When i was in there, i mean in the world, we use to call love a game of conquest. You know, Men as Political animals said Aristotle, always look for means of creating their own Paradise on earth, they will assume kings then seek to become emperors, on that verge, they will besiege your kingdom, conquer it and march along to another kingdom. They do this to satisfy their ego, they want to proud amongst other emperors about how many kingdoms they have conquered. Men are simply conquerors, that is the reason the first toy a boy child uses is a gun. If his parents can't afford one, he will make one himself. We are quite looking for a difficult kingdom to conquer, that one difficult kingdom will remain precious in our eye and is worth staying with.
In this war there is one thing more important than killing, it is surviving. I will show you ways to stay alive, so that you will return home to embrace your biggest fan. Listen good:
1. SCIENCE OF TRUST: You said no man is worth trusting its a lie, some men can be trusted but you set yourself up for the wrong ones then we the unscrupulous ones will persuade you to surrender your trust without your knowledge. There's a science to get people to trust you, with women, its all about emotions and connection, we approach with confidence, then connect with a nice demeanor, a shared experiences and history. With a friendly outlook we set you off balance to diffuse aggression then start discussing emotional cramps, that will disarm you. Now you are open. We will examine the effect with what Sociologist call Gauchai's Reaction, in this we will watch out if you are in sync by checking if you will unconsciously start mimicking our gestures, reciprocating our head nod and our hand gestures. Then we step on to tell you how you've changed us and changed the way we see the world before a talisman of a gift to show that you have always been on our mind. You believed. Then we move to a kill.
2. DENIALISM THEORY: Attention is a currency a beautiful lady like you demands wherever you go. We most times deny paying attention to her and we will create a space to win your ace. We will go straight among beautiful ladies greeting all except our target, in essence denying her the attention she seek. Firstly she will harbour our thought for long in her mind in essence getting our attention becomes a price she will be fighting for hence rendering her defences porous. There are exceptions, she may go seeking for revenge in some cases which is likely a weakness.
3. FOCUS THEFT: Your kingdom is only guided by one army and that is your focus.. once Your focus is being diverted, your heart remains unguarded. It becomes a target for his cupid arrow. First of all it begins with a battle of words, a battle for information, of scent, of resources. We gain what your wants are, then that will be used to get you focusing on the wrong direction as we gain access to your heart. So, before you fall in love. Make sure he is not yet another conqueror but a noble man worth falling for.
4. SUGGESTIONS: The knowledge of this was gotten from psychological concept. Human are psychological wired to unconsciously adopt that which surrounds them. That which they see and hear. For us its all about priming you, programming your subconscious by making suggestions of how we want you to act and what we expect of you. There are suggestion everywhere, on the flower vase, on the pictures on his wall. Even the music we play when you visit us.
5. BELIEF SYSTEM: Your belief system is your shield, it shields you away from your enemies. It becomes your home and a shelter when you sleep. Life is a constant struggle, like Rene Descartes the great Philosopher puts it doubt all your beliefs and exercise its strength in the battlefield, get your values right and it will become the drone to garner information from your enemies in form of discernment and also become a wall strong enough not to be easily conquered, when you don't, it becomes only a blanket to keep you warm and easily penetrated.
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