today's world falling in love is a matter of psychology than it is magical, while venturing in the course for love, the ideal path a Lover will take is the route that is not clearly seen, she aim to know his intentions firsthand, caring less of his words and conscious behavior because it could be deceptive. Remember history books are written by victors not heroines who die in battle field. This is the way to go:
You must be of Keen observation before you become his next victim, love is a game of power, don't get loose by a witty approach or a friendly outlook, make him your target. Before men ignite love in your heart, ignore your target's sugarcoated words but rather focus on their tone of voice, a blush here, a look there; root for those signs that give them away that their words won't naturally mention or speak. Where is their attention centered the most? In your cleavages, your waist, hips etc. Paying attention to their words alone is dangerous for words will always retain their power of influence to lure, to cause a sensation. Words are weapons to make you lower your defenses. Words offer the means to meaning and for those who listen, the enunciation of truth which could intently mean the opposite. Love and trust are more than words, they are perspectives, you don't throw yours around without inquiring from his perspective if really he meant every word he said. You have to aim to perceive from their perspectives for the realest things are not seen nor heard but human unconscious behaviors are predictive, men are seldom not aware of when they spell out this signs that shows what it is that they really want either your love or your body. Watch out for my next post for more practical and detailed signs.
There are things you can test waters, not in the matters of love, don't gamble love when you can get it right. If you are not yet sold away by nice appearance, large reputation, desperation from your path and psalms that even Magret Thatcher could fall to; you will see him looking at the odd spot on your body, you hear his husky and low voice etc. these signs are glaring. Root for them but Separate needs from wants, it plots against you.
Your needs are your necessities and reality, while your wants are desires and fantasies. What people especially women lack in life is not more reality but illusion, fantasy, play. We give it to YOU handy. Know what your fantasies are: is it a handsome guy, a wealthy man, a religious man, a very good bad guy. Separate the reality from the fantasies to get what is obtainable. Women are seldom delicate, your fantasies are predictable and men can forge them to look just like what you desired; I.e your prospective lover might use your fantasy to create an illusion you can never know until it is dawn on you the doom behind the games he had played leaving your heart broken. One of the illusions may be to turn you to be the chaser.
One of the biggest mistakes the nice girl makes is to compete with other women, most especially fashion and physique wise. She may ask him about another woman in the room, “Is she pretty?” just to find out what turns him on. Or, she may be competing with whatever she thinks he fantasizes about: a model, a centerfold, a stripper, or a porn star. Then she goes dressing like Beyonce, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, sexing like never before and stripping first before the sex without looking for the standards...... the real way of moderation which spells out the woman of dignity. Not creating a unique but a standard niche for yourself gives you away to him cheap, rather aim for the ideal.
Copy no one except the Most High but always remember: the script you were given in life by your environment (family, peers and friends) are not the role you have to accept to play in your life drama. You can always live out a role of your own creation, a role that fits not your fantasy but a role of goodness, of Christlike, of gracefulness, of power. That is the standards, It have greater benefits. Your fantasies are like wishes, no matter how you craft it, its like building on the air, it can't hold you for long. You can't even build love around it, it will collapse.
They are motivated and really excited to chase that which is denied them, we tend to impress, tease and please the more that which we cannot possess in full. Your greatest power in love game is your ability to turn away, to make us come after you, delaying our satisfaction. A man values that which took him time and resources to get because we hunt down and move fast to another game. But by delaying our gratification you tame us and indirectly convince us that you are worth breeding.
An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge said the wisest king that ever lived. Become spiritually and intellectually attractive and you never have to worry about any enigmas of men, because they are common to your explanation. It is already known to you that often the ideal is expressed in contradiction. No gimmicks will catch you unawares until you get caught up with the ideal man whose body, soul and spirit is exclusively yours. "Unlock your hidden powers"
Is one of those book to help you shine inward out
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