Marriage is the greatest institution in the world, where the Marsian and the Venusian come to a point of agreement to love and to hold and this great institution is ordained by God, sustained by love and maintained with understanding. This great institution if properly managed as planned by God solves 70% of the world problem. These great institution must ideally contain an ingredients of intellect, emotions, and will to sweeten and to enhance its aroma to the world beyond. To make your marriage to be classed as model of all, a man must be convinced intellectually that the woman who is his intending bride is the right one for him. He also would be involved emotionally and love her with all his heart, but marriage requires more than the intellect and the emotions. It also involves will.
It is not until the man and the woman as an act of the will commit themselves to each other before a minister or another person of authority that they become husband and wife. The two words "I do" make the difference.
Then after the "I do" in the congregation some husbands still go fort to liken their wife as a soup; demanding for variety; some will foolishly say there wife is a "Melon soup" hence they can't continue with a particular soup the rest of their life that they need a change of soup from time to time. Anyway, there are times I had wished that I would listen to my favorite song till infinite but as I realize that the more the satisfaction I derive from it, the more my urge to listen to it begins to diminish. Your wife shouldn't be liken to these things when you are committed to making your marriage work. In fact let her be that one soup with many different delicious taste everyday, let her song be that melody that will never fade in your mind. Let her snow remain solid in your heart; that is what marriage is meant to be. When your love for her is being guided in God's love, your marriage become new every morning with little to no boredom. The knowledge of yourself and that of your spouse have been inscribe in the Word of light which will illuminate your home with your willingness to exercise wisdom and understanding given to you by God through the Word. Now, your heart becomes a muscle that adds the greatest fiber to it when you exercise it by loving your wife the more. This love is being straightened by committing to love your her the more.
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