfort for love. Some fear comes along with anxiety that make us shiver during interviews. Some fear answering questions in classes, lecture hall and conference meetings. Some fear to ask questions hence remain ignorant. What you do and don't do are all yours, our fear do affect people's perception of us......most times we are seen as weaklings and incapable because of what we do or didn't do because of the grip of fear; fear want to stop you from contributing to yourself, people around you and even people in the hinterlands. No one wants to follow the fearful because they are void of faith. Fear can be rooted in our past and is flourishing in our present hindering our best results and dulling every moment. Now, what is your greatest fear? Fear is a monster, just like the orks in the movie "Lord of the Rings," it is manufactured in hell's gate, positioned as our daily companion by the enemy, they work to render us inadequate, any soul present in this earth plain must experience fear but your ability to deal with it as it live with you make you a mastermind. Anyone who have conquered fear are often lean on by others; you are considered a god and adored..some mistake fear to be an instinct: Fear give you reasons not to try but instinct tell you not to try without reasons. Just like your younger brother face fear and like Nike's logo "Just do it". Don't let bully you any more.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
In a world where there is season and time, where we need to sow before we reap; everyone who wants to reap in twos to 60, 70, and 100 folds needs help of various kind.
Help is an assistance needed to enable an accomplishment of a task. Everyone existing on this earth plain needs help, even the C.E.O needs the help of an office secretary to enhance his efficiency and productivity, he also needs the food produced in the remote part of the world and a cook to get it on his table; he is fighting against time and needs so much help to be effective. To put efficacy on display every organization needs a team of able players in the field helping out in a product. Christiano Rolando cannot score goals alone he needs help of other players to do so. Because planet earth is not void of challenges, each and everyone of us needs help, our imperfections demands it, even our ability, talent, power, influence has limits just as the day and night, seasons, space, resource, experience, skills and time is limited. If really you want to accomplish a task, solve a problem, get a goal, attain a height and achieve a dream then just bear in mind that you need some help from people higher and lower to enable you get to where you are going. If really you need some help, then render help to someone today; everything else is depending on everything else, nothing exist in isolation, you can only get help by asking but don't wait till you're asked before you render to help. In the presence of a pressing need when you decide to ask for help you are trying to solve a problem and when you decide not to, the problem remains sure to know that your decision is affecting someone in the remotest part of the world, just as you are banking on someone's decisions, someone is banking on yours too to succeed..... Successful people are people who strategically ask for help. You can be the middle man between God and that wo/man, boy and girls who needs help........helping humanity with all sincerity is practically helping God and will not go un-rewarded. Help someone today. A beggar in a Church gate didn't need money from Peter, though he asked for money but the actual thing he needed was his sight back to enable him help others too......... Identifying the actual problem is power in display and enhances your ability of getting what you want. Most of us have been asking for help in wrong directions for long.
When everyone is helping everyone; there will be less issue of crime, if and only if the real problem is identified.
Most people need a vision, a plan, a goal of some sought and not $100,000.. Just look for someone to help today; I need your help to share this post...
When everyone is helping everyone; there will be less issue of crime, if and only if the real problem is identified.
Most people need a vision, a plan, a goal of some sought and not $100,000.. Just look for someone to help today; I need your help to share this post...
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Marriage is the greatest institution in the world, where the Marsian and the Venusian come to a point of agreement to love and to hold and this great institution is ordained by God, sustained by love and maintained with understanding. This great institution if properly managed as planned by God solves 70% of the world problem. These great institution must ideally contain an ingredients of intellect, emotions, and will to sweeten and to enhance its aroma to the world beyond. To make your marriage to be classed as model of all, a man must be convinced intellectually that the woman who is his intending bride is the right one for him. He also would be involved emotionally and love her with all his heart, but marriage requires more than the intellect and the emotions. It also involves will.
It is not until the man and the woman as an act of the will commit themselves to each other before a minister or another person of authority that they become husband and wife. The two words "I do" make the difference.
Then after the "I do" in the congregation some husbands still go fort to liken their wife as a soup; demanding for variety; some will foolishly say there wife is a "Melon soup" hence they can't continue with a particular soup the rest of their life that they need a change of soup from time to time. Anyway, there are times I had wished that I would listen to my favorite song till infinite but as I realize that the more the satisfaction I derive from it, the more my urge to listen to it begins to diminish. Your wife shouldn't be liken to these things when you are committed to making your marriage work. In fact let her be that one soup with many different delicious taste everyday, let her song be that melody that will never fade in your mind. Let her snow remain solid in your heart; that is what marriage is meant to be. When your love for her is being guided in God's love, your marriage become new every morning with little to no boredom. The knowledge of yourself and that of your spouse have been inscribe in the Word of light which will illuminate your home with your willingness to exercise wisdom and understanding given to you by God through the Word. Now, your heart becomes a muscle that adds the greatest fiber to it when you exercise it by loving your wife the more. This love is being straightened by committing to love your her the more.
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