1. Your spirit holds a mirror up to others to see what your inside looks like. This mirror is the self image or avatar that people perceive of you through your behaviour and speeches.
2. Your values, your tastes, even your flaws flows out from your self image and reflect out of your unconscious behavior and speech, and are perceived by people as either courageous, charismatic and smart; or fearful, vulnerable, timid, desperate and weak.
3. We are most times unaware of how our self image looks like whether healthy or sick. When healthy it help us maneuver manipulations, that is when they are properly feed with good values. But work against us when sick, tired and worn, any man can trick you and break your heart.
4. Most times it is used against us depending on what we feed our self image with. We may feed it fat with junks of negative values, false beliefs and influences. A lady who thinks having sex with all the men will revenge a heartbreak is a victim. A lady who thinks all guys are the same is also.
5. Your self image attracts people your way if it is healthy and presentable and also chases people out if worn out. Because even in real life no one likes a timid and unkempt child.
6. When we fall in love, it is often with someone who seems to fill a gap we feel within. The process is usually unconscious and depends on luck: we wait for the right person to cross our path, and when we fall for them we hope they return our love.
7. But the dread seducer looks beyond the face to see your self image and having perceived its desperate wants and needs, weakness and vulnerability will not leave such things to chance, not even your beauty can save you. They will plunder and manipulate you based on their perceptions of you and make head way for heartbreak.
8. You feed your self image with selflove, thorough discipline and study to be perceived brave and awesome; for poised figures do have lifelong affairs with their own image to appear confident and influential; so
9. Let your yearning be of self development, feed your inner hunger with good values based on truth in the Bible not another lustful relationship. No one ever sees what is behind the mirror. They only notice Your change in character and attitude.
10. Also develop your Spiritual Intelligence. This is the most superior of all intelligence. In getting information from the beyond, it is even more effective than NASA. It plays a role of an inner satellite to draw information from Infinite Intelligence and even translate the thought of men to you in no time avoiding heartbreak. Jesus is the answer.
Check out the book unlock your hidden powers for more information to develop a healthy self image.
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