"Do not Copy, even if you want to copy, make sure its Christ you are copying"
Every lifestyle is a product of a person's attitude which have circumstances attached to it: good or bad. God has an attitude and devil too has, he is the master counterfeiter. A devil based attitude have its thought pattern funneled directly from hell, it is so worldly and decayed and is being revealed in our lives or that of the person sitting beside us or behind us. Until we realise whose we are, we won't know who we are. Craving to copy fleshly men's lifestyle instead of craving to search for that which makes you different from the pack is the beginning of acquiring devils attitude. You are birthed uniquely and that uniqueness came with a unique personality, a unique attitude and also a unique circumstances but you grew up to start craving to be like the worldly men and women you see in the TV, heard and read about. I hear most of you say "Am not copying" but your lifestyle is not different from the pack, your appearance and character to begin with. You saw their money, beauty and success and desire it all without knowing that you are only being baited; all those things are illusional and the direct target is your soul. So craving to become wizkid, Psquare, Don Jazzy or D'banj, Tonto Dike, Beyonce, Rihanna and Lady Gaga is copying their every lifestyle, personality and attitude inclusive, we will always attract the circumstance attached to such awkward personality at the expense of our soul and spirit: no wonder your heart knew no peace, no joy, no love, no security........ most times you copy and don't know the demon behind each lifestyle as you get possessed and wonder how arrogance, Pride, high temperance, extravagance, and sexual immorality had so much hold on you that you can't shake them off. Lacking the source of your problem you grow in impatience, selfishness, confusion, insecurity, anger and sorrow. What a life...It all began with "Craving", a "wanting to be like" attitude. Mind the things you crave for, take charge of your thoughts, discover the truth about yourself and enjoy the warm, calm life of being you and your uniqueness is spelled in the Holy Bible. If really you are Christlike crave to be like Christ.
...Many of us are ignorance of this. Discover your uniqueness and do not Copy, even if you want to copy, make sure it's Christ you are copying. Copy and paste His life into my life, let the Bible be your guide. it is the life of Christ in our life that makes us different.
Now, start Seeing yourself as a separate unique entity creating your every circumstance, destiny and life with the power of your own thoughts that are most times influenced by external forces in form of words and deeds, then you need to find every truth connected with your being because your greatest ignorance is yours. Allow the word of God to be the law governing your conscience; mind people's every effect in your life and another; correct them only by asking God for help through Jesus Christ then good and see what he wrote about you in his Word which is the Bible.
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