The last time I checked, there are still space in the sky for more stars to occupy. To become a star, you have to play your card to aces. We have our own cards to play in life, just like my friend Vicky said "To get ace, there's a lot of struggles & sacrifices...Its in our hands to play to achieve the ACE and become the Star." When you shape your life to shine like that of a Northern Star, wise men and great things will have no choice than to follow you and as life still continues to be a game of negotiations, with cards of choices and the dice of values, what you play is what you get. But how will you likely win when you don't know how to play? Not to worry, i will likely teach you a better way to play and it began like this:
You choose the Way to Go: Some people made choices before I was I had to inherit the consequences of their bad choices. At a certain time, i had made wrong choices too but I don't have to kill myself or kill them for making the wrong choice which affected me, I just have to forgive them and myself which will allow me live my life with little mistakes and enable me live up for myself. I then realized that choices are accumulative, one choice will always determine another choice creating chains of choices and the kind of choice i make will determine how small or big i will become in life, so I took responsibility of my life.
Take responsibility of your life: You have to carry your own cross and take it upon yourself. Taking responsibility of your life will enable you see that you are the owner of your life and had to wear your heart in your sleeves and become the determinant of what happens to you and become aware of the kind of influence you have around you. It will also allow you to see yourself as an uncompleted project that needs some positive touches, so you have to take charge of your life to discover "you" and tell yourself nothing but the truth.
Discover the truth. The truth will activate your self awareness and enlighten your conscience to guide you to make better choices. The truth serve you as a sieve to sieve the wrongs and the negatives out of your life, it dictates wrong friends, and tell you the future about yourself . It is the microscope you view each advice before taking it. It shapes your character, renew your mind and mortify your flesh. It mirrors people's intentions and reveal to you there plans no matter the guises they hide. The truth will determine your values, your norms, your principles which is the foundation of your life. As a Crusader i found my truth in the Bible, am not a jihadist but some people claim to find theirs in Quran, others in Krishna or Buddha. Then which are you?
Which side are you: Christ conscience is the Way, the Truth and the Light. This Truth of God will illuminate the dark path you are walking on, yourself and show you the rifht way to go as you discover yourself. You need to be in the side of the Angels.
Discover yourself: self discovery is power, those who had discovered themselves take charge of their life, their character, temperant, emotions is in check. It helps you discover your potentials.
Discover Your Potentials: Potentials are the untapped resources inside of you. They are those hidden talents that can help your world grow and make our world beautiful. Don't expect a smooth ride.
Don't expect a smooth ride: It won't be a hitch free road, remember a gold must pass through fire, diamonds must be refined, most times the road is rough and you get knocked down as much by gallops, most times there are bridges to cross, the reason you need to pick up woods of lessons when you fall to help construct your Bridges above the crocodile lakes. you need to determine your company, they can lead astray.
Get a goal and a plan: get a goal and a plan but don't put yourself first, your serving people and helping them circle your plans and don't get frustrated when it is not achieved, you divide them into short term goals and long term goals, short term is your daily goals meant to help you attain the long term. Learn to carry over the unattained goal over and learn to adjust them with time but don't fail to hear from God and discover His plans for you.
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