There is always a void in every man or woman who have accepted Christ not as their Lord to rule over them but as their personal savior to always cleanse them of their sins........ Those who follow the personality of Jesus without following his principles. They believe that Christ is a lamp unto their feet but know not that the lamp are instructions to follow; principles to keep, laws to abide. These are brethren who the Lord is their Shepherd because Psalms 23 said so but they don't know the Shepherd personal. that void is filled with fear which results to selfishness that leads to sin.
Some people fear coming to Africa because they think Africa to be a jungle where lions breed; some people's fear might not be lions and sea shores; it might be fear of making a mistake or being wrong and laughed at. You gravitate around that which you most secretly harbour in your deepest mind.
My fear is that am scared to present an unpopular idea hence might be proven wrong. To some it is losing their reputation. I see fear as dead in faith; I see fear as a dark wind circling the mind, making our body shiver in anxiety; but a little courage blows it away.
Some people have made names and fear that they may drag their reputation to the mud thus made no giant step towards El-dorado. To some they can't risk a heart break. To some it is fear of taking a stand on what is right; to some it is confronting the boss on issue of concern; to some it is meeting the HOD for a consideration. While some are scared they would age without getting married. Fear like siamese twin is stopping your progression.... Perform a surgery in your mind. acceleration
No matter what you are scared of there are people who have seen thesame and still overcame. Fear is an acronym: False Evidence appearing Real but no matter what you fear be it little or huge, you will always attract that which you fear (Job 3:25) because it occupies a large part of your mind, become a believe to you, shape your behaviors and determines your actions.
Some fear emanate from a heart that have not drawn a line between comfort and love......they fear substituting comfort for love. They fear the future, that is, what will become of them if they should marry for love without comfort in sight. Seek ye love and comfort will follow; but if you seek comfort without love in sight; you may spend forever not knowing what love is. But if you see both, thank God.
Some fear comes along with anxiety that make us shiver during interviews. Some fear answering questions in classes, lecture hall and conference meetings. Some fear to ask questions hence remain ignorant. What you do and don't do are all yours, our fear do affect people's perception of us......
Most times we are seen as weaklings and incapable because of what we do or didn't do, reasons be that fear can't loosen its grip on us; fear want to stop you from contributing to yourself, people around you and even people in the hinterlands. Your fear is distorting what might be of favour to someone you don't know.
No one wants to follow the fearful because they are void of faith. Fear can be rooted in our past and is flourishing in our present hindering our best results and dulling our every moment. Now, what is your greatest fear?
As our eye forcefully blinks in the face of dangeto prevent dust or stick from entering our eye, psychological fear is a reflex action that reminds us that what we are going to face is beyond our experience, skills, ability, strength, resources, energy etc. But God tells us that we can do all things with Christ that strengthens us.
Fear is a monster, just like the orks in the movie "Lord of the Rings," it is manufactured in hell's gate, positioned as our daily companion by the enemy, they work to render us inadequate, help us make the wrong decisions, take the wrong step off our destiny lane. Any soul present on this earth plain must experience fear but your ability to deal with it as it live with you make you a mastermind.
Anyone who have conquered fear are often lean on by others: for hope, for comfort, for guidance; you are considered a god and adored..why not become this person.
Some mistake fear to be an instinct: Fear give you reasons not to try but instinct tell you not to try without reasons. Fear wants to direct our life; it wants to control us Just like instructing a little child; its time to turn the tables around. Face fear and like Nike's logo "Just do it". Don't let fear bully you any more.
You maybe saved from darkness but as humans the devil mounts the spirit of fear to monitor our faith and when we are void of faith it enters and starts its mighty torment. God have not given us the spirit of fear but of a sound mind.
When you're void of faith you are full of fear; no wonder you're fearful. Fear opens the door of your mind and grant all evil pattern access. All evil seeds of the enemy need fear to till the garden of your mind for them to take root.
Your life is a chain of decisions leading to your destiny; devil wants to distract and sidetrack us by altering our decisions with fear.
When God sowed words of faith in the garden of your mind; the enemy sowed fear by night; don't allow fear to overshadow your faith; weed them away from time to time for you to make a heavy harvest.
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