I understand how men's words form rose spectacles which dims all faults and blemishes perceived in guy's life. This means that you are less likely to recognise the dangers and obstacles which are inevitably encountered further along the road until he leads you into a ditch. You most times would want to ascertain whether for sure destiny has both of you in mind, but some times the handwriting of your life is written on you palmtop. Let me be of help with this following rules:
* Don't judge the book by its covers, judge it by its content: the packaged man may have little character flaws you may take for granted now, what about later.
* Watch their wrist watches, did they have your time? : They might have your time at that moment not because they love you but because their is a space you have to occur at the mean time. Men have to prove to you that when your presence is not seen, it is felt. A good lover holds his lover to his heart.
* Learn to separate your worth from your net worth: Know your worth, also know that you are worthless when you go attaching your worth on a man or on things, and don't fake your lifestyle.
* Don't gossip rather gist: Women who haven't been around men talk to men like they are women. Just gist and don't gossip. It pisses men off.
* Gauge His Love To Yours: Men thirst for what they don't have hence when the maximum satisfaction is reached, he is likely going to leave. Mind you, Love fades quickly in a man's heart but ladies grow in love and help preserve it. Learn to gauge the love, his love for you must be greater than yours, he must love you to the extent a drunkard loves his bottles.
* Change the rules, don't let the rules change you. If he messes up, chastise him and mean it.
* Don't go winning his heart for marriage: it should be the other way round. When a guy conquers your territory, he will hold you captive, you will work for him with the intent to win back what you have lost, which is likely a road with no ends.
* Always Take A Stand: Everyone must stand, but make sure you are standing tall by keeping no middle ground, don't stand on the fence either. Don't compromise your setted standards.
* The Crowded Spaces are Always noisy: make sure you stand out, don't get along with the crowd, rather be a lone star that shines than a diamond without a spark.
* Give room for the unexpected so you don't get surprise:
Don't give all your heart at once, most men cant wait till your heart stop working , they would rather break your heart to know how it works.
* Be Honourable:
The wounds of honor are self afflicted, an honorable road is always lonely but thats where you can pick up beautiful pearls worth keeping. Don't give up on love.
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