"the evidence of things not seen."
~Hebrew 11:1b~
If truly we are living in visual world then what did you see? what are you seeing, what have you seen? Certainly it is what we see that rules us; with our eye being the mouth, we swallow all we saw into our heart, we get to respond to it and In most cases we react to it. What you have seen in the past have help shape you into who you are now. What we see become the experience that create for us beliefs which determines our behavior. Now, what are you seeing? To those of us in the Middle East it is ISIS, to us all in Nigeria it is Boko Haram, and the upcoming Election; to the Philippine folks, it is the Chinese claiming their Island and the Moslems fighting for supremacy. What we see do create most of our fears, doubt and anxiety, it determines our mood at every given time. What did you like seeing? Some of us love seeing pornography and skimpy dressed women. what you love seeing fuels your desire and determine your drive, strive to see healthy things that will add positively to your life. Now, what did you see in yourself? What is your self image telling you? What you see is what you project to the world and it will determine how they will see you, either bold ot timid. Did you see a Queen wearing a golden crown, a weakling, inadequate being, a genius. For me I can see a winner, a wealthy wo/man, a hero, a Champion, a Star, a King.
Even if you don't see yourself sitting in grandiose throne of a king or queen surrounded with guards. Or you didn't see much money in your bank account Please don't depend on what you see outwardly, rather depend on the unseen; that is your faith put to work, remember that is the only way to please God. When you didn't see Jesus around you in your most travail moment even after you've fasted, when you see pains all around you, when you didn't see His hands in your business. Faith makes you see Him inside of you, faith make you see Jesus working in your favor, faith make you see Him bring in your miracle, faith makes you see Him working out your favor, faith makes you see Him fighting in your battle. "For we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Cor 5:7) Again, what did you see?
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