Tuesday, October 28, 2014
You are your wife's knight in shining armor, her super-hero, the person she turns to first and always. I guess as her superman you ought to save her every moments, then read on as you put on your red cape, on the verge not only to save the world but your marriage.
1). Why not Hanger Out At Home
When your home becomes a favorite place to hang out it reassures your wife of the commitment you made to love and to hold. When you walk through the door and greet her with a kiss, she knows she's loved.
2). Keep Your Wondering Eye Off The Big Booty Gal:
Oh yes, your wife is a hell smart of a woman, because even when you think she's not watching, her instincts are still intact, don't even border to tell her how nice that girl is, she reads everything intoto and admiring other girls is gonna cut the silk thread binding the two of you together. She's the only one you should be looking at, get used to it for your marriage sake.
3). Protect Her By Firstly Protecting Yourself:
Many would say "that is too selfish" but your woman knows she feels safest when she knows that she is in your hands and that you are in God's hands. Get the spiritual compass well figured and she knows you can lead the family all the way
4). Be a Good Protector
You don't need to slay orks, dragons or vikings hordes to be a good protector, just start taking preventive measures.
Stop asking her if the door is locked, go and check for yourself, seeing you check that the doors are locked, that the cars are parked well, check if the keys are hanging where they are suppose to be. All these has some unseen emotional effect on your wife.
5. Be Your Wife's Advocate:
Your sisters, brothers, friends and mom, yes your mother, may think your wife is a terrible housekeeper, but it is not their house anyway, it's hers and yours. If at all she is the apple of your eye. Let all of them know that anyone who attacks your wife is biting your eye and I guess that's not funny, You chose her out of 4billion other gals and that doesn't mean she's perfect but she's your Angel. Who doesn't want to be at the side of an angel. What other way would you rather be there for her if not in "so, so and so" moments like this. And if they say she gave you a love portion then do it for love's sake. Visit your mom next time and she will see a brave heart who does for his wife what your dad couldn't do for her.
6) She Loves a Brave Heart.
We are rooting for ways to become the super-hero our wife would be proud of, but first of all you need to know what creates an impression for her. When you have the courage to stand up for what's right, when you give of yourself in service to humanity, when you love kids and help the needy, that is bravery.
7). Be Her Mirror
Even if you decide to place mirrors in every turn your wife makes, it's always going to be certain that she will be longing to hear from you how she's dressed. After all she worked all these hard for you. In every women, big and small; young and old is a little girl dressed in pink hoping her man will tell her how beautiful she looks. Be creative in this; place nice words inside her bag, shoe or get her a key holder that write "my wife is a key to my chest"
8). Forgive Her:
The fountain of a peaceful home flourishes in the spring of forgiveness, great husbands forgive their wife even before they offend them. They know she's not a perfect freak, she's human, love her perfect imperfections.
Every woman young and old are prophets, your wife can tell what can become of your plan, she knows what's wrong and where and how, they are more detailed than you. Bring down your proud and value her opinion.
10). How Going is The Bed Ride:
The reason for some quarrels, nagging and sudden anger is not just the present occurrence, most times those ones are in the surface, it has a root cause. It may be unsatisfied sex, average sex, or even too much of it. Don't shy away from these deal with it. Get quick solutions to keep wheeling the ride.
This is the first X(ten) codes. Watch out for the next episode which will bear the rest of the X its gonna be explosive.
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