Friday, October 24, 2014
After years gone off the honey moon's lane, the moment after the poison of the cupid arrow begin to fade away, men wake from the long term sleep poised by love, his suspended consciousness begin to return, then the man begin to observe your little flaws, instead of remaining helpless or to spend forever checking the marriage certificate for the marriage expiring date; here are things many wives did that kept wheeling the ride.
1. Start Making His Favorite Meal:
Though at the onset a man feels satisfied by your voluptuous body and pretty face and decided to settle with you, if you don't satisfy his stomach then you are likely inviting trouble. His eye may play trick on him and make him ask your hand in marriage but his stomach is topping the list of the reasons whether you will be staying close to his heart or not.
2. Check Your Attitude:
During this period no matter the character he throws at you, standing for the right attitude elevates your inside game. A negative attitude is below the horizon...a place for lonesome hearts. Neither will swearing and nagging make your argument valid; it just tells him that you have lost your class and control. Ignore the negative voice inside you and focus on your strengths...... which is to keep loving.
3. Check Your Appearances
Women often think that the ultimate of their looking good game is to win the ring and when they are finally in his house, there is no point setting any other new fashion goals. That's wrong........ Ask him how he wants you to look or just don't stop looking good till you start stealing not his money but his attention.
4. Satisfy His Quest for Intellect
A hungry man is an angry man, he may not be hungry for food but he may be yearning for intelligence...... become one, research for him, give him brilliant answers, you are his helper not only to do his laundry or cook his food, he needs your intelligent just as America needs the C.I.A.
5. Show His Relatives Some Respect:
Show some respect to his relatives most especially his mother, she is the one who nurtured out the man he is.
6. Revisit Your Dreams and Aspiration:
life is just but a dream, if you sit in the ivory tower of comfort and usher your food and love one day he will keep stirring at your face like a billboard for those dreams you told him while at the park, in CDS, eatery or in college. Revisit your dreams, men like women with drives to accomplish dreams
7. Men love a listener:
No matter how much you want your opinion to push through, listen to his details and don't counter them. Ogechy Cynthia Eze : 2014)
8. How Deep Is Your Bedlife:
He is hungry yet there is one important food that stirs his soul, don't starve him of it no matter what happens, I guess you get the gist.
Sure, sex isn't everything. But a complete lack of it could spell the end of a marriage.
9. Improve Your Prayer Life
A godless woman is very clueless and doesn't have a belief system and could spell a disaster for a man. Prayerful woman is filled with answers because God will never fail her.
10. Make Him Feel Important
Show some gratitude for even the little things he did for the family not just only when he showed you kindness, honor him, care for him, remain boastful of your man even though all he gave you was a kiss.
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