"It's not how you play the game, it's how the game plays you". I have been an authority in Relationship realm for quiet a decade and sure will know the antics played on you by guys. Based on reactions, feeling and concerns poured out by the especially ladies I thought it wise you know what it is that is in the guys head. And they come in handy in form of codes: They are codes to aid you do step up your game.
- CODE 1: Most times Guys flow well with gals they naturally have feelings for; not of love but of lust. Learn to know when he is serious and when he is playing mind games with you.
- CODE 2: when they keep stirring at the sensitive parts of you all the time, its time to run because in his head he is thinking that one day he will have a part of your pound of flesh.
- CODE 3: He gain control over you with his soft tempting words, like "pass the night now, come to my house, it is too late to go". Make your password(standards) cheap and he will tell his friends how valueless you are. Let him break your defenses easily and he will decide if he want to make it a one night stand; carry yourself like a queen, the way you see yourself is practically the way he will take you.
- Code 4: Guys are creatures of God with masculine gender and also with a hard but fragile heart yet be coded enough to know the shy guy, the play boy, the pretenders, the mommy's boy, rich kid, systematic guy, the gay boys, the raz boys, the godly man and the sharp guys, they have their different ways of approaching you and all of them have different needs you will serve them.
Code 5: Your desperate "needs" leak out of literally little and honest conservations and that is what circles his plans. Needs like desperately in need of intimacy, money, jobs, need to roll with big and influential men, using him to raise an ego and power; sex; and marriage etc That is the foundations of what he uses to build your illusion or reality. We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan. Information is our source of power don't spill it all.
- CODE 6: It is true that little escapes our notice, because we are very visual people yet it would be great you know that there are two roads, the first leads to the "land of maybe", and wide is its gate and many are treading its wide path. The other leads to the "promise land" where rings are being handed to selected few and least occupied it because you abuse the fact that guys are attracted by what they see.
- Code 7: Just like Inyanya, for most men all they want is your waist, and like Wizkid they want to see your naked body sleeping on their bed...... Guys believe this is 21st century when they get your apple product cheap in no time; its working for them anyway.
- Code 8: Don't be a fool, most men are professional in keeping your head in the cloud and they enjoy seeing you waste your time. They will distract you with fornication, external pleasures, money, material things and games so you may never be one with the oneness of it all. You can't reason well to do right until you are old, unattractive and weary.
- Code 9: They attract you with time, they take what they want in time and they leave most times, in all wasting your precious time.
- CODE 10: Guys tread on your fears; we sense your deepest fear and we take advantage of it. With your fear we will control all aspects of your lives and tell you what to think and how. Most times you have a page in your life that would rather remain closed than being unveiled, because you fear the ghost it will raise, and these fears reflect in your behaviors without you knowing it.
Face your fears, free yourself of its bondage when you still have the time. Boldly let him know you have a past he have to deal with before it haunts back at you after quite some time.
- CODE 11: We know about such things as cheap gals, they are everywhere: in the internet, in our offices, in our vicinity and in our schools. Better don't sabotage gal-hood by labeling yourself a cheap gal in deed and in conscience. Don't be the next cheap gal he has in mind to run to after he is done with Caro. Let him know things just changed.
- CODE 12: Even when you claim tough to get, we know how to use a sophiscated cheap gal to get you jealous and induce you to us. We will accomplish this by using jealousy as our ally and affluence as our friend.
- CODE 13: We will often times stand above the relative field of your experience. Meaning that we know things that make most chic appear loose and cheap; it might not necessary be the intense desire for cash. it may most times be trying to be somebody else you're not; A thinking that you don't have anything to loose; dreaded pursuit for vengeance against men; and not knowing what you want. We explore these reasons to our advantage.
- CODE 14: Most of us are masters in the art of unfulfilled promises, while some of us will never want to commit to a woman. Many had promised their gal friends they must get pregnant before they marry them to no avail.
- CODE 15: We love one but want to play all. Guys at times do keep their rose flower in a secured garden well guarded as no one will get to pluck it as they flirt around to come back to that special one later.
- CODE 16: We will deceive you into accepting laws such as "this is men's world" and that will steal the little freedom you will have. The truth that love goes along with freedom will be hidden in your face, so close you will not be able to focus on it until its too late.
- CODE 17: We had established some believes from time immemorial (beliefs like: all guys are the same),your mind will be bound by this beliefs shooting down your intuitive power because what you believe is what you are empowered to become. The hate will blind some of you totally, and never shall you see how it conflicts and emerge as a ruler over you. We plant such things as "You dare not trust any guy even the realest man". When all is in place, the reality we will have created for you will own you even when you manage to get married.
- CODE 18: We know how you always put pleasure first, we know how much you want to explore your world and godly men are never and option because they can't make your world go round, they won't hand you the pleasure you yearn for; godly men are never appealing to you because they make your legs feel tied but after the shape guys are done with you; the reality you now have will change your perception about the world and how you see the guys. The male folks and the female folks are partners in ignorance, promoting the heart break games.
- CODE 19: Men are always very visual people, so there is no question men will check out a woman’s clothes, the way she walks and talk, her makeup, her feet, her hands, her daintiness—little escapes our notice. A too-sophisticated, coiffured, and made-up appearance, with glittering jewels and extravagant clothes, reveals not the spontaneous radiance of a God-centered personality, but the studied, artificial image of a self-centered individuality. Clothes and appearance are most powerful nonverbal communicators not only of our socioeconomic status, but also of our moral values. We are what we wear. This means that the outward appearance is an important index of the kind of woman you are and spells how you will be treated. A confident and intelligent woman is incredibly attractive, no matter what mold she fits in as far as she is moderate in make-up and dressing; of excellent character and disciplined, she will top his hierarchy of need for a healthy marriage and home.
- CODE 20: Many times men are interested in the seeds inside of you and not you, sometimes he is fishing for a male child; he gets you pregnant before hand and hang out to see the baby you will give birth to. A boy will hand you a ticket to becoming his wife. Beware!!!!
- CODE 21: sometimes a man wants to tailor you to suit what his parents needs not literally what he wants and at the long run he might not like the woman you've become. Get to find out what is it he wants and what his parents want. Separate the two; he might love you to play both roles in his reality show.
- CODE 22: You are in the dark wondering why guys are so cruel but one thing you don't want to hear is when a man align his spirit with that of God his true worth becomes manifest in beauty, power and in character but when otherwise he is just like an animal that thinks and will always cheat on you even with your neighbor's maid without minding his pedigree. When a man is not in Christ don't expect much from him. He is cruel because he is not godly; he lack values and discipline. There are very few self-righteous men who are willing to be faithful anyway but without God in a man's life he has no belief system he can point to as a guiding force in his life, then it’s a problem. After all, what moral barometer does he answer to if not to God? What’s going to make him even consider being loyal to you?
- CODE 23: You will always want to see the Anaconda yourself:
You are so adventurous and always want to see the end of a playboy, he always have his ways but after jolly telling you how bad he is yet you want to try. Though some of the stories where not true but to be on a safer side, research about a guy before accepting him; even if you are on an adventure; watch out for big snakes.
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