I think... if it is true that
there are as many minds as there
are heads, then there are as many
kinds of love as there are hearts.
Leo Tolstoy,
We men can be too dangerous to your liking. We can create a demon out of an Angel by simply making you blind to see the devil beneath our cloak. We make it harder for you by hiding under some guises you can't imagine, we understand the relativity of things and we know how your mind is being wired. Then we pick up one of your moment and fill it up with sweet words we don't mean, to you it is a night made perfect, to us we are simply making our lion paw so soft for an embrace. Not even your defences can bring you back to your senses, even your own beauty, physiques and money is a trap to you. It wields powers you can't control but before you know it, we have torn your hearts apart and another demon is being born out of you because an angel without a heart is a demon. You will walk the earth surface heartless, hateful, distrustful, painful and sorrow giving up on love.
Another thing that pleague you is that you don't know how to discern the real men, in fact you have concluded that we are all the same. This is a puzzle you can't solve because you have not seen real love being practiced, what you are seeing are the shadows of love created by fallen men in their fallen state under the inspiration of the adversary. Did you question why people around you even the married ones fall into bad relationships? We most times forget that even the pharoah's magicians also turned their staffs into snakes after Moses' staff changed into a snake. Devil can also counterfeit love and when it doesn't last men grudgingly use manipulation to make it last at least until when death do them apart.
Giving up on love is practically giving up on God because God is love. True love is what you are seeking but you have seeked for it in wrong hands. Embrace the "Man Unseen." Let him wash away the deep emotions you hold inside with the blood of His Son and create in you a new heart, a new Angel being born with tender kinderness and love renewed.
As you get stronger with time don't walk in this dark world alone, there are wolves in men's skin walking around, Let His Word be a lamp before your feet to lead you to a human love that will love you truly. Only Him can give what is good and not a shadow of what is good. Then you will tell a new story but it all started by believing in a Man that guided you this far. That is what Love is there for.