Love and comfort are two important stuffs in a relationship, for the ladies, they watch out for these two things before venturing into any relationship. When we talk of comfort, we talk of being in a relationship with a man in possession of a beautiful apartment, a nice car, a good paying job and a good sum in the bank. And love comprises a man whose heart is a fountain that flows kindness, care, cheerfulness, sincerity in compliment and goodwill.
Life is in a balance and not all men with love can give you comfort; which means some may have the comfort but lacks the ability to issue out the love.
Notwithstanding few can afford the both intact. Though some guys can guarantee you love and also had ready their jet pack and have strapped it to their back about to take off to the stars to grab that dream, that vision, that comfort you needed and most of them are expecting you to believe in them and also support them to get the comfort you needed.
There are some men too who have this whole pie-in-the-sky dream, but are still sitting down stirring at the stars.
Most times paramount in most women's mind is comfort and they expect love latter which never comes. It should be vice-versa, search for the men who have the ability to love and is ever ready to get the comfort and shun the others who aren't got a vision, a dream, a laid down plan to get you that comfort; but if you still see men with both then thank your stars.
Though you may have seen or known a lady who had firstly seeked love and not comfort but later when the guy found riches he left her for another lady who he think matches his present status. My advice is: don't just look for the love and forget to look for the signs. Signs like: if he is into Christ and ready to walk with God or not; is he yet to discover himself and is still looking for a lady to keep him company for the mean time; is he ready for a relationship or is he still womanizing around. These are signs you watch out for and they are always glaring to you but your inner needs and wants and desperation to fall in love blinds you from these signs.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Happy James
I do hope you were blessed by the part 1 of this series. Let me stress at this point that life is all about belief. No matter what you stand for, there's something you believe and that's what colours your life.
If your life is ruled by doubts, you'll end up living in a vicious cycle of problems and that will create more negative thoughts. More negative beliefs will make your condition worse. The end result is, your subconscious picks up on those negative beliefs and negative thoughts and makes your life miserable.
Every time you have a negative thought, you direct your subconscious to make your life more and more difficult. However, there's a better way to live your life: live a life of believing God for everything He has promised. Jesus said everything is possible to anyone who believes. Just keep believing and God will do the rest.
I declare to you: this year God will take you to a new level in every area of your life in Jesus' Name.
"the evidence of things not seen."
~Hebrew 11:1b~
If truly we are living in visual world then what did you see? what are you seeing, what have you seen? Certainly it is what we see that rules us; with our eye being the mouth, we swallow all we saw into our heart, we get to respond to it and In most cases we react to it. What you have seen in the past have help shape you into who you are now. What we see become the experience that create for us beliefs which determines our behavior. Now, what are you seeing? To those of us in the Middle East it is ISIS, to us all in Nigeria it is Boko Haram, and the upcoming Election; to the Philippine folks, it is the Chinese claiming their Island and the Moslems fighting for supremacy. What we see do create most of our fears, doubt and anxiety, it determines our mood at every given time. What did you like seeing? Some of us love seeing pornography and skimpy dressed women. what you love seeing fuels your desire and determine your drive, strive to see healthy things that will add positively to your life. Now, what did you see in yourself? What is your self image telling you? What you see is what you project to the world and it will determine how they will see you, either bold ot timid. Did you see a Queen wearing a golden crown, a weakling, inadequate being, a genius. For me I can see a winner, a wealthy wo/man, a hero, a Champion, a Star, a King.
Even if you don't see yourself sitting in grandiose throne of a king or queen surrounded with guards. Or you didn't see much money in your bank account Please don't depend on what you see outwardly, rather depend on the unseen; that is your faith put to work, remember that is the only way to please God. When you didn't see Jesus around you in your most travail moment even after you've fasted, when you see pains all around you, when you didn't see His hands in your business. Faith makes you see Him inside of you, faith make you see Jesus working in your favor, faith make you see Him bring in your miracle, faith makes you see Him working out your favor, faith makes you see Him fighting in your battle. "For we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Cor 5:7) Again, what did you see?
Monday, March 16, 2015
The tongue of my mind is in my hands, putting down down the feelings my lips can't say.
When burden fills my heart and my eyes are wet, through my rise and fall with you I can tell.
My darkest secret with you I can share, for with my poetic license, I can hide my pains in each word.
Strong I'm not, weak I am not, forgotten i may be, but to die I refuse for every day, I fight to live! I am resilience!The past and future with you I can rewrite. When stars begin to twinkle, I see power in my hands.
You are the words of the dumb and the eyes of the deaf... On and on I could go with you in my hands.
When my pen is in my hands, I begin to free.
A pen is sharper than the sword, my pen is my freedom!
Written by Vickie Ara Otono
Sunday, March 15, 2015
By Oluwatola Toluwani Ifeoluwa:
headlines across various stations reechoed in my heart THE
Donetsk, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and our own Nigeria, the
world is experiencing unprecedented violence like never
before. Peace appears to have evaded the world and there
seem to be no hope of return to normalcy. This reminded
me of what the Lord Jesus said to his disciples asked him
when the end of times shall be:
"And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye
not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end
shall not be yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and
kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in
divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these
are the beginnings of sorrows. But take heed to yourselves:
for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the
synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought
before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against
them." Mark 13:7-9.
In a moment, the trumpet shall sound and the fearful and
dreadful tribulation will be unleashed when the remnants
will be required to pay for their salvation with their blood,
may we not be partakers of such! Concluding with the words
of the author of Hebrews: "Let us therefore fear, lest, a
promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you
should seem to come short of it".
8 hrs · Friends of Friends
I effortlessly laboured to keep the thoughts off my heart as I
watched international news yester night. All the newsheadlines across various stations reechoed in my heart THE
Donetsk, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and our own Nigeria, the
world is experiencing unprecedented violence like never
before. Peace appears to have evaded the world and there
seem to be no hope of return to normalcy. This reminded
me of what the Lord Jesus said to his disciples asked him
when the end of times shall be:
"And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye
not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end
shall not be yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and
kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in
divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these
are the beginnings of sorrows. But take heed to yourselves:
for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the
synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought
before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against
them." Mark 13:7-9.
In a moment, the trumpet shall sound and the fearful and
dreadful tribulation will be unleashed when the remnants
will be required to pay for their salvation with their blood,
may we not be partakers of such! Concluding with the words
of the author of Hebrews: "Let us therefore fear, lest, a
promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you
should seem to come short of it".
8 hrs · Friends of Friends
There is always a void in every man or woman who have accepted Christ not as their Lord to rule over them but as their personal savior to always cleanse them of their sins........ Those who follow the personality of Jesus without following his principles. They believe that Christ is a lamp unto their feet but know not that the lamp are instructions to follow; principles to keep, laws to abide. These are brethren who the Lord is their Shepherd because Psalms 23 said so but they don't know the Shepherd personal. that void is filled with fear which results to selfishness that leads to sin.
Some people fear coming to Africa because they think Africa to be a jungle where lions breed; some people's fear might not be lions and sea shores; it might be fear of making a mistake or being wrong and laughed at. You gravitate around that which you most secretly harbour in your deepest mind.
My fear is that am scared to present an unpopular idea hence might be proven wrong. To some it is losing their reputation. I see fear as dead in faith; I see fear as a dark wind circling the mind, making our body shiver in anxiety; but a little courage blows it away.
Some people have made names and fear that they may drag their reputation to the mud thus made no giant step towards El-dorado. To some they can't risk a heart break. To some it is fear of taking a stand on what is right; to some it is confronting the boss on issue of concern; to some it is meeting the HOD for a consideration. While some are scared they would age without getting married. Fear like siamese twin is stopping your progression.... Perform a surgery in your mind. acceleration
No matter what you are scared of there are people who have seen thesame and still overcame. Fear is an acronym: False Evidence appearing Real but no matter what you fear be it little or huge, you will always attract that which you fear (Job 3:25) because it occupies a large part of your mind, become a believe to you, shape your behaviors and determines your actions.
Some fear emanate from a heart that have not drawn a line between comfort and love......they fear substituting comfort for love. They fear the future, that is, what will become of them if they should marry for love without comfort in sight. Seek ye love and comfort will follow; but if you seek comfort without love in sight; you may spend forever not knowing what love is. But if you see both, thank God.
Some fear comes along with anxiety that make us shiver during interviews. Some fear answering questions in classes, lecture hall and conference meetings. Some fear to ask questions hence remain ignorant. What you do and don't do are all yours, our fear do affect people's perception of us......
Most times we are seen as weaklings and incapable because of what we do or didn't do, reasons be that fear can't loosen its grip on us; fear want to stop you from contributing to yourself, people around you and even people in the hinterlands. Your fear is distorting what might be of favour to someone you don't know.
No one wants to follow the fearful because they are void of faith. Fear can be rooted in our past and is flourishing in our present hindering our best results and dulling our every moment. Now, what is your greatest fear?
As our eye forcefully blinks in the face of dangeto prevent dust or stick from entering our eye, psychological fear is a reflex action that reminds us that what we are going to face is beyond our experience, skills, ability, strength, resources, energy etc. But God tells us that we can do all things with Christ that strengthens us.
Fear is a monster, just like the orks in the movie "Lord of the Rings," it is manufactured in hell's gate, positioned as our daily companion by the enemy, they work to render us inadequate, help us make the wrong decisions, take the wrong step off our destiny lane. Any soul present on this earth plain must experience fear but your ability to deal with it as it live with you make you a mastermind.
Anyone who have conquered fear are often lean on by others: for hope, for comfort, for guidance; you are considered a god and adored..why not become this person.
Some mistake fear to be an instinct: Fear give you reasons not to try but instinct tell you not to try without reasons. Fear wants to direct our life; it wants to control us Just like instructing a little child; its time to turn the tables around. Face fear and like Nike's logo "Just do it". Don't let fear bully you any more.
You maybe saved from darkness but as humans the devil mounts the spirit of fear to monitor our faith and when we are void of faith it enters and starts its mighty torment. God have not given us the spirit of fear but of a sound mind.
When you're void of faith you are full of fear; no wonder you're fearful. Fear opens the door of your mind and grant all evil pattern access. All evil seeds of the enemy need fear to till the garden of your mind for them to take root.
Your life is a chain of decisions leading to your destiny; devil wants to distract and sidetrack us by altering our decisions with fear.
When God sowed words of faith in the garden of your mind; the enemy sowed fear by night; don't allow fear to overshadow your faith; weed them away from time to time for you to make a heavy harvest.
Get your heart activated by faith not fear.
Letting your fear up is practically letting God down.
Your fears give you logical reasons to act or not to act; always bank in God's assurances.
Fear reminds you of God's silence to your needs and get you to doubt his existence; hold tight and know this: if fear can speak then God have spoken in his Words so just believe God.
Fear might offer best solutions but not right solutions; it might lead to temporary happiness but permanent problems; faith brings Issac; fear gives us Ishmael.
Fear reminds you that you're time bound; faith reminds you of eternity.
Fear tell you that you're just existing on your own; faith reminds you that you're living and have a Father who cares.
Fear reminds you that time is against you; faith assures you that God is a bender of time, with Him time is for you.
Fear makes you want it sharp sharp; faith reminds you of God's will which is a process.
Fear gives you reasons to die, fail, kill
Faith gives you reason to live; succeed and impact.
Fear shows mental pictures of seen and forseen; faith shows you the picture of the seen and the unseen.
Fear is negative; faith is positive.
Fear makes you selfish; faith makes you selfless.
Fear is lust base; faith is love based.
Fear makes you feel lone; tired and worn; faith makes you feel God's presence and uplifted.
Fear pleases the devil; faith pleases God.
Fear is terrifying; faith is encouraging.
Fear tears apart; faith restores.
Fear renders us useless; faith makes us useful
Fear makes one to take, take, take and forgets; faith give, give and forgives.
Fear needs a shield of ego; faith's shield becomes love.
Fear act out of emotions; faith act out of the spirit.
Fear delivers curses; faith delivers promises of God.
Share if you can!!!!
Sunday, March 8, 2015
The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
I am sure that all of us knows the purpose of our Cell Phone; some of us don't even need the manual to know. We use it to make calls, send text messages and also access the internet. We know the purpose of our Television, our Home theatre, our DVD player. The purpose of our jewelry, pants and undies. We understand the purpose of our cushions, bed and kitchen unit; we do use them but most of us don't know and understand the purpose of our highest used device. The device that enabled us use other things. Most of us don't know the purpose for our life; we abuse our life; we use our life for experiment. We use it to do all manner of wrong things. To lie, to fornicate, to bear malice, to curse other lives; feel puffed up, to break rules, to stock money for ourselves, to seek power and respect etc.....until we get it complicated.
But you know when my TV got spoiled, if I still have a warranty; I will get a repair or a replacement from the manufacturer but the warranty is for a given time, so when it gets spoiled outside the warranty then I have to repair it elsewhere but trying to fix it myself is a heck; when our life get complicated we think we can fix it ourselves when God our manufacturer have given us an unlimited warrant to look new again spiritually (2 Cor 5:17). Each time we try to get to fix our life ourselves we complicate it the more.
Our life is in three Dimension; we have the physical, spiritual and the eternal life. Our physical life is our awareness; our spiritual is hidden away from us and our eternal life is a life beyond our world. Now, our spiritual life is more real than our physical life because it controls the physical realm but based on what our awareness take in to it. We are physically aware of things we do; our spirit justifies it, then faces its reward at the end ot time is our eternal life.....our physical life have limits. Just like my Laptop, I know that my life have a limited time to stay on earth (Psalms 90:10) before it folds into the eternal realm; I know that my laptop is making me proud, it helped me accomplish a whole lot of projects that gave me glories I never returned back to it. It served its purpose till it broke down. Within the given time I will spend in this world what purpose have my life served my creator and the world I was brought into? Is it for good or for bad? Did it build or did it destroy? Did it impact lives or did it break hearts; did it encourage or did it discourage; Was it negative or positive?
When all the cell in my laptop got expired and the life got terminated; I simply bought a new one but I can't buy a new physical life. Learn to know the purpose of your life; learn to always get to service it with the Word of God. I don't know about you but I lay my life for Christ, I want to get polished with His word and shine to His Glory. Remain blessed!!!!!!
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
I am sure that all of us knows the purpose of our Cell Phone; some of us don't even need the manual to know. We use it to make calls, send text messages and also access the internet. We know the purpose of our Television, our Home theatre, our DVD player. The purpose of our jewelry, pants and undies. We understand the purpose of our cushions, bed and kitchen unit; we do use them but most of us don't know and understand the purpose of our highest used device. The device that enabled us use other things. Most of us don't know the purpose for our life; we abuse our life; we use our life for experiment. We use it to do all manner of wrong things. To lie, to fornicate, to bear malice, to curse other lives; feel puffed up, to break rules, to stock money for ourselves, to seek power and respect etc.....until we get it complicated.
But you know when my TV got spoiled, if I still have a warranty; I will get a repair or a replacement from the manufacturer but the warranty is for a given time, so when it gets spoiled outside the warranty then I have to repair it elsewhere but trying to fix it myself is a heck; when our life get complicated we think we can fix it ourselves when God our manufacturer have given us an unlimited warrant to look new again spiritually (2 Cor 5:17). Each time we try to get to fix our life ourselves we complicate it the more.
Our life is in three Dimension; we have the physical, spiritual and the eternal life. Our physical life is our awareness; our spiritual is hidden away from us and our eternal life is a life beyond our world. Now, our spiritual life is more real than our physical life because it controls the physical realm but based on what our awareness take in to it. We are physically aware of things we do; our spirit justifies it, then faces its reward at the end ot time is our eternal life.....our physical life have limits. Just like my Laptop, I know that my life have a limited time to stay on earth (Psalms 90:10) before it folds into the eternal realm; I know that my laptop is making me proud, it helped me accomplish a whole lot of projects that gave me glories I never returned back to it. It served its purpose till it broke down. Within the given time I will spend in this world what purpose have my life served my creator and the world I was brought into? Is it for good or for bad? Did it build or did it destroy? Did it impact lives or did it break hearts; did it encourage or did it discourage; Was it negative or positive?
When all the cell in my laptop got expired and the life got terminated; I simply bought a new one but I can't buy a new physical life. Learn to know the purpose of your life; learn to always get to service it with the Word of God. I don't know about you but I lay my life for Christ, I want to get polished with His word and shine to His Glory. Remain blessed!!!!!!
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