I know that in me, that is, in my lower self, nothing good has its home; for while the will to do right is present with me, the power to carry it out is not.
Romans 6:17(Weymouth Bible)
Man is triune in nature, he is a spirit that has a soul that lives in the flesh. The flesh or the "self" is the landlord of the spirit and it is what returns to the ground when the spirit and the soul might have gone on a sudden flight to be judged in the judgement throne. The soul is the record chamber while the spirit faces any punishment levied on it. The spirit man is the real man and your whole physical body is the flesh. Your spirit is used to "will" while the flesh push for action but many times your flesh don't agree with the spirit man because " the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want." Galetians 5:17 opined.
We all in one way or the other is having problems with ourselves, our "self" is the problem, it is often called the "flesh," it is the sole reason most good thing you think to do never crossed the rooftop because your "self" never allowed it. That is the reason "When we are happy, we are always good, but when we are good, we are not always happy." Oscar Wilde observed. The flesh is after its own good, it long for pleasure, enjoyment and wants to be satisfied without minding the cost, it doesn't just care the consequences but the spirit care because everything your "flesh" commits your soul keeps the record and your spirit will be held accountable at the judgement day. That is the reason the spirit man speaks to you through your conscience each time your flesh leads you astray. Each time you want to read, the flesh wants to sleep, each time you want to read the bible, pray or meditate, the flesh wants to rest. When you want to fast, the tummy must want to eat. It is always contradicting all your good intentions because it wants to get all the attention without allowing the spirit man to be fed with prayers, meditations and bible reading.. What you don't feed dies, many of us are dead in the spirit, no wonder we are carnally minded being moved to action by the flesh that doesn't have a clear distinct of things, it can't separate good and bad, it is a powerful dictator and most often it is the best friend with your emotions to the level you yield to its dictation. It has everything to do with the head and nothing with the heart. It needs only knowledge to operate and does nothing to the moral environment. It hinders your success in craving for heavenly things to only long for the earthly. You want more money, more car, more houses, more loyalty even if there are many who needs your help. No beast is wilder than the flesh, no one needs to be tamed more than our "self." It is that friend that you speak to that always contradict the voice of God in you, it shouts and feed your thought all the time. If you are still in the flesh. The below listed is what you must live to contend with:
1. SELFISHNESS: You are always looking after your own desires even at the expense of another. You always crave for you and for only you.
2 SELF RIGHTEOUS: You believe that you are the most righteous person, you speak about your righteousness and never care if it pisses another off. Mind you righteous is to be lived and not end at preaching.
3. SELF DIVINATION: you have grown to see yourself as a god and expect others to perceive that of you. This is mostly sin among our GOs.
4. SELF CENTERED: This one thinking only for one's own self.
5. SELF GLORIFICATION: this is when one displays a boastful behaviour.
6. SELF DESTRUCTION: this case rises when one runs ones own self.
7. SELF RUN: This strives when you don't need anyone to advice you, often times perceived as stubbornness.
8. SELF HOOD: when one have a complete sense of self.
9. SELF IMMOLATION: when one sees every reason to die and commits suicide, or suicide as sacrifice. And often perceived from the terrorist inform of suicide bombing.
10. SELF IMPORTANCE: Exalting oneself and often perceived as arrogance.
There is no demon greater than self. Our problem is usually case by ourselves. There are more to expose, watch out for it in my next article.
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