A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart.
Before I dabble into the subject matter it will be essential I conceptualize the basic terms.
Then what is money?
What are these 3Ms of Money?
Firstly, lets discuss what money is: Money is what you have in your wallet or pocket and is about to save i, pend it or even invest it but according to Oxford dictionary "Money is a generally accepted means of exchange and measure of value." But personally I see Money is an idea that serves three purposes. It is a medium of exchange, a store of value and a unit of account. It is used to pay debts, purchase goods and services and is accepted by the government for taxes. .
Further discussed, money can be a defence in a world where might is right. With it you can pleasure and keep smiling on your way to hell or move mountains by beating Bill Gates records and help others survive in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.
Then back to our other concept, the 3M of money which is as follows:
1 Make money
2 Manage money
3 Multiply Money
1. Make Money: I want to establish a point here that sound ideas diversified are paramount in making money. Such ideas goes beyond an Ambitious gal or guy getting married to a rich old man or the guy to a rich woman for instant money or a smart guy looking for a way to scam people on the internet. There are various ways to make money but i will delight to discuss four i have tested myself and can recommend with ease and with guarantee.
I. Put your Mind in the Matter:
Remember money is an accepted idea used as a medium of exchange and every country have their unique accepted idea for a means of exchange which is called currency. Then build an idea that you can exchange with money, usually devise an answer to a person's problem, it could solving the problem of a city, state, country or the world problem and get people to exchange your "answers" with money. You get the money they get the answers.....simple.
II. Learn a skill and earn money through it: As a skilled man there is hope and when you add morals and creativity to your skills then you will claim the portion of the world your mind could reach out to. Also learn how to package your product and the world will bit corners to Aba, Texas, Lagos, Mumbai, Manilla to buy from you. I will encourage the youths to get a skill that well suit their person, with their area of "interest" well invested, with time the world will pay attention and much money will be the dividend.
People pursue courses they are not even passionate about in the university. A Pursuit of a carrier as an employee is just a system the bourgeoisies designed to make you educate yourself only to be used in building their own dreams. You will remain a peasant for life and die as a "Have not." Rather turn it around, seek education to further get more knowledge to advance your area of passion. A skill well presented will help you employ graduates to help you build your own dreams. Its not too late to get a skill and make sure it is in the area of your passion.
III. Volunteer to work free of charge to a big firm: Finally you decided to make mommy and daddy proud and you are out of school yet no employment and you ain't proud of yourself. This segment will help you. Mind you, in volunteering to work for free you are working for an experience, and adding values to your CV. Firstly, know that employers are after making more profit and can't risk employing any how, besides people already in the system have youths like you a siblings they want to favor. in a country like Nigeria there are lots of good graded unemployed youths to contend with so why not volunteer to work for a big firm for free, you will be set on the hill to be watched, hide your intentions with a smile and perfect all works, you can't tell you may work wonders and get employed with huge pay. This system may look foolish but rewarding at the long run and it is also unconventional.
IV. Accept an Appointment with Lower Salary than you will naturally accept: Seeking employment could be challenging but there are ways to go about it. Take up a job with little pay than you deserve and work fervently, you either get an experience which will help you get employed in bigger places with bigger money or get promoted with bigger money.
V. Perfect your talent with time it will start paying you royalties beyond your imagination. I will discuss the other 2M in my next article. Remain blessed.
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