Going to church does not make him a godly man; nor does saying a prayer, going down an aisle, passing a catechism, neither will he tell himself that he is one makes him one, or trying to be a decent person. Most of you do think that as far he is celebrating Christmas, that makes them a Christian. He can only be a Christian if Christ is in him, which can be tested and proven if his life is in sync with the scripture. Ladies do not truly understand the difference between wanting a man who is a practicing Christian, verses a man who only says he’s one and likes to wear a cross round his neck from time to time and court himself with respect only to ask for sex after some few months.
Look out for this in a godly man:Honesty
More than any other trait, you must watch out for a man who is open and honest. The thing about honesty is that it’s a sign of security. What you see is what you get, and there is absolutely nothing to hide. Don't be deceived watch out a men would pretend and start being real—
He must be real with his strengths, his weaknesses, his struggles. Real with his hopes, his dreams and his fears. Real with who he is actually as against who he who he wants to be. A man who has nothing to hide becomes the safe place in which a woman can hide her heart. Now that’s straight-up godly.
We live in a society that has fooled us into thinking that women have no control over their emotions and men have no control over their eyes. I’m a firm believer that this is a lie straight from the pit of hell. It stickens me to interact with women who expect their men to fall prey to lust, cheating and adultery, as if that’s just part of being a man. There is no doubt that we live in a world full of sexual temptation and struggles, but God will always give a godly man victory over his entire being—his minds, hearts and bodies. True masculinity comes when a man has enough honor and respect for the woman in his life to say no to temptations. True masculinity comes from a man who knows his weaknesses, but sets himself up to succeed. True masculinity is found in a man who says no to the expectations of this world and lives for a higher calling.
There is nothing better than a man who exudes strength. Not the muscle-rippling kind of strength, but strength of mind, heart and spirit. A strength that comes from a man who knows what he believes and stands firm for what’s right. A strength in recognizing right from wrong and confessing when he has given into the latter. A strength that is confident enough to do right, choose right and be right. In this day of compromise, you should be looking out for a man who is strong enough to stand his ground and hold on to his values, his beliefs and, most importantly, his God.
A man who strives to right the wrongs around him—and the wrongs within him. Watch out for men of compassion, tenderness and love because therein we will always find the heart of Jesus. He is a man who will allow his heart to be moved and then allow his actions to follow his heart. A man who strives for healing, restoration and resolution.
What raises a man up more than any other earthly thing is his ability to humble himself. A real man doesn’t need to talk up who he is, because his life does that for him. He can put away the talk, because a man of humility is focused so much more on his walk. He is quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry because he has put away his “rights” for the right to be selfless, loving and full of grace.
Now, Ladies, it’s time to expect more from men, and then, to waitpatiently until you see these qualities at work in his life. Don’t you dare settle for less.
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