For our ladies, looking for love in this modern world can seem like being lost in a jungle. With distractions and dangers emerging from every direction as they roam the deadline. Ladies pick poisonous things (idea, believes and norms), get scars from beast in human forms and that changes their perspective, it's easy to lose focus and get tattered in the inside. It is not how you've been treated on your journey looking for true love but the barriers you erupted over time not seeing it that is keeping true love out.
Our ladies are most times misinformed and ill-informed they are being pushed out by societal pressures and innate needs into the dark jungle looking for true love with torches of indecency and all they see is wolves in human clothing, they will get you hurt at the process.Rebuild your inside, no good person will enter unclean mind littered with dirty character unconscious to the bearer.
Your task from now is not the #ultimate #search for love but a peep in the inward, rebuild yourself: your attitude, character, habit, start discovering your life's purpose and gear to work at it." For me I think the single phase is the phase where we get to sit down and develop who we really are. We have to develop our character, we have to grow spiritually, and we have to grow in our career. I think it’s not anything that one should be ashamed of. I think it is something that we have to own and ensure that we try to make work for ourselves." said Nee Oyedepo. You may need a torchlight which is Jesus, it may be dark inside ......this is a wake-up call.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
- As the year draws its curtain to an end, we wish to unveil to you great women, women of valor, whose grace have kept our world spinning. So in its best, in its friendliest and with the simplest relations flattery or praise, just as grease is necessary to keep wheels turning we gear to give you a rub at the back. ON THE FACE of it, this unique but outstanding women should give hope to every toiling heck, force other ladies to buckle up and also encourage the listed.
#Tony #Joy: A Nigerian, this lady is a star and her shine rubs of on whoever she meets. A Great orator, even when she speaks her air of confidence gives life to the feeble minded. A great soldier of the Less-Privileged I celebrate you today; If stars are meant to shine, then keep shining!!!!!!
#Mirable #Chynwa: I honor you my great discovery of the decade. You brought out of us all things we didn’t realize were there.” Working with you in #CYLPI have been such a gift, and you continued to impact lives all over the world. Your boundless giving, caring, excitement and curiosity helped us in the organization to write through the sticky patches and bag to us something real and beautiful. You are a gift to the world.
#Lilian #Anyanwu is a champion, a great woman. a wonderful intellect, a great soul of matchless courage, one of the greatest women of the world -- a Psychologist with a difference. She thought me how to read the stars. keep changing our world.
#Ogeflexi #Boniface: I took out time to ink the little space in this page to honor you today, in honoring and in truth, your motivation and enthusiasm allowed us to take a time in our lifetime to transform what people may call a downright, crappy organization into a thing of beauty. your work together changed things and hope it wouldn't be an overstatement, because it has.
#Alice #Tonia : A Togolese, her PanAfrican mindedness stirred up this young woman to support Nigerians; to her what other way would she contribute to Africa if not giving out her very best to the center piece of Africa, I can’t imagine a better honor to give, We are proud to have such an outstanding team player working on our product. You truly deserved the #CYLPI Award for best performance of the year.
#Eze #Cynthia #Ogechy : A Nigerian, A beauty queen whose desire to educate the ladies about healthy relationship had made her the best sort after in the realm of love, truth and healthy marriage. She is a grand model, Africa has hope because she lives there. As your friend, I am perhaps your biggest fan. Good luck on your next contract.
Vickie Ruthy Lucky : This is one of the best product in the world now, Vicky has touched and changed lives. She used her matchless power to defend the women. This Nigerian lady is a big thinker, - a lady who arguably as much as any other has shaped next week's guy's thought pattern about "women' and about "Love". Keep the impact game alive, I honor you.
Angel Oluwatosin : Prayers work wonders but to Angel it is something more. The Nigerian based Canadian happens to be one of the very closest Friends Of God. A quarter- year later that friendship would change the lives of mankind. She is the arms controller in God's army, her prayer warfare had changed lives the world over. I honor you.
Temitope Funke funke: You are indeed a wonder woman. Such conclusions are not by accident. This Nigerian represent godliness, an epitome of what the world call inspiring. Your Christian culture is massive; so is your drive and perfectionism - and, more surprising, your mastery of life and persistence had made a difference. you deserve such an honor.
Agwu Peter Uchechi ": this Nigerian may be depicted as a 'big thinker' who is credited with having taken more time to discover herself in order to change the world positively. I see in her burning desire for change. Her Christian background and depth knowledge of God's word broadened her focus to extend a hand to the less fortunate of the world. You deserve this honor.
Hazel Adelantar : A Philip young woman has risen to appear in this list of young world women of the year. We appreciate your devotion to God and wish that we had more leaders like you to lead the way. I give you my best wishes for your future endeavors.
Stella Lekwauwa : Stella a creative thinking, expertise, positive can-do attitude and she drives the Nigerian Fashion market worldwide. She continually delivered results, went above and beyond in providing exceptional service and support not only in the fashion realm but also to the less fortunate, and showed genuine integrity and respect as a service provider. Stella is enthusiastic, personable and a brilliant networker. Her strengths in staying across issues, pro-actively offering solutions and ideas and being adept at all aspects of communications make her a valuable contributor to any situation or team. I honor you!!
Chibaby Chi Chibaby: This woman have not failed to amaze me. Her desire to inspire her fellow young people stood her out of the crowd. Chi has built a strong (and deserved) reputation as someone with vision, diligence and honour – someone who gets things done! I have no hesitation to commend you and know that you will always give of your best in any endeavor. Enjoy its rewards for years to come.
Gift Boniface : _ Gift always brought her keen analytical skills to the table and is an excellent leader and ‘doer’ in any team situation. Her many post of many years that had touched the heart till this present time were evident in the way she approaches tasks and achieved outcomes. i honor you.
Edom Vorda : A highly creative Nigerian and a very easy-going person. I have seen many examples of your work. Edom is very passionate and has great vision for her work. Her focus keeps everything moving smoothly, she makes sure all the deadlines are met, and makes sure that whatever project she is working on meets the highest standards."! It is an honor for me to recommend and honor you."
Umeibe Chioma : Chioma is a well connected professional that always takes her time to support the less-Privileged. she has a very impressive background and profile and I honor her today. She is the only Economic expert to connect with and consider for anything appropriate. Me and my team wish you similar success in the future.
Prosper Chisom: Prosper is a dedicated Christian, ambitious researcher, result driven leader and thoughtful individual. Have you ever seen a lady so powerful? She is one!!!. She is great in dealing with difficult situations and a fantastic problem solver. I honor you today
Friday, December 5, 2014
"Do not Copy, even if you want to copy, make sure its Christ you are copying"
Every lifestyle is a product of a person's attitude which have circumstances attached to it: good or bad. God has an attitude and devil too has, he is the master counterfeiter. A devil based attitude have its thought pattern funneled directly from hell, it is so worldly and decayed and is being revealed in our lives or that of the person sitting beside us or behind us. Until we realise whose we are, we won't know who we are. Craving to copy fleshly men's lifestyle instead of craving to search for that which makes you different from the pack is the beginning of acquiring devils attitude. You are birthed uniquely and that uniqueness came with a unique personality, a unique attitude and also a unique circumstances but you grew up to start craving to be like the worldly men and women you see in the TV, heard and read about. I hear most of you say "Am not copying" but your lifestyle is not different from the pack, your appearance and character to begin with. You saw their money, beauty and success and desire it all without knowing that you are only being baited; all those things are illusional and the direct target is your soul. So craving to become wizkid, Psquare, Don Jazzy or D'banj, Tonto Dike, Beyonce, Rihanna and Lady Gaga is copying their every lifestyle, personality and attitude inclusive, we will always attract the circumstance attached to such awkward personality at the expense of our soul and spirit: no wonder your heart knew no peace, no joy, no love, no security........ most times you copy and don't know the demon behind each lifestyle as you get possessed and wonder how arrogance, Pride, high temperance, extravagance, and sexual immorality had so much hold on you that you can't shake them off. Lacking the source of your problem you grow in impatience, selfishness, confusion, insecurity, anger and sorrow. What a life...It all began with "Craving", a "wanting to be like" attitude. Mind the things you crave for, take charge of your thoughts, discover the truth about yourself and enjoy the warm, calm life of being you and your uniqueness is spelled in the Holy Bible. If really you are Christlike crave to be like Christ.
...Many of us are ignorance of this. Discover your uniqueness and do not Copy, even if you want to copy, make sure it's Christ you are copying. Copy and paste His life into my life, let the Bible be your guide. it is the life of Christ in our life that makes us different.
Now, start Seeing yourself as a separate unique entity creating your every circumstance, destiny and life with the power of your own thoughts that are most times influenced by external forces in form of words and deeds, then you need to find every truth connected with your being because your greatest ignorance is yours. Allow the word of God to be the law governing your conscience; mind people's every effect in your life and another; correct them only by asking God for help through Jesus Christ then good and see what he wrote about you in his Word which is the Bible.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Going to church does not make him a godly man; nor does saying a prayer, going down an aisle, passing a catechism, neither will he tell himself that he is one makes him one, or trying to be a decent person. Most of you do think that as far he is celebrating Christmas, that makes them a Christian. He can only be a Christian if Christ is in him, which can be tested and proven if his life is in sync with the scripture. Ladies do not truly understand the difference between wanting a man who is a practicing Christian, verses a man who only says he’s one and likes to wear a cross round his neck from time to time and court himself with respect only to ask for sex after some few months.
Look out for this in a godly man:Honesty
More than any other trait, you must watch out for a man who is open and honest. The thing about honesty is that it’s a sign of security. What you see is what you get, and there is absolutely nothing to hide. Don't be deceived watch out a men would pretend and start being real—
He must be real with his strengths, his weaknesses, his struggles. Real with his hopes, his dreams and his fears. Real with who he is actually as against who he who he wants to be. A man who has nothing to hide becomes the safe place in which a woman can hide her heart. Now that’s straight-up godly.
We live in a society that has fooled us into thinking that women have no control over their emotions and men have no control over their eyes. I’m a firm believer that this is a lie straight from the pit of hell. It stickens me to interact with women who expect their men to fall prey to lust, cheating and adultery, as if that’s just part of being a man. There is no doubt that we live in a world full of sexual temptation and struggles, but God will always give a godly man victory over his entire being—his minds, hearts and bodies. True masculinity comes when a man has enough honor and respect for the woman in his life to say no to temptations. True masculinity comes from a man who knows his weaknesses, but sets himself up to succeed. True masculinity is found in a man who says no to the expectations of this world and lives for a higher calling.
There is nothing better than a man who exudes strength. Not the muscle-rippling kind of strength, but strength of mind, heart and spirit. A strength that comes from a man who knows what he believes and stands firm for what’s right. A strength in recognizing right from wrong and confessing when he has given into the latter. A strength that is confident enough to do right, choose right and be right. In this day of compromise, you should be looking out for a man who is strong enough to stand his ground and hold on to his values, his beliefs and, most importantly, his God.
A man who strives to right the wrongs around him—and the wrongs within him. Watch out for men of compassion, tenderness and love because therein we will always find the heart of Jesus. He is a man who will allow his heart to be moved and then allow his actions to follow his heart. A man who strives for healing, restoration and resolution.
What raises a man up more than any other earthly thing is his ability to humble himself. A real man doesn’t need to talk up who he is, because his life does that for him. He can put away the talk, because a man of humility is focused so much more on his walk. He is quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry because he has put away his “rights” for the right to be selfless, loving and full of grace.
Now, Ladies, it’s time to expect more from men, and then, to waitpatiently until you see these qualities at work in his life. Don’t you dare settle for less.
- Memory and emotions are essential to humanity and one of the essence of life, of without them we are reduced to a beast, this two things if not mastered and used wisely can break or mar an individual but when used well would result to a great moment on a planet which it is a necessity and a requirement for being human. Like, love, hate , both smiles and anger wouldn't have been in existence without emotions and birthdays, anniversaries, good times and bad times wouldn't have been remembered without memories, likewise good people and bad people wouldn't have been differentiated without emotions. We remember what they say or did because we have memories and we remember how we felt in those moments because of emotions. We needed time because we had memories, we keep to time just because of it. Mistakes are remembered because we have memories and regrets wouldn't have been glaring without our memories still intact. We know and remember because we have memories. Our memory and our emotions work in hand because memories remember things and emotions help in adding colour of how those things and moments make us feel. You may not know what you want but you know it when you see it because you have emotions. We believe because we feel. For example: What makes a friendship special is the way each one remembers the other when they are apart. They miss the talks,the laughs and the time they spent together. Life changes,memories don't.
Monday, December 1, 2014
- CODE 1: Most times Guys flow well with gals they naturally have feelings for; not of love but of lust. Learn to know when he is serious and when he is playing mind games with you.
- CODE 2: when they keep stirring at the sensitive parts of you all the time, its time to run because in his head he is thinking that one day he will have a part of your pound of flesh.
- CODE 3: He gain control over you with his soft tempting words, like "pass the night now, come to my house, it is too late to go". Make your password(standards) cheap and he will tell his friends how valueless you are. Let him break your defenses easily and he will decide if he want to make it a one night stand; carry yourself like a queen, the way you see yourself is practically the way he will take you.
- Code 4: Guys are creatures of God with masculine gender and also with a hard but fragile heart yet be coded enough to know the shy guy, the play boy, the pretenders, the mommy's boy, rich kid, systematic guy, the gay boys, the raz boys, the godly man and the sharp guys, they have their different ways of approaching you and all of them have different needs you will serve them. Code 5: Your desperate "needs" leak out of literally little and honest conservations and that is what circles his plans. Needs like desperately in need of intimacy, money, jobs, need to roll with big and influential men, using him to raise an ego and power; sex; and marriage etc That is the foundations of what he uses to build your illusion or reality. We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan. Information is our source of power don't spill it all.
- CODE 6: It is true that little escapes our notice, because we are very visual people yet it would be great you know that there are two roads, the first leads to the "land of maybe", and wide is its gate and many are treading its wide path. The other leads to the "promise land" where rings are being handed to selected few and least occupied it because you abuse the fact that guys are attracted by what they see.
- Code 7: Just like Inyanya, for most men all they want is your waist, and like Wizkid they want to see your naked body sleeping on their bed...... Guys believe this is 21st century when they get your apple product cheap in no time; its working for them anyway.
- Code 8: Don't be a fool, most men are professional in keeping your head in the cloud and they enjoy seeing you waste your time. They will distract you with fornication, external pleasures, money, material things and games so you may never be one with the oneness of it all. You can't reason well to do right until you are old, unattractive and weary.
- Code 9: They attract you with time, they take what they want in time and they leave most times, in all wasting your precious time.
- CODE 10: Guys tread on your fears; we sense your deepest fear and we take advantage of it. With your fear we will control all aspects of your lives and tell you what to think and how. Most times you have a page in your life that would rather remain closed than being unveiled, because you fear the ghost it will raise, and these fears reflect in your behaviors without you knowing it. Face your fears, free yourself of its bondage when you still have the time. Boldly let him know you have a past he have to deal with before it haunts back at you after quite some time.
- CODE 11: We know about such things as cheap gals, they are everywhere: in the internet, in our offices, in our vicinity and in our schools. Better don't sabotage gal-hood by labeling yourself a cheap gal in deed and in conscience. Don't be the next cheap gal he has in mind to run to after he is done with Caro. Let him know things just changed.
- CODE 12: Even when you claim tough to get, we know how to use a sophiscated cheap gal to get you jealous and induce you to us. We will accomplish this by using jealousy as our ally and affluence as our friend.
- CODE 13: We will often times stand above the relative field of your experience. Meaning that we know things that make most chic appear loose and cheap; it might not necessary be the intense desire for cash. it may most times be trying to be somebody else you're not; A thinking that you don't have anything to loose; dreaded pursuit for vengeance against men; and not knowing what you want. We explore these reasons to our advantage.
- CODE 14: Most of us are masters in the art of unfulfilled promises, while some of us will never want to commit to a woman. Many had promised their gal friends they must get pregnant before they marry them to no avail.
- CODE 15: We love one but want to play all. Guys at times do keep their rose flower in a secured garden well guarded as no one will get to pluck it as they flirt around to come back to that special one later.
- CODE 16: We will deceive you into accepting laws such as "this is men's world" and that will steal the little freedom you will have. The truth that love goes along with freedom will be hidden in your face, so close you will not be able to focus on it until its too late.
- CODE 17: We had established some believes from time immemorial (beliefs like: all guys are the same),your mind will be bound by this beliefs shooting down your intuitive power because what you believe is what you are empowered to become. The hate will blind some of you totally, and never shall you see how it conflicts and emerge as a ruler over you. We plant such things as "You dare not trust any guy even the realest man". When all is in place, the reality we will have created for you will own you even when you manage to get married.
- CODE 18: We know how you always put pleasure first, we know how much you want to explore your world and godly men are never and option because they can't make your world go round, they won't hand you the pleasure you yearn for; godly men are never appealing to you because they make your legs feel tied but after the shape guys are done with you; the reality you now have will change your perception about the world and how you see the guys. The male folks and the female folks are partners in ignorance, promoting the heart break games.
- CODE 19: Men are always very visual people, so there is no question men will check out a woman’s clothes, the way she walks and talk, her makeup, her feet, her hands, her daintiness—little escapes our notice. A too-sophisticated, coiffured, and made-up appearance, with glittering jewels and extravagant clothes, reveals not the spontaneous radiance of a God-centered personality, but the studied, artificial image of a self-centered individuality. Clothes and appearance are most powerful nonverbal communicators not only of our socioeconomic status, but also of our moral values. We are what we wear. This means that the outward appearance is an important index of the kind of woman you are and spells how you will be treated. A confident and intelligent woman is incredibly attractive, no matter what mold she fits in as far as she is moderate in make-up and dressing; of excellent character and disciplined, she will top his hierarchy of need for a healthy marriage and home.
- CODE 20: Many times men are interested in the seeds inside of you and not you, sometimes he is fishing for a male child; he gets you pregnant before hand and hang out to see the baby you will give birth to. A boy will hand you a ticket to becoming his wife. Beware!!!!
- CODE 21: sometimes a man wants to tailor you to suit what his parents needs not literally what he wants and at the long run he might not like the woman you've become. Get to find out what is it he wants and what his parents want. Separate the two; he might love you to play both roles in his reality show.
- CODE 22: You are in the dark wondering why guys are so cruel but one thing you don't want to hear is when a man align his spirit with that of God his true worth becomes manifest in beauty, power and in character but when otherwise he is just like an animal that thinks and will always cheat on you even with your neighbor's maid without minding his pedigree. When a man is not in Christ don't expect much from him. He is cruel because he is not godly; he lack values and discipline. There are very few self-righteous men who are willing to be faithful anyway but without God in a man's life he has no belief system he can point to as a guiding force in his life, then it’s a problem. After all, what moral barometer does he answer to if not to God? What’s going to make him even consider being loyal to you?
- CODE 23: You will always want to see the Anaconda yourself: You are so adventurous and always want to see the end of a playboy, he always have his ways but after jolly telling you how bad he is yet you want to try. Though some of the stories where not true but to be on a safer side, research about a guy before accepting him; even if you are on an adventure; watch out for big snakes.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
David was anointed king during Saul's reign over Israel. But he
did not go to the throne immediately. He was anointed at
seventeen, but he was not appointed until he was about thirty.
As David's thirtieth birthday approached, the clock was ticking
and none of God's promises had come to fruition in his life.
How can God say one thing, but the circumstances of your life
say otherwise? Often, before you reach your dream, you will
experience the opposite of what you want. Abraham was
dreaming for Isaac, the promised child; but first he
experienced Ishmael, the problem child. The children of Israel
were dreaming for a land flowing with milk and honey, but first
they experienced the desert with no food or water, and they
will be like "we have no water and food and stocked in a
wasteland. Then how feasible is the milk and honey land?"
Jacob dreamed of a beautiful bride named Rachel, but first he
was tricked into marrying Leah. Miles away from where you
are to your dreams are heavy adversity, challenges......
circumstances testing you worthy of that dream and to
examine how far you can stretch, checking how much you will
be able to surrender to God denying yourself that God may
take prominence. From the point where David was to his
dream crown was Nabal who would've felt his wrath and he
would have watched his promised goals and throne elude him.
How many of us can relate to this? Endless loads of thankless
laundry, screaming children, unsympathetic bosses, people
taking you for granted and then somebody cuts you off in
traffic and i hear you want to scream, "i can't take it anymore!"
you've reached the breaking point! you're having an
unguarded moment. You are living in a ghetto filled with filth
and men tempting you to err, laying accusations on you and in
your bittered mind you are thinking "i have to show these
guys/ladies that am not a fool. you are in your unguarded
moment. you are a youth, a graduate with good grades yet no
jobs, you've toured the roads of Lagos, Portharcourt, Accra,
New York, Suncity, Phils and it seems there is nothing for you
and friends came up with offers like "Internet frauds or scams,
sugar mommies or daddies, aristoles, private harlotry" and
you've started considering them. You are in the realm of
unguarded moment.
you never know when your dreams will come to pass; you've
played your role, you've kept the faith, you've carried your
cross and yet here is one person from nowhere pulling your
strings. Human emotion is unpredictable. And Christians are
certainly not exempt from those times when life's pressure
brings out our rawest, deepest emotions. We all have limits,
yes, but when you've exhausted your limit let God continue
from where you stopped. All it takes is that one unguarded
moment and you can lose your reputation, your testimony,
and even your ministry. It takes one faint to reach the finish
line. keep up the fight, God measures your strength from the
inside out and not otherwise. Don't stop believing.
one of the miracles of being human is our reflex action and our disease show us some respect, they show us symptoms as signs of warning. you don't need to believe me.
There is a country docked away in the western African region where it takes nothing to invent a "Time Machine" that back dates time, in this country this machine does wonders on birth certificates.
With this machine an eighty year old is sixty planning to retire next five years when she\he is not even sure if they would survive the next six months.
There, they die in office but before they die, they are sure to have a replacement at any cost.
In this country, government created corruption which the civil service is working so hard to sustain. the eighty year old woman is collecting her great grand daughter's salary since she's one.
Our Public university lecturers go on strike when there salary is jeopardized but fail to strike when the student's welfare, equipments, instruments and lecture material are not in good working condition. we suffer to learn and graduate half baked.
in this country Civil servants go on strike when their request
are not met, but fail to fight for the pensioners, when their pension are delayed or even to lobby the government to create more employment for the unemployed youths.
This country is where "no job orientation" is being sounded on NYSC camp ground by men old enough to be my grand father who fail to retire. They call the millions my parents spent and the four, five, six year I spend till my graduation a waste. So am encouraged to learn and start trade as a correct Igbo man with no capital. Maybe thats why crime and tourism sky rocketed high!
Nigeria is just fine when you've designed an ATM on public fund, you simply call for rallies and protest when it stopped paying with the guise of fighting for the unemployed youths and ill favored ethnic group. Due to poverty the unemployed youth do respond quick to manipulation only to be used as tools.
As long as Abia State remains in family hands, it is on safe hands. why complain of lack of growth and development when you ceded it to them for "keke-napep", #200 and Mitsibushi bus on the election day, after all a leader is the direct product of the people............ I hear some people say its only those of us who didn't get our own share complain the most. What a country.
Our government impose austerity measures on us, now we are paying for an ineffective and inefficient personnel's inability to forecast, plan and strategize.
This is a country where most of our Pastors and men of god are among the richest in the world. Our corrupt civil servants pay huge tithe to sustain blessings and the poor masses are encouraged to "sow seeds of faith" for miracle favor. we are often told not to complain but pretend and say "it is well."
no wonder Karl Max categorically stated that "Religion is the opium of the masses"
we are surviving, since there is no safe heaven to run to, am still proud of this country though, and daring for #change..... starting with myself.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
To unlock intimacy, to unsnap the fountain of love, to reconnect the life wire in your marriage is like raising the dead back to live. You may have seen "what not to do" and "what to do"- as modeled from friends, colleagues, and, yes, even your parents. Yet the hollow in the gap still becomes large. Left with no healthy models, you're now more or less stumped. What do you do?
) Find Your Bearing
Asking questions like "what do I really want for the relationship," this helps us see and fellow our North Star to win back the intimacy between our spouse. Despite the fact that we may be tempted to take the wrong path, these stars keep us focus on our goal, re-commit us to the relationship and juices up our brain in a way that helps us keep focus.
2) Refuse The Sucker's Choice:
When you figure out what you want.
Watch to see if you're telling yourself that you must choose between I can and I can't, break the ice and keep mute, between winning and losing. Break free of these suckers choice; they are devils advocates trying to use the spirit of doubt to stop you from doing the right thing. Whenever they say you can't, just take the "T" off.
3). ME First:
When we lost what we cherish in our relationship most of us are quick to blame the other person. More often than not, we do contribute to the problems we're experiencing. As much as others may need to change, or we may want them to change, the only person we can continually inspire, prod, and shape-- with any degree or in any degree of success is the person in the mirror. “Our actions are like boomerangs, no matter what, they’ll always come back to us, in one way or another. Act wisely," said Andres Lara
4). Start With the Heart:
Begin with the right motives, desire a change, want to win back what you have lost in the relationship, remember the love, the romance, the oath in the aisle; this is not the time to remember his bad; keep it positive, keep it right; begin with the right motive. You can't win back the intimacy without being moved in the heart. If it is worth it, it isn't going to be an option.
5). Forgiveness:
Before intimacy is being locked out someone some time, somewhere was treated unjustly and he or she decided to lock-up and not to give their best any more, some how the other person without the knowledge of the particular offense committed got fade of trying to please the spouse and both went cold. One person must break the ice and it must be you. An Apology can do miracles, forgive yourself and the your spouse. Give it a shot.
6). Put the Other Person First:
Selfishness is a sole killer of marriages.
Women crave emotional intimacy in the same way that men crave physical intimacy. You should know this and satisfy your spouse needs. Consequently, just as men are vulnerable to unfaithfulness in the absence of sex, women are vulnerable to unfaithfulness in the absence of emotional connection. Put her/ him first and the intimacy will be revived.
7). Undying Love:
Look for a way to show the love, be caring, communicate and maintain bodily contact with your spouse to keep winning his love. And wives keep making your man feel important and expect God's goodness in your home.
8). Fill The Emotional Bank Account:
Men tend to give sex to get love without observing that to get that sex you need to deposit quality time, touch and gift wrapped with thoughtfulness and nice words. Where women are stimulated by what they hear, Men are stimulated by what they see, dress cute and give him some "good good loving". Think of the word intimacy as "into-me-see." It is both physical and emotional.
9). Patience:
Some marital experts would agree with me that the reason for high percentage extramarital affair is because most husbands fail to fill the emotional hunger their wives are yearning for and wives feel to satisfy their physical needs. Yet you need some time to allow your words and efforts to win back the intimacy to have an effect in your spouse as you keep up the good work.
1). Prayers:
Here is a precious secret I've learned: prayer invites angels into the war zone of your experience..... Let God know and let him get to work wonders to get your intimacy back. That's the reason its the number one thing.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Society might tag value in quality and expensive things but to your wife, the more thought you add into a present, the more valuable it becomes. Don't always forget to think outside the box, the present might be your undivided attention, a present of a man free of bad habits. And minding the kids are well taken care of.
when you listen to what your wife says, she feels valued. she is reassured that her thoughts and feelings are important to you. The more you listen, the more she will trust, feel secured and confide more in you.
3). SMILE:
when she wants to talk, welcome her with a smile so she won't feel that she is inconveniencing you. A smiling husband is sure to have a happy home.
like any good detective, if you backtrack and follow the clues you will get to the bottom of what is really making her angry. when your wife grows silent, stopped smiling; check her-------its time to backtrack.
thank your wife when she says something nice about you in public, and don't fail to tell her how beautiful that makes you feel.
don't worry that you have lost her attention, when your woman gets into multi-task mode like our smart-phone. When she answers the calls, cook the meal and hanging Junior on her her hip. Please instead of get into a quarrel for this rather praise for such a wonderful skilland for her incredible ability to maximizing her precious time.
one of you is practical, and the other is more free-spirited, and that keeps fun in your life and at the same time gives you control and order. one of you likes to clown around, and one of you likes to laugh. one of you likes to cry, and the other likes to comfort. one of you wants to touch, and the other loves to be touched. and no matter the huge difference, your hearts were designed by God to beat as one. cherish it!
those differences keep you thinking different and this makes life fun and exciting. you both will never think exactly alike, you will always see the world through different eyes. it is fine as long as you both are looking up to God for directions.
it will be too bad of you to criticize her jokingly or meanly in front of your friends, family or colleague. if you are not praising her then i think you should pin your mouth and swallow the negative things about her.
she is your one and only and in no account would you compare her with your sister, friend, colleague or even your mom, she is unique and unique she will forever be.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
You are your wife's knight in shining armor, her super-hero, the person she turns to first and always. I guess as her superman you ought to save her every moments, then read on as you put on your red cape, on the verge not only to save the world but your marriage.
1). Why not Hanger Out At Home
When your home becomes a favorite place to hang out it reassures your wife of the commitment you made to love and to hold. When you walk through the door and greet her with a kiss, she knows she's loved.
2). Keep Your Wondering Eye Off The Big Booty Gal:
Oh yes, your wife is a hell smart of a woman, because even when you think she's not watching, her instincts are still intact, don't even border to tell her how nice that girl is, she reads everything intoto and admiring other girls is gonna cut the silk thread binding the two of you together. She's the only one you should be looking at, get used to it for your marriage sake.
3). Protect Her By Firstly Protecting Yourself:
Many would say "that is too selfish" but your woman knows she feels safest when she knows that she is in your hands and that you are in God's hands. Get the spiritual compass well figured and she knows you can lead the family all the way
4). Be a Good Protector
You don't need to slay orks, dragons or vikings hordes to be a good protector, just start taking preventive measures.
Stop asking her if the door is locked, go and check for yourself, seeing you check that the doors are locked, that the cars are parked well, check if the keys are hanging where they are suppose to be. All these has some unseen emotional effect on your wife.
5. Be Your Wife's Advocate:
Your sisters, brothers, friends and mom, yes your mother, may think your wife is a terrible housekeeper, but it is not their house anyway, it's hers and yours. If at all she is the apple of your eye. Let all of them know that anyone who attacks your wife is biting your eye and I guess that's not funny, You chose her out of 4billion other gals and that doesn't mean she's perfect but she's your Angel. Who doesn't want to be at the side of an angel. What other way would you rather be there for her if not in "so, so and so" moments like this. And if they say she gave you a love portion then do it for love's sake. Visit your mom next time and she will see a brave heart who does for his wife what your dad couldn't do for her.
6) She Loves a Brave Heart.
We are rooting for ways to become the super-hero our wife would be proud of, but first of all you need to know what creates an impression for her. When you have the courage to stand up for what's right, when you give of yourself in service to humanity, when you love kids and help the needy, that is bravery.
7). Be Her Mirror
Even if you decide to place mirrors in every turn your wife makes, it's always going to be certain that she will be longing to hear from you how she's dressed. After all she worked all these hard for you. In every women, big and small; young and old is a little girl dressed in pink hoping her man will tell her how beautiful she looks. Be creative in this; place nice words inside her bag, shoe or get her a key holder that write "my wife is a key to my chest"
8). Forgive Her:
The fountain of a peaceful home flourishes in the spring of forgiveness, great husbands forgive their wife even before they offend them. They know she's not a perfect freak, she's human, love her perfect imperfections.
Every woman young and old are prophets, your wife can tell what can become of your plan, she knows what's wrong and where and how, they are more detailed than you. Bring down your proud and value her opinion.
10). How Going is The Bed Ride:
The reason for some quarrels, nagging and sudden anger is not just the present occurrence, most times those ones are in the surface, it has a root cause. It may be unsatisfied sex, average sex, or even too much of it. Don't shy away from these deal with it. Get quick solutions to keep wheeling the ride.
This is the first X(ten) codes. Watch out for the next episode which will bear the rest of the X its gonna be explosive.
Save homes, Feel free to share!
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Friday, October 24, 2014
After years gone off the honey moon's lane, the moment after the poison of the cupid arrow begin to fade away, men wake from the long term sleep poised by love, his suspended consciousness begin to return, then the man begin to observe your little flaws, instead of remaining helpless or to spend forever checking the marriage certificate for the marriage expiring date; here are things many wives did that kept wheeling the ride.
1. Start Making His Favorite Meal:
Though at the onset a man feels satisfied by your voluptuous body and pretty face and decided to settle with you, if you don't satisfy his stomach then you are likely inviting trouble. His eye may play trick on him and make him ask your hand in marriage but his stomach is topping the list of the reasons whether you will be staying close to his heart or not.
2. Check Your Attitude:
During this period no matter the character he throws at you, standing for the right attitude elevates your inside game. A negative attitude is below the horizon...a place for lonesome hearts. Neither will swearing and nagging make your argument valid; it just tells him that you have lost your class and control. Ignore the negative voice inside you and focus on your strengths...... which is to keep loving.
3. Check Your Appearances
Women often think that the ultimate of their looking good game is to win the ring and when they are finally in his house, there is no point setting any other new fashion goals. That's wrong........ Ask him how he wants you to look or just don't stop looking good till you start stealing not his money but his attention.
4. Satisfy His Quest for Intellect
A hungry man is an angry man, he may not be hungry for food but he may be yearning for intelligence...... become one, research for him, give him brilliant answers, you are his helper not only to do his laundry or cook his food, he needs your intelligent just as America needs the C.I.A.
5. Show His Relatives Some Respect:
Show some respect to his relatives most especially his mother, she is the one who nurtured out the man he is.
6. Revisit Your Dreams and Aspiration:
life is just but a dream, if you sit in the ivory tower of comfort and usher your food and love one day he will keep stirring at your face like a billboard for those dreams you told him while at the park, in CDS, eatery or in college. Revisit your dreams, men like women with drives to accomplish dreams
7. Men love a listener:
No matter how much you want your opinion to push through, listen to his details and don't counter them. Ogechy Cynthia Eze : 2014)
8. How Deep Is Your Bedlife:
He is hungry yet there is one important food that stirs his soul, don't starve him of it no matter what happens, I guess you get the gist.
Sure, sex isn't everything. But a complete lack of it could spell the end of a marriage.
9. Improve Your Prayer Life
A godless woman is very clueless and doesn't have a belief system and could spell a disaster for a man. Prayerful woman is filled with answers because God will never fail her.
10. Make Him Feel Important
Show some gratitude for even the little things he did for the family not just only when he showed you kindness, honor him, care for him, remain boastful of your man even though all he gave you was a kiss.
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Thursday, October 23, 2014
It is so pathetic what fear does to us without we knowing it; we allow it play a role in all our decision making which tear down our respective relationships and leave your spouse with no reason for the fall-out and determines who you date: good or bad. Most ladies left guys with no reasons; and fear to tell them the rational behind their leaving. Fear displays its awkwardness in all aspect of our life as we deem it fit
Most people's problem is not who to love or how to love but people are often afraid of love itself. Fear of love could be caused ranging from:
1)Fear of an ugly experience repeating itself; 2)Some background rooted Reasons.
» Fear of an ugly experience repeating itself do give a hidden belief that love is dangerous.
That if you fully dive into love for anyone, it will engulf you, swallow you whole that there'll be no "you" left and at the long run when you have finally surrendered your love, you will be disregarded and later jilted by the same person that had loved you. It make you see love as a trap waiting to break your heart.
Background Rooted Cases:
There are generations of women in some families, who do sabotage happiness and push love away and encourage the younger gals down the line to do thesame. They get the lucky ones among them who have finally found their soul mate to believe that the relationship cannot possibly last. Then they must create trouble at base camp. They must cheat to feel justified, thinking its the right thing to do.
All these drives is wheeled subconsciously, and is in constant struggle with your Christian beliefs and these fears will always take prominence reflecting in your behavior because you tend to feed your fear more than you feed your faith; your clueless spouse would be having issues with you without knowing the root causes.
Since you are what you think, then, you have the choice to determine "who you want to be" in the middle of your inward struggle between faith and fear in your mind. Between denying the ugly scene happening inside of you, and set your relationship up for a fall or tell yourself the truth and make way for love.
»Tell yourself the truth.
»Engage in some proper interpersonal relationships with yourself.
»Begin to place your beliefs to a doubt to choose the helpful ones.
» Affirm the best and right things to yourself; faith comes by hearing, hearing the word of God.
»Let your spouse know you had a life before he met you and learn if he can fit into it and help improve your life? Don't expect him to know, he is not in your head.
»Don't just keep filling your minds with reasons for doing the wrong things hence feeding your fears against your faith. Rather tell yourself the truth and only the truth can set you free.
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Saturday, October 18, 2014
The Basis For Life
Life is a period of time when everything is built on the basis of a thing! The foundation on which one builds that which is important to each and everyone of us. This foundation is the basis for which things that matter about life is built upon. The basis for which an individual live for, matters a lot. The basis for life is what an individual could live base on character, it is character that sharpens the basis for our life's existence. The life of an individual is base on the character which an individual exhibit one way or the other. This character shapes the way an individual sees life, the way we embrace life, and the way an individual act base on their habit. Character is the future of an individual, a distinguishing feature of an individual, it is a complex of mental and ethical trait marking a person or a group who they are. Character is a moral strength, it is the morality on which one can be known.
The society we have today is filled with people of different character both in words and in deeds, people from different race and background which make up the society both positively and negatively. These people have influenced the society with their different characters which we can see on the things that happens in our society today. The differences in all that are seen in our environment lies in the character that are portrayed by the individual in the society.
There are people in the society whose character can not be identified with. It is a thing to be pondered on that these people affect other people negatively and they don't look at what or how they have negatively influenced the society. For the society to be a place of serene where peace and happiness flows then people should develop good character and affect one another positively. Looking at the singles in the society, it is not necessarily your money, your beauty, intelligence, fame, hardwork etc that may attract your husband; if one of these should attract him then it will take character to keep him. It may take beauty to attract a man but it take character to keep him and to build a beautiful home.
It is therefore a thing that should be imbibed by the individual to develop a goodly and a godly character because your skill, talent, intelligence etc can push you high, but character will keep you up there. Hence, character is what a nation is known for, good or bad because it is what will keep the going, as it is the basis for the human existence.
Written by #Queen
Edited by Michael Ugochukwu Mbuko
Ogechy Cynthia Eze
1. Before you start a relationship with a lady,
you must think carefully about
what you are about to do. A relationship is
not something you should rush into
or handle lightly.
2. Are you ready for a relationship
with her? Are you emotionally, mentally and
spiritually mature to meet her
3. Being sexually attracted to her
means absolutely nothing. It isn’t a sign of
likeness, love or any other thing
your mind may come up with. It may just be
your hormones messing with your
mind. A woman is more than her body and
her sexuality.
She has a life which you should be able to
blend with. Can you do that?
4. This lady has a history. Can you handle it?
She has a past. Can you handle
it? Can you handle her mistakes, failures and
weaknesses? Can you handle her
dreams without being intimidated and
becoming jealous?
5. She already had a life before she met you.
Can you fit into and help improve
her life?
6. Love is commitment. Are you ready to
commit your life to helping her grow
and become all that she can be, by God’s
7. Is she valuable enough for you to devote a
large portion of your life towards
the accomplishment of HER dream?
Are you ready to pour your resources into
making her all the Lord plans for her
to be? If you are not ready, don’t just bother.
8. Before you open your mouth to say ‘I love
you’, ask yourself if this
is not just a moment of ‘emotional madness’.
A lady needs much more than ‘I
love you’. She needs your commitment. If you
are not ready to make that
commitment that will lead to marriage,
please leave her alone in peace and stop
wasting her time and resources...
Great minds and inspirational musicians like Josh Wilson and
James Adelaja Cerulean would agree with me that the music doesn't come from the fingers that draw the cords, it comes from the mind. Those
words don't just flow from their mouth, it flows out of the
mind and being aired through the mouth. Your mind
determines what your eye get fix on and what your interests
are. The mind absorbs what ever skills, knowledge and ability
we acquire overtime; and requires our self-belief to remit it
back to us at the point we need them. When you get too
emotional with fear, anxiety and doubt, your brain chemistry
gets disrupted and your mind functionality gets affected. Your
mind will operate just fine when you base your thoughts on "I
can" ideology. If your mind can operate this fine on its own,
then what about allying with the Super-mind that can do all
things? You will become as much super too. The ability of your
brain to process information is what makes us human, and
this mental power can travel back in time to recall memories
and also front in time to foresee the future. Both the past,
present and the future what matters most is where our
consciousness is at a particular point in time from cradle to
grave. Since success is progressive, If your foot get planted in
the past then you are no where near the life of your dream .
But when we go forth to perceive, to dream of the future
mentally it helps us know how to work it out physically. You are divinely made, connect back to your source and enjoy a life worth living!
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Monday, October 13, 2014
God Loves Nigeria
God Loves Nigeria - written by Femi Fani Kayode
Article written by Femi Fani Kayode. Read below...
God loves Nigeria so much. For those that doubt it kindly
consider the following. They created ebola in their
demonic labs for bio weapons. They sent the disease to
our shores through an insane Liberian but the Lord
defended us and refused to allow it to take root in our
God loves Nigeria so much. Why? Because, as the bible
says, ''He uses the foolish things of this world to confound
the wisdom of the wise''. For those that still doubt it kindly
consider the following.
They refused to label Boko Haram as a terrorist organisation
until all men of goodwill begged them to do so and until the
terrorists had slaughtered no less than 25,000 Nigerians,
including innocent children whilst abducting thousands
They refused to sell us arms to fight the Haramites and when
we approached other nations to do so they directed them to
say ''no'' and turn us down.
Yet God was with us, we sourced those arms ourselves and
ever since then the tied has turned and our gallant soldiers
are winning the war against Boko Haram.
Can all this be just coincidence? Do these so-called friends
and allies of our nation really wish us well?
I read the response of the American Ambassador to Nigeria
about our concerns about the US arms embargo on Nigeria.
He spoke nothing but nonsensical popycock and bunkum.
What on earth have we done to them that they seek to bring
us to our knees and decimate our country with terror,
torment, violent brutality and disease?
Why have they visited us with so much covert hate despite
our obnoxious fawning and desperate crawling before their
superpower thrones for the last one hundred years?
Have we not played the fool enough for them and have we
not bowed low enough to them on bended knee for the last
54 years?
Yet despite all our efforts to please our international
partners and modern-day slave masters they seek to effect
their prophecy that chaos must envelop Nigeria and that our
country must break up by 2015.
They seek to ensure that we are enveloped in a sea of
carnage and fratricidal butchery the likes of which have
never been seen before on the African continent or indeed
in world history.
In the light of all these observations numerous questions
must be asked? Who is really behind Boko Haram and how
come they have more sophisticated arms than the Nigerian
Who supplies them with those arms and all that training? Is
it the same forces that covertly trained, armed and supplied
ISIS, Al Nusra and Daesh?
Is it the same powers that used those barbaric terrorist
organisations in Syria to attempt to topple President Bashar
Al Assad and in Iraq to push Nouri Al Malaki out of power?
Is it the same forces that unleashed mayhem and created
turmoil in the Ukraine and that sought to plunge Europe and
Russia into a bloody war?
Is it the same forces that created Al Qaeda and
commissioned Osama Bin Ladin to push the Soviets out of
Afghanistan? Is it the same people that seek to use Boko
Haram to decimate our country, destroy our people and
bring our government to it's knees?
It is very clear to me that NATO will deploy ground troops to
Iraq and Syria relatively soon. This was the plan all along.
The long-term objective is not just to destroy and defeat ISIL
but also to remove Bashar Al Assad from power in Syria.
As a matter of fact the latter has always been the primary
objective and America, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and a
handful of others in the Arab Gulf states supported and
funded ISIS, Al Nusra, Daesh and a number of other terrorist
groups specifically for that purpose for a number of years.
The sheer evil and horror of ISIS has provided a useful
pretext and justification for a full scale invasion of Syria and
Iraq by the western powers and their sunni Arab allies.
That invasion, which will be clothed in the name of
''liberation'', will come soon. Bashar Al Assad, Syria, Russia,
Iran, China and their secularist allies in the region need to
brace up and prepare for the worst. This is indeed a
rhapsody of reality.
Yet whoever unleashed these forces and whatever their evil
intentions for Nigeria are, one thing is clear: despite all our
complexities, self-hate, self-doubt, ignorance, naivety,
eccentricities and innocent trusting ways, God loves us
dearly and we shall not go the way of Iraq, Syria or Libya.
After all this is the land of the Ameyo Adadevoh's and other
brave souls. This is the land where the watchers pray
through the night and stand in the gap for their beloved
nation and their compatriots regardless of faith, tribe or
This is the land where, though we pretend to hate one
another and we bicker morning, night and day, we know the
meaning of the word patriotism, honor, dedication,
resilience, ruggedness and love.
This is the land whose people know how to worship and
praise the one true God and who call on His name night and
The earthly powers that be and the emissaries of the devil,
no matter how powerful, how rich and how connected will
never destroy us and neither shall the counsel of satan
prevail in our land.
Each time they throw a bomb at us, like ebola, it shall
''return to sender''.
Each time they refuse to sell us arms to enable us to defend
our people and redeem our honor the Lord shall raise
others who shall do it in their stead.
The bottom line is as follows: you may hate us and seek to
shame and humiliate us but God loves Nigeria and His
purpose for our nation, whether you like it or not, shall
surely come to pass.
God bless Nigeria and may He continue to deliver us from
our enemies, preserve our unity, defend our shores and
protect our borders.
The watchers prayed "return to sender" and ebola was
sent back to Houston through another insane Liberian.
Now they seek to learn lessons from the Nigeria that they
targeted and sought to destroy about how to "contain
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
7 Incredible reasons Most Rich and Beautiful Ladies Don't Get Dates
In our busy world beauty have been so much glorified that ladies who have them thank their stars. They make our bill boards colorful, and shine their lovely teeth on adverts, there beautiful faces make the covers of most products and we see their splendor on City-magazines. Some of them in our respective vicinity glow with proud, courting all the attention their beauty attracts to them. These beautiful girls come out well polished shining in glory but a peep into their closet is little gal crying in loneliness wishing there be a hairy chest she could play with and a strong shoulder she could lean on. It is so empty living behind her castle wall and she is wishing those walls could talk. Read on to know the seven 7 reasons pretty gals don't have dates:
Our society is stratified no doubt, divided in some kind of classes and the upper-class gals categories themselves and are expected to talk to only their kind thereby disregarding any other human being who is not in that same class with them. Beauty is good but character is better. Most of our beautiful ladies don't court people with respect, they lack attitude to life and to people, they lack courtesy and it seems manner of approach have been withdrawn from their conscience. In their world everyone else is ignored as they sit to make the rules, treating people with disdain is a hobby and demanding loyalty without giving any becomes a way of life. Who would want such a gal as a date?
Most guys see going out with beautiful ladies as building castles on the air. Guys usually have a preconception that beautiful ladies already have dates that would even be better than them, hence with the mindset that it is very impossible for a gal that beautiful not to have a suitor. So many guys do have fear making advances towards her because they don't want to waste their time, money and thoughts chasing shadows. Most men usually see beautiful gals as a natural snob whereas it maybe otherwise.
In this global world and in this jet age no one wants to marry a rich but empty beautiful woman. When a lady lack purpose, when a girl is empty she lacks confidence , she is insecure and will on her own be a liability, whereas men are looking for asset that has something to offer but she has nothing to offer, when she is dreamless and selfish, when all she wants is just to get married then real men have to be running. Relationship is a reciprocal thing and when she can't give back then its either the half-full man becomes empty or the full man becomes half-empty.
This is the attitude of always wanting to be better than someone else hence putting wants ahead of needs and thereby basing who they are on material possession. They will always be the ones to have the nicest things, no talent is better except theirs. They put up 'do or die' measures to maintain their ego and beef whoever that seems better. These often leads to dissatisfaction.
Some of them are busy thinking about what their peers will say about them going out with a guy below their standards. They can't allow their ego drop one bit and continue waiting on the rich guy who has little of no time to spend with them.
some fetish and diabolical set of people do mask the faces of some pretty ladies hence preventing them from getting suitors. This happens occasionally and are often used as an excuse instead of searching innate for the major reasons.
You attract who you are not who you wish. These wonderful law do act against the pretty rich ladies. These rich and beautiful ladies dress classy, magnificently and glow in grandeur but these dress pattern cannot attract a descent man with a descent income coupled with his godliness. It could only attract wealthy married men who they wouldn't want to date. There standards are too high for upcoming men and when he sees that he can't meet their needs he will quietly withdraw. Because it is natural for men to provide; and their natural instinct is sure to minister to them a gal who wouldn't allow them exercise their natural gift of provision.
Most gals wonder why bad guys come their way without acknowledging the fact that there shabbily and loud dressing does the attracting. Being so artificial could only attract bad boys, cultist and so on...... who they wouldn't want hence continuing their loneliness game.
Mercy, Kennedy, Michael
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Like the saying "beauty is in the eye of the holder" but there is more to it that meets the eye. Beauty is confidence and confidence stirs from the satisfaction one holds about self. Though people hold various conceptions about beauty but despite what people think, what matters most is what beauty holds for you. Beauty simply implies appearing confident and being convicted that you are unique and that uniqueness is beautiful no matter what beauty holds for the public. Since beauty and confidence circumvents then there is two basic tenets to consider when discussing 'beauty' namely:
1)Minor Tenets
2)Major Tenets
The MINOR: also come with two kinds namely
a) People's views
b) Public wants
» People's view: These explains the concept "What They Want". Every individual big or small have their perception about beauty and these preconceptional knowledge of what beauty is differs from one individual to another. And these individuals often expect you to conform to their idea of beauty before you are tagged beautiful. Today the public see beyonce, Rihanna and Kardashian as a definition of beauty. Beauty to them is long hair, straight legs, voluptuous body, smooth face, pointed nose and glossy lips and the faces of top models. But these criteria spokes nothing if the self confidence of the subject in question is absent.
» Public View: these take on the concept of "what we want". Upper foundation, Mary Kay, Geo Palette, Mascara and Elf Fresh-Face are cosmetic ideas created by our society and it is fast becoming a societal norm that if not applied on your face then you aren't beautiful. These actually moved us from what beauty really is, in the essence ladies now base their confidence on these kits and lack confidence when its not on their face. These ideas end up masking her up, though she comes out with so much aura and grace but gets knocked down when not applied. The initiators of these beauty make-up ideas had succeeded in popularizing this concept and also planted these ideas into our mind with adverts of top models and super-stars wearing them. These ideas had drawn so many into its illusion of what beauty truly is.
MAJOR: entails self confidence, it connote the concept of me, myself and I. It entails your own boundaries. This talks about self knowledge and being yourself with your head held high acknowledging your powers and acceptance of yourself as beautiful and representing yourself in and out without conforming to what beauty holds for the society. And these to me is beauty.
#Josephine & #Michael
Friday, September 12, 2014
To one woman you are expected to become a soldier, but yet a man of peace,
to always fight for her love having in mind that other guys are in constant training to take her away from you. Then protect her heart so she will never be hurt again, but we all know it's a sacrifice that require the personality of an old fashion working man, which means you won't be home like you use to, On the phone like you use to, and make your presence count too.
What other way could you live life with no fears that she would never disappear, and show you big time that she cares and is never appear insecure.
Don't blink when rumors flies about you, don't panic about the lies they will fill her ears against you, because they must come.
Some of these lie would be that you are no different for all this others guys, then come home sooner to make her realize that life's just a contest and she happens
to be your prize.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
- joy Gomes
Most Americans have become "Zombified" and oblivious to the current state of war against the citizens of the U.S., and all citizens in the West as a confluence of preplanned events begin to accelerate to an orchestrated, life changing end of the lifestyles and freedoms to which we've become accustomed. There is a palpable escalation of events that lead to the inescapable conclusion that none of this is happening by accident, but by plan. We have been engaged in a covert global war by proxy, however this global war is now beginning to become more overt as situations continue to heat-up in Ukraine, Syria and all across the Middle East. The globalists are pushing and instituting their technocracy through gunboat diplomacy, tied directly to the U.S. dollar, which is facing its own death at the hands of these neo- Satanic globalists. America's sovereignty and very existence is at stake. The United States military is being systematically dismantled from within by these same Satanic globalists who are creating untenable positions for those who reject orders of subjugation to a world power. Ranking officers within the military who refuse to forsake their oaths to the U.S. Constitution are being dispelled and identified as threats. Military personnel are beginning to realize their expendability, and might soon experience the same under this regime of tyranny. There is the pathogenic Ebola nightmare that is taking place throughout Africa and in select cities across the world that also threatens us in the U.S. and all across the West. Medical surveillance of the various Ebola variations suggest potential if not real weaponization. We are witnessing the convergence of events, a series of preplanned and orchestrated crises, that will impact every person on this planet. We need to be in a state of spiritual, mental and practical state of readiness as everything is in motion for the crescendo of events.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
What would you do to his smart mouth? That screamed i love you loud yesterday, and seems so cold today. All your antics to pin him down seems abortive and you can't figure out why. Today he is in and tomorrow he is off as if you're in his magical mystery ride. You've gotten so dizzy trying to translate his every moves. Like its taking ages for him to realize how much you love his smiles and all his edges, all his perfect imperfections and all you ever wanted is to be his end and his beginning even when he is losing and winning but you keep wondering what's going on his beautiful mind, "is he toying with your fragile emotions?" No doubt you are in a maze with him and he wants to make a mess of you......... I will teach you 7 principles that will amaze him in the next episode. Smiles.
The Incredible 7 Rules
You are a leading character in a movie called "your life",
Angelina Jolie is not gonna act a movie worthy of watching if
she entered the role without an incredible acting skills, it is
time to improve your love play card. To stand up strong in
your relationship.
The dawn of 21 century got men feeling on top thinking the
advance in technology are for the improvement of the game.
They bump up and sext all day and have sex all night with thesame lady they sext on facebook, whatsapp, 2go, twitter.
We took women to be so loose and this help condition our
minds and shape the way we relate with the ladies, to us
there are so many fishes in the river ready to swim into our
net. And this same philosophy scare you to death, you know
there are ladies out there waiting for your exit and you hated
to leave, you hate the loneliness, you hated seeing your
friends go out for a date leaving you at home, you hated
seeing all your friends boyfriends coming to visit them and
you are left on your own. It time to let it go, be that great
women who is gonna be independent for the time being, a
woman who knows her worth and knows who she is, a happy
woman who draws happiness from the inside and is firm
enough not to let the flood of happenings in her
environment carry her. Walk out of the man and get a life, he
is the devil trying to ruin you, he is not man enough to walk
into your future, so brace up and start up a new book, you
will never end the book you both started together in
happiness and the girl you were will not be happy if the lady
you have become fail to realize her wishes and dreams. If
truly you had a dream as a child then its time to pick up
some standards.
Even if other gal are scared of leaving their man because of
the awareness he would get a replacement in a jiffy, you are
an exception. Its high time you ladies start turning the games
around. Now you have your time to yourself, get the
currency of character it will earn you a powerful reputation
at the long run, get to study, make good friends, get the
education, be dedicated to God and to your work, remain
focus, don't not decline to the lies of critics and do not be
lured to start up a new stuff just to wipe way shame or to
show him that you are still hot and attractive, it is dummy
like in nature, it is just policking with mummies, its not
leading anyway cos sooner your new guy will perceive your
game and ride on them to his own advantage. Do not go on
doing drug, it is counterproductive. Do not commit suicide it
is madness, do not kill him, you don't have a right to take
away another life.
The rest awaits in the next episode. Smiles.
Stand on the solid rock which is God where you would find peace, joy, rest and courage to forgive and to move on with your life.
Look at the big picture. You build your life upon your faith. You cherish your
faith. You aren’t afraid to tell others of your beliefs. You stand for positive values. You are ethical in your dealings. You pray and meditate to have the courage to face your fears. You pray and meditate to have the strength to accept, endure and triumph over the heart break and small daily annoyances that might come when your friends blame you for leaving him. You celebrate the good that you find in the world. Submission to God hand to you some supernatural powers that you can't feel and touch but it is being perceived by other minds, it fuels your aura and largess your presence.
With humility, submit. You are but one fragile, fallible human that need prayers. Your next great spouse that will make you happy is God’s answer to your prayers. Your selfless good works in advising other gals in choosing the rightful partners are your prayers put into action. Get to love God he will help you forget your past and aid you to maintain your presence.
Your contented presence shows an air of simple elegance and refinement in
attitude and form. You appear physically, emotionally and spiritually strong, yet you seem to have even greater strength in reserve. You are poised, coordinated and balanced. You command with effortless, assured confidence. Be calm. Be deliberate. Feel assured and alert. Look good. Feel good. Keep your head up and your shoulders back. Keep your eyes forward. Breathe deeply. Speak with a soft voice in a thoughtful manner. Walk with a purpose. Don’t rush. Have a firm handshake. Your eyes are friendly...... smiles. Your demeanor is respectful. Let your smile begin in your mind. You exhibit both style and class. First impressions are lasting. The next dude might be a corner away, the things you want drawn to you will come as a result of your good nature and determined persistence. Pause and savor the moment. Begin your work.
From the Bible, we learn that love is patient and kind. It does not envy. It
does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. It is responsibility and a willingness to work out problems. Love is too wonderful and too powerful to be kept bottled up. Let it out with your smiles, your voice, your manner, your enthusiasm and your continuing acts of kindness. For love, you can risk being vulnerable. When you find love, cherish and safeguard it. A loving marriage and family is worth all your efforts.
The short road leads to strong personal relationships. If you smile at, listen to and are generous with family, employees and the public, you will be rewarded with many friends out of the many one might be the lucky one. If you are courteous, you will be welcomed anywhere. This is a short road to a notable accomplishment.
While walking the short road beware of wolves in sheep dress.
All ladies have expectation of what spouse they want, at least the basics must be clearly seen before they can lower their guards for him and we men have a clue of this. And now that you have Opened up a new page, Picked up some standards, Stood on the Rock, Maintained your presence, and is now Walking the long road you will be seen as standing on a higher ground. You are now a star, so attractive, so pretty and command a lot of respect, if you are convinced that you are a bigger star then be rest assured that you are being watched. Men will guise themselves as angels of light whereas there heart awaits your doom, they come to inflict pain, sadness and wickedness: they want to take your pound of flesh........ I guess you get the gist. Don't give a chance, make life a contest for them and you choose to be their price. Study them closely and make sure they have unveiled all their shadows and you are satisfied before giving it a shot. Don't accept him thinking he will change, if he didn't change before marriage he might not change in it. But don't let Him in unless he has paid bride price.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Love dot com have just released names of top ten "husbands" in the world. Is your name in the list of the top ten husbands in the world, if not then here are what the top five best husbands in the world did.
Firstly, they save the quarrels for private times not in public.
Secondly, they didn't degrade or talk down their wives in public or with their friends, they know the repercussion is not only the disdain their friends will show to their wives but she will be filled with low self-esteem.
Thirdly, they put an arm around her waist or shoulders to claim ownership of her even in public.
furthermore, they didn't pick Rome for a romance trip to show their wife love made in heaven. They made her their Eden by decorating her paradise with their quality time, remember if Adam had been with Eve the time of the temptation, the devil wouldn't have had a chance, but you don't need to spend the whole time with her, yet be in presence with her in form of thoughts that circles are mind by constantly reassuring her of your love, compliment her without ceasing, help her with the duty of running the home in season. Most times the devil you need to deal with in your home might not be her friends or relatives who come with various ill-strategies to run your home, it may be your negative deeds and words that form thoughts in her head, you can alter all those strategies by changing the way you speak and your actions towards her, don't speak at all if not positive speeches, don't do anything at all if not deeds making her smile. Patient is the key because she won't just lay down her guides for the fear that you might be in for some ill-stuffs.
What would you do to his smart mouth? That screamed i love you loud yesterday, and seems so cold today. All your antics to pin him down seems abortive and you can't figure out why. Today he is in and tomorrow he is off as if you're in his magical mystery ride. You've gotten so dizzy trying to translate his every moves. Like its taking ages for him to realize how much you love his smiles and all his edges, all his perfect imperfections and all you ever wanted is to be his end and his beginning even when he is losing and winning but you keep wondering what's going on his beautiful mind, "is he toying with your fragile emotions?" No doubt you are in a maze with him and he wants to make a mess of you......... Don't end in the mess with him cos he is a coward that can't finish what he started, its time to stop being a character in his unfinished business. I will teach you 7 principles that will amaze him in the next episode. Smiles.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
tips on how to get the ring and don't cry trying
Causes: weak mind, it is a junction where selfishness meets foolishness. Some ladies have been diagnosed with "Lovengiosis": what love does to the mind, it renders its victims stupid and so powerless, they know there guy is cheating on them, they have caught him cheating twice, he had hit them for nagging them about it thrice still they keep on swimming in his ocean of love..... There fear is a mixture of: " the fear of wasting the time they had already invested in the relationship and what people might say about them". At times it might be the fear of the length of time they would remain lonely and single before getting a toaster, some wouldn't like seeing their roaster, sorry, their man with another lady; while some because of the material benefit they are getting that made them surrender their power. If you are a carrier of these bad disease or even you've already begin to spread it around like "Ebola virus" in form of stupid advice to your sisters, friends and other relatives, better wise-up. NOTE: We guys are simple being, we dislike ladies with "Lovengiosis", we like women who drills us and make us pay for playing on them. We appreciate ladies who are confident of their powers and won't surround them to us because of the heck going on in their head. We care about the repercussion we will get for cheating on you; is it gonna be heavy(quantity)?, can we bear it(its magnitude)?, what would it rather be(suspense)? When you end the relationship and mean it, and you are quite sure that you've not given up your pound of flesh on our bed and had offered allot to the man's development and that of the relationship; we will now sit up and do the necessary rituals to get you back and mind the business of loving you. That's simple right. But the simplest is to stick around a godly man who will remain faithful to God and to you. Think twice cos most men won't change after you're back to them.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
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Thursday, July 31, 2014
I heard someone say that "Law, not confusion, is the dominating principle in the universe; justice, not injustice, is the soul and substance of life", then this is what he meant:
Immediate satisfaction is one thing while the aftermath circumstance is another, since conscience never lies, you will always feel the guilt that lies beneath any evil experience which would rather result to constant sadness and personal onslaught, you would become unconsciously wicked to human and other things still worsening the condition. Hence what one does at some point in time that is morally wrong can fetch him/her immediate satisfaction at that time but the aftermath repercussion will always give him/her something to regret when remembered and since we are power being hardwired with memories the incessant unsatisfaction will linger on unless their is personal conviction to turn away and become righteous or to continue to stifle the conscience with the evil deeds until it stopped speaking up, then that act of immorality will be an addiction you can't break; And since righteousness, not corruption, is the molding and moving force in the spiritual government of the world. Man has to be right himself to find that the universe is right. And during the process of putting himself right, he will find that as he alters his thoughts towards becoming morally upright, he will become happy and people will favour him in every turn he makes. His dreams and aspiration becomes clearer and aid will come from every direction to attain it, this process will become effective if he has a belief system that gives the direction. I suggest you open a spiritual bank account with Christ consciousness and your deposit of equity will earn you absolute peace of mind, favor, blessings and increase in eternal glory which would be progressive; this is the process when the bible say "lay up a foundation in heaven where rust and rut will not have effect on them". Your account is being carried over from generation to generation who will enjoy your reward you earn still on.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
- By Sarah Mechane:
Hushai was a friend of David, during Absalom's rebellion to his father king David, he agrees to act as an advisor to Absalom to sabotage his plans while secretly sending information to David. It was on his advice that Absalom did not immediately pursue the retreating David, thus giving David time to re-group and gather his forces, Hushai's advice helped to ensure Absalom's rapid defeat. "So Hushai said to Absalom; the advice that Ahithophel has given is not good at this know your father and his men, that they are mighty men.....and your father is a man of war and will not camp with the people...... For all Israel knows that your father is a mighty man and those who are with him are valiant men" 2 Samuel 17:5-10 NKJV Bible. Hushai referred to the David of the past, even though he saw David with his own eyes, that he was not strong and mighty to battle with Absalom. He hoped that Absalom would vividly remember the David of the past a man of war and Hushai tried to save his friend David from the hands of his son Absalom. He was a true friend indeed. So this morning JESUS is addressing the Body of Christ and asking, are you a true friend to defend the kingdom of GOD with the gospel in times of trouble? Are you a true friend to stand in time of calamity, adversity, pain and sorrow to your fellow brethren in the church? Are you a true friend of JESUS CHRIST to stay righteous and holy till the end? Are you a true friend to your wife/husband? Are you a true friend to your family, your children, friends, your neighbour, your colleagues? etc. Are you a true friend in the society? Can people rely on you? For it is written, "A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for a time of adversity" Prov.17:17 NIV Bible. Hushai proved to be a friend at all times and a brother in time of adversity to David, can you also be brother in time of adversity to your fellow Christian Brethren? However Hushai advised Absalom to raise a huge army and get David in person, so he said "Therefore I advise that all Israel be fully gathered to you, from Dan to Beersheba, like the sand that is by the sea for multitude and that you go to battle in person" 2 Samuel 17:11 NKJV Bible. Hushai not only wanted to defeat the counsel of Ahithophel, he also wanted to do whatever he could to buy David more time before the inevitable attack comes. Hushai's point was that it was too risky to attack David immediately, he just wanted his friend to escape and he did so by sending Zadok and Abiathar the priests to inform David to escape. Therefore, "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" "Share each other's troubles and problems and so obey our LORD'S command" JESUS CHRIST is that friend who sticks closer than a brother, be HIS friend and be HIS true friend, says the HOLY-SPIRIT, Prov.18:24 NIV Bible. Gal.6:2, The Living Bible. Shalom and free to share.
By Oluwatola Toluwani Ifeoluwa:
I effortlessly laboured to keep the thoughts off my heart as I watched international news yester night. All the news headlines across various stations reechoed in my heart THE IMMINENT END OF THE WORLD: RAPTURE. From Gaza to Donetsk, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and our own Nigeria, the world is experiencing unprecedented violence like never before. Peace appears to have evaded the world and there seem to be no hope of return to normalcy. This reminded me of what the Lord Jesus said to his disciples asked him when the end of times shall be: "And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows. But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them." Mark 13:7-9. In a moment, the trumpet shall sound and the fearful and dreadful tribulation will be unleashed when the remnants will be required to pay for their salvation with their blood, may we not be partakers of such! Concluding with the words of the author of Hebrews: "Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it". 8 hrs · Friends of Friends
By Serah Mechane:
Shimei was a distant relative of the former King Saul and he resented David for replacing the dynasty of Saul. Shimei had this heart against David for a long time, but he could only show it when David was down and out, running away from his son Absalom, Shimei "Came out, cursing continuously as he came. And he threw stones at David and at all the servants of King David. And all the people and all the mighty men were on his right hand and on his left. Also Shimei said thus when he cursed: Come out! Come out! You bloodthirsty man, you rogue! The LORD has brought upon you all the blood of the house of Saul, in whose place you have reigned.........." 2 Samuel 16:6-8 NKJV Bible. Shimei was wrong in his accusations to David, because David actually treated Saul and his family with great love and graciousness and none of this came upon David was because of what he did to Saul or Saul's family. There are always people like Shimei who are ready to rejoice when a leader falls. So this morning JESUS is addressing someone out there that, when you face adversity receive it in humility, let people rejoice over your downfall, let them criticize you, let them analyze you, let them say all sorts of things to you, insult you, receive all in humility, etc. because the Bible says; "If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small" Prov.24:10 KJV Bible. Persecution will come, adversity will come, pain and suffering will come, but hold your peace, because "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed" 2 Cor.4:8-9 KJV Bible. Shimei could not destroy David even though he was down, so hold your peace. Nevertheless, the mighty men surrounding David were more than ready to kill Shimei in an instant. "Zeruiah said to the king, Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king? Please, let me go over and take off his head" 2 Samuel 16:9 NKJV Bible. David could take this fellow's head off in a moment and yet he said, "Let him alone. Let him curse" verse 11. And this makes a splendid example, for if you can revenge yourself, DON'T, if you could do it as easily as open your hand, keep it shut, if one bitter word could end the argument, ask for grace to spare that bitter word. David didn't try to shut up Shimei, he didn't close his ears to unpleasant or critical words. David was willing to hear what GOD might say to him through a cursing critic, David let Shimei speak because he was not a bloodthirsty man. Ironically, if David was the kind of man Shimei said he was, Shimei would be dead, so be like David who received adversity in humility. Therefore "The GOD of all grace, Who hath called us unto HIS eternal glory by CHRIST JESUS, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you" says the HOLY SPIRIT, 1 Peter 5:10 KJV Bible. Shalom and free to Share.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
President Obama has come under fire for forcing all federal contractors to conform to the administration’s view on sexuality through a so-called ‘anti-discrimination’ executive order.
On Monday, the US president signed the order, which prevents federal contractors from discriminating against people who identify as LGBT, but does not exempt faith-based organisations.
President Obama had received a letter signed by 14 people including a leading pastor, the executive editor of a Christian magazine and the head of a large Roman Catholic charity, urging him to exclude faith-based organisations from the order.
The letter argued that this is necessary in order to protect “religious organisations that seek to serve in accordance with their faith and values”.
The executive order adds “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to an order from 1965 which prohibits discrimination on non-controversial grounds.
Alliance Defending Freedom, a non-profit religious liberty organisation, called the executive order “overreaching”.
Senior Counsel Kristen Waggoner said it shows that the Government is “now the primary threat to religious freedom”.
“The administration has brazenly bypassed Congress and declared that the only religious non-profit organizations it will do business with are those willing to line up with the administration’s doctrine and theology on sexual behaviour”, she said.
And the President of the National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, warned that the “non-discrimination rules like the order issued by President Obama can become a weapon used to punish and harass individuals and groups who support marriage as the union of one man and one woman”.
He said, “President Obama’s order has the great potential of putting employers in the position of standing up for their faith values or violating the new order.
“This will unnecessarily subject people of faith to harassing complaints and lawsuits”.
The US Supreme Court recently ruled in favour of a Christian-run business that did not want to provide health insurance covering abortion-inducing drugs.
Hobby Lobby – which has over 600 arts and crafts stores across 47 US states – said the decision allows them to continue operating “according to our principles”.
In the UK, a judge who rejected an appeal by Christian B&B owners over their double bed policy has questioned whether the law could better accommodate religious conscience.
Lady Hale, Deputy President of the Supreme Court, said the law needs to work out “how far it should allow for a ‘conscience clause’” for service providers or employees.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
By Serah Mechane.
King David was one of the great kings in Israel, a man after GOD'S own heart, a man full of compassion, a man with love for his people, a man with the zeal to accomplish the work of GOD in his life, a dedicated king, a praise and worship icon for the LORD, etc. failed because of his lack of romantic restraint and an indulgence of his sexual passions. King David committed adultery with another man's wife, the Bible says, "Then it happened one evening that David arose from his bed and walked on the roof of the king’s house. And from the roof he saw a woman bathing and the woman was very beautiful to behold" 2 Samuel 11:2 NKJV Bible. David inquire of the woman, he lay with her, impregnated her and later killed her husband Uriah. Though the woman who was later called by the name Bathsheba acted immodestly, because she certainly knew that her bath was visible from the roof of the palace, her immodesty was not an excuse for David’s sin, but she was still responsible for her wrong.
So this morning JESUS is addressing the Body of Christ that we should beware of lustful look, beware of conceiving long lasted sin in your heart, beware women of immodesty in dressing because it makes a lot of men to fall into sin, beware how you copy the lifestyle of the world into the church for it only leads to sin, beware of immorality, murder, adultery/fornication, etc. for the road path of sin is destruction, so beware not to fall into sin. Nevertheless David should have been out at the battle but he remained behind, customs and experience showed that GOD told David, "You need to be at the battle", but David remained at Jerusalem. If David had his attention where GOD wanted it, he would never put it where GOD didn’t want it. While Joab was busy in laying siege to Rabbah, satan was also busy laying siege to David and sooner prevailed through lustful look. David lacked the principle of Gal.5:16 which say "Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh".
JESUS is saying, "Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body" 1 Cor.6:18, NKJV Bible. Be like Joseph who was severely tempted to commit sexual immorality than David was, but he fled the temptation. So when David looked at Bathsheba and said beauty, GOD saw it as ugly. The pleasures of sin deceive us like the bait hides the hook, we must call it what GOD calls it sin. We want to say, affair but GOD says adultery, we want to say, love but GOD says lust, we want to say sexy but GOD says sin, we want to say, romantic but GOD says ruin, we want to say, destiny but GOD says destruction. Therefore speak like Job; "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman". Abstain from sexual sin, Says the HOLY-SPIRIT; Job 31:1, NIV Bible.
Shalom and free to share.
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