From the moon and back human will always be different and that difference is beyond the facial uniqueness of everyone, there are always some stuffs that can differentiate identical twins. And that thing can never be underestimated. We all have different believe, values, personality, background and ideas, and view stand point(Principles of life) these differences gives us a perceived differences which often results to conflicts
As a potential conflict resolutor paramount to mind should be to resolute conflicts and reach settlement; and to keep violent and wasteful conflicts behind bars and never allow matters escalate. These are the possible ways to go about it:
This strategy is often a medium where people come to iron out there differences. At this conjuncture people take note of the other parties opinion and see the light from each others different point of view. We oftem judge people people and events based on assumptions but with dialogue the parties involved would talk and get each other clearly well. These requires an open mind.
» Be Rational
Create no room for sentiment, look beyond the fogs of perception and see the reality because the parties involved clouded with their false perception of the event which is contrary to reality, so understanding this truism will make you explicitly explain the reality to them without sentiment or prejudice. Show no preferences, give sound judgement based on concrete and sound information gathered. The mediator must be trusted and respected.
» Seek Concialation: Concialation is more like mediation but in this case another dimension is proferred to the parties involved. Another alternative is being given, for example, two people fighting over a shop might be offered yet another shop. For people disagreeing over an idea, yet another idea is offered.
Impose Solution: in some cases, people are indifferent about issue and don't even have grounds or most times fail to accept the reality because of pride and would rather love imposition before they accept the resolution. As a conflict resolutor you need to separate individuals from the situation on ground, scrutinize the matter and know the psychological ground your clients are standing on before imposing a solution on them.
»Recognise Emotions:
A renouned psychologist recognised the fact that we are emotional creatures hence logically looking into facts directly I.e bring rational may not be adequate in resolving most conflicts because the percieved fact is being painted by emotions, so endeavor to empathize with them by seeing the situation the way the other person sees it before overwhelming them with suggested facts which would solve the conflict.
»Think Critically and Be Creative:
In resolving conflict, a person need to think beyond the box coupled with an application of creativity. Making people feel important might be an added advantage because people yearn to be praised so begin conflict resolution on a friendly note, show respect to their opinion and show some sincerity and never you argue, make them see you as a friend and not an enemy to avoid. Look for chance to settle the conflict and not fault seeking. Look at virtues and not exposing a person's faults and wrongs.
»Talk About Your Own Mistakes/ Conflicts
People want to see that the person resolving their conflict is not an alien but human who had had his/her own share of conflicts. Discuss your own issues and how it was resolved. They long to hear it
»Be A Good Listener:
Listen to them, give them your maximuim attention and don't show preferences to any one of them.
Learn to Use Words:
Words are the most creative device by humanity, almost everyone creates words out of the mind, use words that soothes pain and calm ranging enotions, not based on faults and criticism but rather select your words.
Negotiate A Win Win Policy
Make it a win win thing and everyone would be happy.
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