Thursday, September 24, 2015


You can just be like the true seekers who is not waiting for luck or kneeling on the preacher's feet waiting for a miracle, they take actions and create the greatest chances to put their statue on the pedestal. You can dedicate yourself and find yourself a champion. We believe with concentration you can move moutains and Like Jesus you can walk the streets through hell with smile to God's glory. We know that the hottest furnace don't kill, they only give birth to the brightest gold, if only like Shadrach you realize no middle ground

* There is no middle ground:

Its either you are up or you are down,  it is either you are down to earth or you are feeling high, it is either you kick the pail or live, it is either you rise or you fall , either you stand tall or stand low, there is no middle ground. It is either you join them or stand out,  it is either you do it or leave it. Its either a yes or a no, take a stand and don't weaver. Your life is yours to keep and not others to control. Its either you you are in the relationship or out if it. Get a base, get some principle and you will stand on higher grounds. Yes, i said no middle ground but make sure you are standing on the hill cos most times every other grounds might be a trap or a sinking sand. Even when you make a mistake and fall into the dungeon

* Don't keep staying in the dungeon:

The dungeons, cages and prisons  are ghettos meant for main men, if you are born there, you can always become another Michael Scofield to plan a prison break; if there is any forces responsible it is yourself. Break the chains of self, lost yourself for the course of breaking out of the tavern, do it for yourself, do it for your people, do it for the Nation and for the world. Like Usian Bolt, You can beat the clock, with hardwork you can break the chains. With faith you can break rocks and crawl out of the caves of the ghetto. Don't wait for luck, You can be a hero, You can be a champion but you need to empty your vessel first

* Empty vessels, noise the loudest:

There are empty everything: empty words, empty barrels, empty heart and an empty head. People who appear empty noise the loudest, though there are still many who are full but of self, and there are nothing good in self. Before you can imbibe something good, you need to empty yourself and be refilled, but you need to

* Check what you are carrying:

Like Rene Descarte doubt all your believes, scale yourself, what are your values, the self weighs nothing, go ahead and check, are you still carrying yourself or are you carrying the spirit. The spirit is powerful, the spirit is love, the spirit is kindness, the spirit is understanding, the spirit is service, it is discernment, it was the spirit that made the  differences between Mother Theresa and Adolf Hitler. Let the spirit embrace you and always examine with intervals to ascertain what it is you are chasing.

* Are you on a rat race:

Everyone have what they are pursing, its either they are running away from pain or running to embrace pleasure, they are only on a rat race, supermen don't do either. They are chasing something worth more than themselves, they dont sit all night stirring at the stars, they go to dream and work out their dreams to become stars. Don't forget the mirror on the wall.

*The Mirror concept:

Everyone have a mirror where they reflect, adjust and readjust themselves, my mirror is my best friend, I reflect daily. People react to what they mirror of you. Most times People give an opposite reaction to what they perceive of you, when you desperately want a position, they would give it to someone running away from it, when you need a girl desperately, she will keep running to those who ain't even aware of their existence vice versa. Why is it so? The world believe that too much interest is as a result of an interior motives bottled up in the mind.  So swallow your interest, rather pay attention.

Saturday, September 19, 2015


Ijeoma Afam a young gal in her late teens, medium height but fair in complexion, her spherical faces was squeezed with frowns as she lie on her bed full of thoughts, she needed help and its gat to be urgent, she needed to write JAMB, she is to brilliant not to see the four walls of high institution but who is to help her, her uncles were cruising in good life and wouldn't want to let anyone get to their level, maybe the worship they get will cease. This is just an ideal of an average African rich man mentality.

"Ije," her mother called as she walked into the room and noticed her face as tears roll from her Ari's down to her cheek, she moved closer, then let the accumulated air in her lungs off her nostrils, the rush could power a wind energy. She consoled her but non of them made sense to Ijeoma, she had heard them many times yet nothing changed, she will be 20  next month yet haven't yet attained her dreams but this time, Nneka, Ijeoma's mom could go any length to makeup it up to her daughter, she bolted off and walked miles to the church, and  the pastor who she was to meet just left, she wouldn't want to go home without good news she had to wait.

The pastor was finally here after several hours, she was glad. She was ushered into the house and she asked the pastor for a favour of some money so that she could help the daughter out. The pastor was way too kind and not just promised to help but promised to shelter her and keep her away from the wilds of young boys looking for hearts to devoured. She blamed the woman for not coming this long. She was happy and the next day Ijeoma appeared in the pastors place but this time, the pastors wife had returned from the long vacation she went with her kids.

The pastor was nice and his three kids was awesome and he had the best wife ever who was hardworking, Ijeoma craved for a marriage like this. She was bent studying and the encouragements she received from pastor was needful and the advice to flee from bad relationships and crave for boys was mindblowing, according to him, focus is the law of success but one day Ije was dressing the church with a young teacher of the church, he called her to help him carry the table on the altar so he could sweep beneath it and as  she walk up the altar only for the teacher to grab her wanting to defile her on the altar, she was shocked and never expected such from a teacher of God's word. It was a struggle and a fight just to free herself only to return home that night with thoughts of what's going wrong with the church lying on her bed, she  slept off, Angela the pastors wife didn't border to wake her to help her in the kitchen as  She knew she would have been exhausted.

Ije was fast asleep and she was noticing her skirt being dragged low, a sort of hand caressing her breast, she thought it was a dream until she woke up and noticed the person just sneaked away, she followed the step and saw no one. She didn't sleep again that night. The following die when the Angela has gone to the market, the pastor sent for her by her 6 year old daughter and she showed up for the pastor to tell her to sit on his laps. Ije began to cry and was really worried what on earth would make the pastor ask her to sit on his lap, she was sobbing seriously, as she resist, she persuaded with words but Ijeoma's conscience was judging her seriously. Out of respect she sat on his laps but now crying like seriously. The pastor who wanted to sleep with her had a rethink and let the innocent gal go.

* It is awful for the grace that wanted to safe us became the beast that wants to hurt us

* Many of them are on Facebook, dishing out biblical verses whereas there inbox is full of cyber sex vases.
* They come with very good and credible advises, but the helm of their sleeves is covered with axes unseen with a naked eye.

* They come as Shepherd but they are slaughterers, hiding under the guise of a cloak but they are revering wolves.

* They drag God's name to the mud, as they blind the conscience of every lady in the congregation, each not telling anyone.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


"The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords."

~King David in Psalms 55:21~

From my numerous years of study and research, I have found out that if there is one thing that plague sincere lovers, it is how to know a player, the cheat and the flirt. Most of them guise under some clean real dude with words smoother than butter and softer than oil yet with their swords they cut your pound of flesh, the real issue is not them but you, many of you become Merchants of Venice placing your love for sale, then so many Shylock were created out of the blues coming for your pound of flesh. You can play the blame game but the case is circularly causal and explained as follows:

A psychologist observed that teenagers given the opportunity, are as eager to prepare for marriage as they are to equip themselves for their career and life purpose. These eagerness is triggered when a teenager starts to feel some emotions he or she can't explain, when he or she starts having  series of crushes that prompted into a boy and girl relationship.

Having seen their mom and dad, uncle and aunty together, they also crave for such too. And getting to high school, college, in the church and in the vicinity to see every youth in a relationship, this becomes enough validation that intimacy with a boy or girl is right. But most times the relationship that is meant to be platonic become intimate at the wrong time, thence young people not matured to handle love simply abuse it in a sexual intimacy.
The abuse will result to the wrong belief that love is hurtful after two or more unsuccessful relationship, they then see love as something no one can get right. Such a belief is much worse than the belief that the world was flat propagated by the 17th century scientists.
The wrong belief system that love is hurtful is being adopted when people after two or more unsuccessful relationships had to conclude such, without learning the real lessons.


The real lesson is:
1. A man or a lady cannot love genuinely expect he or she is possessed with divine love. Agape, God's kind of love.

2. When God is love, People who don't believe in love, believe in manipulation. People need a moral barometer that regulates their behaviour. And that's how we see God in our lives. An ungodly person is wild like the hurricane, he will defile your temple.

3. You get possessed with divine love to the extent you enter into a love affair with your Creator firstly, who in turn eternally educate you on what love is, how love works, how to operate in it. And how to recognize it from afar. So that you are not weak, vulnerable, desperate and needy.

4. Everybody must learn how to singly wait, and realize that singleness is not thesame as loneliness, it is not the phase where you keep sexual mates, rather it is a phase where you fine turn your aptitude and attitude right and keep clean, good and nice platonic relationships.

5. When we fill our hunger for God with earthly pleasure of untimely relationships, our ability to place a distinct between lust and love and differentiate from a real man and a male  will be stripper away from us and most people forget that we also have the male dog, male wolf, male ape, male chicken. That's why most guys behave like male dogs.

6. Without filling our yearning for God, we won't be able to distinct between a cheat, a flirt, a player and  a real man  because of the veil of vanity clouding our understanding. And only God can uncover you.

7. I learnt from Tammie that we cannot become what God wants us to be without knowing His plan. Investing in the knowledge of God, its free yet rewards bountifully.


Monday, August 24, 2015


A pal of mine shared this to me so I decided to share it to you as well, because of my generosity. He said these are the strategies he implied that made him stood out in academics, handed him connection and fame even when he haven't started his major programme in school. It goes thus:
1. Nothing is free in life, its either you are paying one thing or the other, in school, when Your parents pay the school fees, you have to pay attention to enable you reap the value of the fees they paid.
2. Don't be stereotyped but mirror your lectures. Do what the lecturers tell you to do and don't do what they said you shouldn't do and they - - lecturers--will love you and fight for you in critical times. When you are talking to Profs, talk, pose and act like one. Same to lecturers and other great men you would  meet. He said if you don't, they will also rate me and see me as a kid. So don't rush while talking, don't shout, speak slowly and in a low tone to command attention and simply it works.
3 You don't have to accept the roles and rules your parents gave you from home, it will make you behave like any other students because their parents also gave them similar template. Carve your own part, keep right but don't do what other students are doing. If you have questions, be bold and ask your lecturers. also answer questions too.
4. The students will become jealous and many will dislike you but the lecturers will love you more. But be humble, proud but simple, and soon enough, those who despise you will be at peace with you.
5. Set a standard and follow it up. And everyone will respect you and pave way for you.
6. The most important as he said is that you should never reveal your identity; that is your family history. Put family issues aside and don't mention it to anyone. Otherwise people will measure you and rate you. Which will then limit your achievement.
7. He also said that the best and worst result is being made in the first year. You should always be conscious of that.
8. Information drive our time. Make friends from the highest grade, class and colleague, ask after each lecturers techniques of marking, psychology and association. Get them to give you basic information and past questions and It will get you ahead. Information is power, its no longer knowledge.
9. Help your colleagues, be that person they run to and look up to, be friendly,  put up a nice demeanor and be that person they are calling for in information, for help....tutor them for that is how you become a leader.
10. Never tell anyone your strategy, it will become conventional and useless. And you will became useless to them as well.
Michael is the author of a best selling book title "Unlock Your Hidden Powers: selling on Amazon.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


1. When I hear ladies say no man is worth trusting, i won't blame them either, maybe they have not COME ACROSS good,nice and caring dude like me. Lol. Just joking!!! As a behaviourist, it took constant research to discover this science outlined below.

2. The point is, some men can be trusted but you can set yourself up for the wrong ones then the unscrupulous ones will persuade you to surrender your trust without your knowledge. There's a science men will use to make you surrender your heart to them, an art of falling in love is no longer a matter of magic but of psychology. With women, its all about emotions and connection.

3. We know that what  the ladies of our generation lack in their lives is not more reality but illusion, fantasy and drama. To some he is expected to be romantic, wealthy, sweet, spoilt and a good man wrapped up in one. To some a strong, cocky god fearing laity.

4. Men on perceiving this, we not fail to create a romantic figure out of a novel to suit your fantasy. Then another Romeo is just being born.  By seeming to be what you lack, they will fit your ideal.

5.We are aware that  low self-esteem repels, confidence and self-sufficiency attracts, so we approach with confidence, then connect with a nice demeanor, a shared experiences and history. With a friendly outlook we set you off balance to diffuse aggression  then start discussing emotional cramps, that will disarm you.

6. Dont forget, words will always retain their power, with some of it, you can be opened like a book, and your attitude toward yourself is discharge unconsciously and is being read by him in a subtle way. But in this case we will examine the effect of our words with what Sociologist call Gauchai's Reaction.

7. In that case, we will watch out if you are in sync by checking if you will unconsciously start mimicking our gestures, reciprocating our head nod and our hand gestures. If you do, then you are in love.
8. Then we step on to tell you how you've changed us and changed the way we see the world before a talisman of a  gift to show that you have always been on our mind. You believed.


9. People will often reveal there intents in subtle ways: one is through their gestures, then  another is through a look into their eye to question their words, if the tone of their voice changes while you guess at them, he is lying. There are exceptions too.

10. The key to following the path of the Ideal Lover is the ability to observe. Ignore your targets' words and conscious behavior; focus on the tone of their voice, a blush here, a look there—those signs that betray what their words won't say. Often the ideal is expressed in contradiction.


Friday, August 21, 2015



1. Your spirit holds a mirror up to others to see what your inside looks like. This mirror is the self image or avatar that people perceive of you through your behaviour and speeches.

2. Your values, your tastes, even your flaws flows out from your self image and reflect out of your unconscious behavior and speech, and are perceived by people as either courageous, charismatic and smart; or fearful, vulnerable, timid, desperate and weak.

3. We are most times unaware of how our self image looks like whether healthy or sick. When healthy it help us maneuver manipulations, that is when they are properly feed with good values. But work against us when sick, tired and worn, any man can trick you and break your heart.

4. Most times it is used against us depending on what we feed our self image with. We may feed it fat with junks of negative values, false beliefs and influences. A lady who thinks having sex with all the men will revenge a heartbreak is a victim. A lady who thinks all guys are the same is also.

5. Your self image attracts people your way if it is healthy and presentable and also chases people out if worn out.  Because even in real life no one likes a timid and unkempt child.

6. When we fall in love, it is often with someone who seems to fill a gap we feel within. The process is usually unconscious and depends on luck: we wait for the right person to cross our path, and when we fall for them we hope they return our love.

7. But the dread seducer looks beyond the face to see your self image and having perceived its desperate wants and needs, weakness and vulnerability will not leave such things to chance, not even your beauty can save you. They will plunder and manipulate you based on their perceptions of you and make head way for heartbreak.

8. You feed your self image with selflove, thorough discipline and study to be perceived brave and awesome; for poised figures do have lifelong affairs with their own image to appear confident and influential; so

9. Let your yearning be of self development, feed your inner hunger with good values based on truth in the Bible not another lustful relationship. No one ever sees what is behind the mirror. They only notice Your change in character and attitude.

10. Also develop your Spiritual Intelligence. This is the most superior of all intelligence. In getting information from the beyond, it is even more effective than NASA. It plays a role of an inner satellite to draw information from Infinite Intelligence and even translate the thought of men to you in no time avoiding heartbreak. Jesus is the answer.

Check out the book unlock your hidden powers for more information to develop a healthy self image.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015


today's world falling in love is a matter of psychology than it is magical, while venturing in the course for love, the ideal path a Lover will take is the route that is not clearly seen, she aim to know his intentions firsthand, caring less of his  words and conscious behavior because it could be deceptive. Remember history books are written by victors not heroines who die in battle field. This is the way to go:

You must be of Keen observation before you become his next victim, love is a game of power, don't get loose by a witty approach or a friendly outlook, make him your target. Before men ignite love  in your heart, ignore your target's sugarcoated words but rather focus on their tone of voice, a blush here, a look there; root for those signs that give them away that their words won't naturally mention or speak. Where is their attention centered the most? In your cleavages, your waist, hips etc. Paying attention to their words alone is dangerous for words will always retain their power of influence to lure, to cause a sensation. Words are weapons to make you lower your  defenses. Words offer the means to meaning and for those who listen, the enunciation of truth which could intently mean the opposite. Love and trust are more than words, they are perspectives, you don't throw yours around without inquiring from his perspective if really he meant every word he said. You have to aim to perceive from their perspectives for the realest things are not seen nor heard but human unconscious behaviors are predictive, men are seldom not aware of when they spell out this signs that shows what it is that they really want either your love or your body. Watch out for my next post for more practical and detailed signs.

There are things you can test waters, not in the matters of love, don't gamble love when you can get it right. If you are not yet sold away by nice appearance, large reputation, desperation from your path and psalms that even Magret Thatcher could fall to;   you will see him looking at the odd spot on your body, you hear his husky and low voice etc. these signs are glaring. Root for them but Separate needs from wants, it plots against you.

Your needs are your necessities and reality, while your wants are desires and fantasies. What people especially women lack in life  is not more reality but illusion, fantasy, play. We give it to YOU handy. Know what your fantasies are: is it a handsome guy, a wealthy man, a religious man, a very good bad guy. Separate the reality from the fantasies to get what is obtainable. Women are seldom delicate, your fantasies are predictable and men can forge them to look just like what you desired; I.e your prospective lover might use your fantasy to create an illusion you can never know until it is dawn on you the doom behind the games he had played leaving your heart broken. One of the illusions may be to turn you to be the chaser.

One of the biggest mistakes the nice girl makes is to compete with other women, most especially fashion and physique wise. She may ask him about another woman in the room, “Is she pretty?” just to find out what turns him on. Or, she may be competing with whatever she thinks he fantasizes about: a model, a centerfold, a stripper, or a porn star. Then she goes dressing like Beyonce, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, sexing like never before and stripping first before the sex without looking for the standards...... the real way of moderation which spells out the woman of dignity. Not creating a unique but a standard niche for yourself gives you away to him cheap, rather aim for the ideal.

Copy no one except the Most High  but always remember: the script you were given in life by your environment (family, peers and friends) are not the role you have to accept to play in your life drama. You can always live out a role of your own creation, a role that fits not your fantasy but a role of goodness, of Christlike, of gracefulness, of power. That is the standards, It have greater benefits. Your fantasies are like wishes, no matter how you craft it, its like building on the air, it can't hold you for long. You can't even build love around it, it will collapse.


They are motivated and really excited to chase that which is denied them, we tend to impress, tease and please the more that which we cannot possess in full. Your greatest power in love game is your ability to turn away, to make us come after you, delaying our satisfaction. A man values that which took him time and resources to get because we hunt down and move fast to another game. But by delaying our gratification you tame us and indirectly convince us that you are worth breeding.

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge said the wisest king that ever lived. Become spiritually and intellectually attractive and you never have to worry about any enigmas of men, because they are common to your explanation. It is already known to you that often the ideal is expressed in contradiction. No gimmicks will catch you unawares until you get caught up with the ideal man whose body, soul and spirit is exclusively yours. "Unlock your hidden powers"
Is one of those book to help you shine inward out

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


I thank God for saving my soul, i would have been more dangerous than ever. This is an insider from a man who have been in the game cycles, now I have come to share with my most valued ladies how we played the game on you in the most advanced way but I have to warn: don't hate the player, hate the fact that they don't see the linesman. They don't follow fair play. Hating the player is a weakness we can always harness anytime. I don't share this kind of thing always, so take advantage of it now or never:

So, To every woman, attention is the stoplight, while men's eyes is the target,  many of you can do any thing to earn our focus, from your make ups to your  make overs is a sign that you just want to show off and attract a man. Take note, commanding the power to pull attention without knowing how to make out a rhythm we can dance to could be likened to a songstar singing and dancing in the darkness...... Men will take advantage of you. But my problem with you most women is that you have the skill to steal our attention from us but you lack the skill to court it. I will teach you how:

1. In every game house there is a cheat not too far away, love is a power game, there are chances that some guy you don't know have advanced a strategy to enter your space to win your ace. They have understood the complex wiring and wireless networks that connects from your mind to your head. They know how to alter it to reap you up. Trust not your emotions, rather lean on your spiritman. You need discernment. You need God.

2. You steal our attention with your beauty, physique and make-up, inturn we throw you off balance with our witty lines and we take what we like from you. We just need to connect with what matters more to you,  we get too emotional and watch you reciprocate and the rest is history. Be careful, his words can be sugarcoated but the intent is a mouldy yeast and not cake. There are energies everywhere vibrating, negative and positive. Trust your could be telling something your head didn't pick.

3. we remain a calculative being, manipulative at times and rather too clever for our own good. You need to get into our head, perceive from our perspective. Through our behavior you can get clues because it is predictable... Don't let your needs and desperation blind you.

4. We men are creatures of profit, with deep intuition, analytical minds and a rather complex emotional life.  But just like any other human our brain is slow, it cannot multitask. Tempt us with anything you have, picture what draws our attention away e.g money, cleavages etc, you will get clues on what he wants.

5. We takes undue advantage when we see a good enough plunder before us, we sometimes plunder you with guys of like minds through set ups or however we do that alone. Not to fear, my friend once said that "countless choices define our fate, each moment repel in the river of time. You can change every tide by making right choices of not entering into just any relationship but the right one.

6. This is life. You won't be able to control the forces of nature, most especial the ones we orchestrate. Don't go on snapping selfies, work on various ways you can control your  thoughts, perceptions and actions. Guide Desperation away. You have 4 Aces: Master time and chance, space and emotions. Love is a power game, You need to play with both hands.

7. There are two types of ladies, the hammers and the nails, the hammers possess the power while the nail is being plundered. Its your choice to decide which to become. The hammer's are intelligent, they have a passion they can't give up for a man. They play to ace, they respect but don't lay down their powers. They can't play the role of his house help until he pays the Bride Price. But the nails are the pink lips but empty headed who go on to please a man until she trade her aces away.

I will feel encouraged, if you hit your like button!!!!!!


When i was in there, i mean in the world, we use to call love a game of conquest. You know, Men as Political animals said Aristotle, always look for means of creating their own Paradise on earth, they will assume kings then seek to become emperors, on that verge, they will besiege your kingdom, conquer it and march along to another kingdom. They do this to satisfy their ego, they want to proud amongst other emperors about how many kingdoms they have conquered. Men are simply conquerors, that is the reason the first toy a boy child uses is a gun. If his parents can't afford one, he will make one himself. We are quite looking for a difficult kingdom to conquer, that one difficult kingdom will remain precious in our eye and is worth staying with.
In this war there is one thing more important than killing, it is surviving. I will show you ways to stay alive, so that you will return home to embrace your biggest fan. Listen good:

1. SCIENCE OF TRUST: You said no man is worth trusting its a lie, some men can be trusted but you set yourself up for the wrong ones then we the unscrupulous ones will persuade you to surrender your trust without your knowledge. There's a science to get people to trust you, with women, its all about emotions and connection, we approach with confidence, then connect with a nice demeanor, a shared experiences and history. With a friendly outlook we set you off balance to diffuse aggression  then start discussing emotional cramps, that will disarm you. Now you are open. We will examine the effect with what Sociologist call Gauchai's Reaction, in this we will watch out if you are in sync by checking if you will unconsciously start mimicking our gestures, reciprocating our head nod and our hand gestures. Then we step on to tell you how you've changed us and changed the way we see the world before a talisman of a  gift to show that you have always been on our mind. You believed. Then we move to a kill.

2. DENIALISM THEORY: Attention is a currency a beautiful lady like you demands wherever you go. We most times deny paying attention to her and we will create a space to win your ace. We will go straight among beautiful ladies greeting all except our target, in essence denying her the attention she seek. Firstly she will harbour our thought for long in her mind in essence getting our attention becomes a price she will be fighting for hence rendering her defences porous. There are exceptions, she may go seeking for revenge in some cases which is likely a weakness.

3. FOCUS THEFT: Your kingdom is only guided by one army and that is your focus.. once Your focus is being diverted, your heart remains unguarded. It becomes a target for his cupid arrow. First of all it begins with a battle of words, a battle for information, of scent, of resources. We gain what your wants are, then that will be used to get you focusing on the wrong direction as we gain access to your heart. So, before you fall in love. Make sure he is not yet another conqueror but a noble man worth falling for.

4. SUGGESTIONS: The knowledge of this was gotten from psychological concept. Human are psychological wired to unconsciously adopt that which surrounds them. That which they see and hear. For us its all about priming you, programming your subconscious by making suggestions of how we want you to act and what we expect of you. There are suggestion everywhere, on the flower vase, on the pictures on his wall. Even the music we play when you visit us.

5. BELIEF SYSTEM: Your belief system is your shield, it shields you away from your enemies. It becomes your home and a shelter when you sleep. Life is a constant struggle, like Rene Descartes the great Philosopher puts it doubt all your beliefs and exercise its strength  in the battlefield, get your values right and it will become the drone to garner information from your enemies in form of discernment and also become a wall strong enough not to be easily conquered, when you don't, it becomes only a blanket to keep you warm and easily penetrated.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


We a all are fighters, remember heroes are fighters who decide to die trying knowing that the only reason they are still alive are to accomplish their life's purpose.
Mission impossible is a name of a movie Tom Cruz made possible. Your life is the only movie you can make possible. What's stopping you?

Is it the voice within dishing out  lies that reflect in your behavior.
Lies that you are not going to make it to the final round, lies that champions are only born and not made, lies that it is too late to try.

Is it the guilt beneath the shame, wrapping you up in chains. Is it the small and the big mistakes, or the man on the mirror that thinks he or she can never stand tall or is it the past that you can't undo.

Stop playing the blame game, when you can spend your last change on this one and see yourself a changed person sitting in the hall of fame...

Beef Up Your Inner Guide

When a virus, bacteria or parasite enters the body, the body raises its temperature to kill its new aliens, the after effect is runs temperature until this aliens is subdued. The same thing happens when a bad thought enters your mind, their is a fight within you, that is your spirit wrestling against the bad idea....the after effect is inner conflict. This struggle continues until one of them wins and take control of your behavior.......if your spirit is subdued it could lead to spiritual death and you will become exposed to your environment and not to God. You need to beef up your belief system with the Word of God to guard against bad thoughts invading your mind.

Life is a warfare, you need to unlock your hidden powers to empower yourself to fight against negativity and win big in life and impact your world. Your innermost being needs more, it needs light to guide its way through hell, this light need to be out of this world, why not tap  into it,  from here you can also add more fuel to the light you already have, why not shade some light into your life and become the torchlight to power the world.

You are only a light switch away
To Unlock Your Hidden Powers

Monday, July 13, 2015

Unlock Your Hidden Powers

This is the light to your innermost being, the light that is out of this world, why not tap  into it,  from here you can also add more fuel to the light you already have, why not shade some light into your life and become the torchlight to power the world.... you are a light switch away....... This is the light to your innermost being, the light that is out of this world, why not tap  into it,  from here you can also add more fuel to the light you already have, why not shade some light into your life and become the torchlight to power the world....

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Inner Peace

The key element in true and lasting peace, is the presence of God. God is our peace, his presence is the presence of peace within us

(Eph 2: 14) .

Peace is an inner sense of contentment and quietness, regardless of life’s circumstances. Inner Peace is what holds you together as a human being. Hence, once your inner peace is gone, your life will be shattered, said someone.
We have peace to the quantity of the Truth about God we expose our Spirit to.

Thence, when we give our life to Chris through repentance, then “We have peace with God through our lord Jesus Christ” Roman 5: 1.

Then God becomes the inner peace that we have because without Him involved in any of our endeavor, we will know no peace until we withdraw from such endeavors.

Our inner peace is a confirmation of the Holy Spirit in operation in our life.

We will have inner peace to the level we surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Inner peace is the inner wealth and the assurance of being a partaker of eternity and an ambassador of Heaven.

Inner peace contribute to your inner radar that guides you in in seeking for a life partner, entering into any business or investing into any business whatsoever etc.

* Always pray for that inner peace that will guide you.
* surrender to the leading of the inner peace.
*Stand firm in the word.


Saturday, July 11, 2015


From the moon and back human will always be different and that difference is beyond the facial uniqueness of everyone, there are always some stuffs that can differentiate identical twins. And that thing can never be underestimated. We all have different believe, values, personality, background and ideas, and view stand point(Principles of life) these differences gives us a perceived differences which often results to conflicts

As a potential conflict resolutor paramount to mind should be to resolute conflicts and reach settlement; and to keep violent and wasteful conflicts behind bars and never allow matters escalate. These are the possible ways to go about it:



This strategy is often a medium where people come to iron out there differences. At this conjuncture people take note of the other parties opinion and see the light from each others different point of view. We oftem judge people people and events based on assumptions but with dialogue the parties involved would talk and get each other clearly well. These requires an open mind.

» Be Rational

Create no room for sentiment, look beyond the fogs of perception and see the reality because the parties involved clouded with their false perception of the event which is contrary to reality, so understanding this truism will make you explicitly explain the reality to them without sentiment or prejudice. Show no preferences, give sound judgement based on concrete and sound information gathered. The mediator must be trusted and respected.

» Seek Concialation

Concialation is more like mediation but in this case another dimension is proferred to the parties involved. Another alternative is being given, for example, two people fighting over a shop might be offered yet another shop. For people disagreeing over an idea, yet another idea is offered.

Impose Solution: in some cases, people are indifferent about issue and don't even have grounds or most times fail to accept the reality because of pride and would rather love imposition before they accept the resolution. As a conflict resolutor you need to separate individuals from the situation on ground, scrutinize the matter and know the psychological ground your clients are standing on before imposing a solution on them.
»Recognise Emotions:

A renouned psychologist recognised the fact that we are emotional creatures hence logically looking into facts directly I.e bring rational may not be adequate in resolving most conflicts because the percieved fact is being painted by emotions, so endeavor to empathize with them by seeing the situation the way the other person sees it before overwhelming them with suggested facts which would solve the conflict.

»Think Critically and Be Creative:

In resolving conflict, a person need to think beyond the box coupled with an application of creativity. Making people feel important might be an added advantage because people yearn to be praised so begin conflict resolution on a friendly note, show respect to their opinion and show some sincerity and never you argue, make them see you as a friend and not an enemy to avoid. Look for chance to settle the conflict and not fault seeking. Look at virtues and not exposing a person's faults and wrongs.

»Talk About Your Own Mistakes/ Conflicts

People want to see that the person resolving their conflict is not an alien but human who had had his/her own share of conflicts. Discuss your own issues and how it was resolved. They long to hear it

»Be A Good Listener:

Listen to them, give them your maximuim attention and don't show preferences to any one of them.

Learn to Use Words:
Words are the most creative device by humanity, almost everyone creates words out of the mind, use words that soothes pain and calm ranging enotions, not based on faults and criticism but rather select your words.

Negotiate A Win Win Policy

Make it a win win thing and everyone would be happy.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Written In The Stars

How can you possibly make a difference without firstly becoming MAD. When no great achievement was clearly seen that could size up your dream. When no step was seen along the route you want to embark on. When no principle is clearly seen as governing your choices. When They can't see the dust-like nano elements which could help you build castles in the air. When all they heard you explain was good for nothing.

As you walk though, fears grow hands and legs and become soldiers creeping out of the screams "are you mad!" Said to you by loved ones, with doubts drawing the battle line across your mind, inner conflict erupts, in all haunting your golden dreams.

When no way is seen up and down, you must fight through. Source for likely information that will give you the light to fight the dark shades of seeing your vision as "a sowing in the wind."

Just like you no one gave Paulsoft Eboh a chance, no one thought Author Anyaele Sam Chiyson could hang his name on everest, no one believed Happy James could inscribe his name on the platter of gold, none thought Tiwangi Kyle could book a space among the stars. No one knew #Robert_Fisher would place his head on a pedestal.

It all started when these guys decided to stop being the survivor and started living. When they realized that the feeding, clothing and sheltering they were struggling to get then are what  mad men gets with ease. They elevated their thought. They can't wait for another Star trek, they simply took the uneasy journey to the stars.

Do the same, its time you just have to cease seeing that vision as a dream and start calling it a project that will kick start now.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Untold Mystery of Love, Seduction and Trust

I think... if it is true that
there are as many minds as there
are heads, then there are as many
kinds of love as there are hearts.

                  Leo Tolstoy,

We men can be too dangerous to your liking. We can create a demon out of an Angel by simply making you blind to see the devil beneath our cloak. We make it harder for you by hiding under some guises you can't imagine, we understand the relativity of things and we know how your mind is being wired. Then we pick up one of your moment and fill it up with sweet words we don't mean, to you it is a night made perfect, to us we are simply making our lion paw so soft for an embrace. Not even your defences can bring you back to your senses, even your own beauty, physiques and money is a trap to you. It wields powers you can't control but before you know it, we have torn your hearts apart and another demon is being born out of you because an angel without a heart is a demon. You will walk the earth surface heartless, hateful, distrustful, painful and sorrow giving up on love.

Another thing that pleague you is that you don't know how to discern the real men, in fact you have concluded that we are all the same. This is a puzzle you can't solve because you have not seen real love being practiced, what you are seeing are the shadows of love created by fallen men in their fallen state under the inspiration of the adversary. Did you question why people around you even the married ones fall into bad relationships? We most times forget that even the pharoah's magicians also turned their staffs into snakes after  Moses' staff changed into a snake. Devil can also counterfeit love and when it doesn't last men grudgingly use manipulation to make it last at least until when death do them apart.

Giving up on love is practically giving up on God because God is love.  True love is what you are seeking but you have seeked for it in wrong hands. Embrace the "Man Unseen." Let him  wash away the deep emotions you hold inside with the blood of His Son and create in you a new heart, a new Angel being born with tender kinderness and love renewed.

As you get stronger with time don't walk in this dark world alone, there are wolves in men's skin walking around, Let His Word be a lamp before your feet to lead you to a human love that will love you truly. Only Him can give what is good and not a shadow of what is good. Then you will tell a new story but it all started by believing in a Man that guided you this far. That is what Love is there for.

Are You a Mortal Man or A Dead Man Walking

Mortal men are subject to immoral life, They are the worldly wise men who know more about atoms, law of demand and supply and law of diminishing returns, they know what will likely happen when the curve is sloppy;  the inelasticity and elasticity of demand are peanut in their scope of knowledge.

They know more about the wind vane and can calculate the likely occurrences of the typhoon and hurricane. They know more of the law of gravitational force and can maneuver through aerodynamic but know nothing about  the moral barometer that keep their morality in check.

They are gurus in human anatomy and are characterized by flesh and blood  and are often driven by adrenaline, they base their choices on what they see, hear and perceive, yet they are plagued by the fear of the unknown. Because they are running after civilization and not salvation, Like Temitope Funke rightly said they hate what they can’t conquer, envy what they can’t get, and destroy what they already have.

Again, they are the worldly wise men and women who are influenced by civilization and are mastered by materialism, they talk to God but their heart worships "matter." They are aliens to their family in the chase of becoming the "haves" at the expense of the "haves not."

To them money gives answers to all things and they perceive the society as a setting where might is right, money become their defence; could that be the reason they aim to have more in Swizz Bank? They are impatience because they have limited time and there glory cannot exceed this world.

They know a lot about International Relations and human relations but cannot live peacefully among neighbors and colleagues.
They know a lot about Political Economy but are ignorance about the Heavenly Economics.

They are professionals in cosmetology. They know a lot that Mary Kay, Iman and face foundation can do. They can beauty the flesh and not the heart.

Immortal men in the other hand are subject to moral life. They are Spirit filled and Spirit led. No wonder they have the eternal joy, peace, love and rest which are the evidence of things hope for and the substance of things not seen.

They know that money can buy momentary pleasure not everlasting joy, money can buy a clock but not time. It can buy a house not a home. It can buy food but not appetite. It can buy space not air. It can amount to wealth but cannot buy good health. It cannot buy life either. Immortal men aim for weightier things, they talk weightier matters like Eternity, God and the Heavenlies......

They are Kingdom investors, They aim for stocks that can last and save in Heaven. There only currency is #obedience to God's instructions. Spend some time with them, their vibes can give life to dead bones. Their words are power containing elements of Salvation. They are patience because they have forever to themselves.

They know that only dead men can see the Lord. They are dead men walking and they see God as He lead them through this earthly plain.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Love talks for Matured Ladies

I understand how men's words form rose spectacles which dims all faults and blemishes perceived in guy's life. This means that you are less likely to recognise the dangers and obstacles which are inevitably encountered further along the road until he leads you into a ditch. You most times would want to ascertain whether for sure destiny has both of you in mind, but some times the handwriting of your life is written on you palmtop. Let me be of help with  this following rules:

* Don't judge the book by its covers, judge it by its content: the packaged man may have little character flaws you may take for granted now, what about later.

* Watch their wrist watches, did they have your time? : They might have your time at that moment not because they love you but because their is a space you have to occur at the mean time. Men have to prove to you that when your presence is not seen, it is felt. A good lover holds his lover to his heart.

* Learn to separate your worth from your net worth: Know your worth, also know that  you are worthless when you go attaching your worth on a man or on things, and don't fake your lifestyle.

* Don't gossip rather gist: Women who haven't been around men talk to men like they are women. Just gist and don't gossip. It pisses men off.

* Gauge His Love To Yours: Men thirst for what they don't have hence when the maximum satisfaction is reached, he is likely going to leave. Mind you, Love fades quickly in a man's heart but ladies grow in love and help preserve it. Learn to gauge the love, his love for you must be greater than yours,  he must love you to the extent a drunkard loves his bottles.

* Change the rules, don't let the rules change you. If he messes up, chastise him and mean it.

* Don't go winning his heart for marriage: it should be the other way round. When a guy conquers your territory, he will hold you captive, you will work for him with the intent to win back what you have lost, which is likely a road with no ends.

* Always Take A Stand: Everyone must stand, but make sure you are standing tall by keeping no middle ground, don't stand on the fence either. Don't compromise your setted standards.
* The Crowded Spaces are Always noisy: make sure you stand out, don't get along with the crowd, rather be a lone star that shines than a diamond without a spark.

* Give room for the unexpected so you don't get surprise:
Don't give all your heart at once, most men cant wait till your heart stop working , they would rather break your heart to know how it works.

* Be Honourable:
The wounds of honor are self afflicted, an honorable road is always lonely but thats where you can pick up beautiful pearls worth keeping. Don't give up on love.

Monday, June 15, 2015

3. Multiply Money: I am so happy to be sharing this because the effort of my previous article was rewarded by many people writing to me about how this idea have bring to their awareness about financial intelligence. I am so grateful to share this one too knowing it will still have the same impact, as Much as you develop interest, without self discipline you won't make progress. I only try to help you with self awareness about how to mind money, its now onto you to imbibe self discipline. Here we go: Money just like the grain of the field wants to multiply itself when deposited down into a soil of sound ideas. Money invested properly is money multipled. Let your money be your messenger, let it run errands for you and bring together all other monies without minding what currency as long as your idea is sound. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth is: Find out those things you can do better in, watch out for that business of your passion and invest in it. If you love good clothes and you are fashionable, why not open a fashion center or a beauty house with beauty accessories, or boutique, so that you don't end up looking good rather you sale good clothes and make nice selections and keep nice collections for your customers. if you like reading, why not open a library, a book shop or write a book. Put your money where your mouth is entails you do those things you love, sell your favorite food so that you will have a lot to tell a new eater convincing him or her to become a fan of the delicacy. Information is lord: Acquire informations on areas you want to venture into. Don't just dabble into things, there are best methods of carrying out virtually everything, strive for that best ways, it can put you ahead of the competition. Don't be stereotyped, look for new ways. Embrace strategies, pay your workers well, dont be a monster who bait workers to work hard by just paying them little to solve part of their needs and hold them slaves trying to work overtime to make up for the other needs. people tend to work well when they are happy, create a friendly environment. Be Good To People: people support anyone who are good to them, be honest, transparent, kind and punctual, these are good currencies for business, remember you are not there to do your customers a favour but they do you a favor by patronizing you, so serve them and serve them as if they are always right. They will bring referers to you. Smile, communicate, and apologise when you are wrong, remember the 5 magic words: am sorry, pardon, thank you, excuse me etc. Plan to retain your customers, strive to maintain them and work hard to meet their needs and wants in shortest time possible and they will bring their neighbours next time to patronize you


in my last article I discussed about making money and various ways of making money. Now that you have made money you need to manage your money. So we can increase our savings to the proportion that we deem fit.

Keep some of the Cash for Yourself:
Yea, we will learn how to box some of the money, wealthy people don't spend all their income, and  At least paying yourself  30% of our income will do. It could be little for a start but remember a drop of water makes a mighty ocean. Paying yourself  is practically saving at least 30% of our income that must not be touched. Then plan a concrete budget around 50% making sure we still keep "help fund account" where we save 10% in case any of our siblings might need urgent help. Then 10% as miscellaneous account. To do this, a lot of discipline is going to be on the line.

keep A Budget:
We need a budget to start with but the  Budget must program our expenses so that it reserve some money to pay for our necessities, our enjoyments and to gratify our worthwhile desires without spending more than the 50% of our earnings. We must not pleasure away our money but keep to budgets.

Keep  Expenditure Down Even When Income is raising:
The best advice to becoming wealthy is to keep expenditures down even when our earning power increases. We are often tempted to show off our new class. If we normally buy at low cost super mart we would rather go for a higher priced shop. It doesn't mean you don't take care of yourself but keep it at the minimal happy James said, wealthy people's expenses don't raise as their income raises. As you earn your taste bud wants changes too. Instead of spend more rather save the reserve. People might disobey this and you will feel tempted to, in your best interest don't envy anyone, and don't compete with anyone, you may start what you can't finish and drain all your purse competing. Labels are good, D&G, Channel, Zara, Armani, Versace and Vuitton Louis are perfect but there satisfaction ends immediately you see many people wearing the same clothe with you as you go looking for another unpopular trend from a popular Label. Clothe to look good and not clothe to show off.

Know your self worth and not claim what you are not:

know exactly who you are and don't form to become something you are not for that could set you up to down fall, it will make you borrow to support the extra worth you added to yourself. Be exactly who you are and don't be what you are not.

Mind you  loans and Mortgage Have Interest:

plan for the future, avoid the loans, if you have borrowed money already, still strive to pay up in time for the interest rate may be raising but don't forget to pay yourself first. Many desire a house of their own then they go for mortgage, it could be tasking to service that. Rather watch your money grow, then multiply it and you can get a house of your choice.

Beware of manipulators:

There are people who are so good in creating holes in your pocket or purse because most times you make yourself more merciful than God,  they will manipulate you and collect all you have, they are those set of people who don't recharge their phones because your phone is recharged so they can use your airtime with you, the only way to minimize their electricity power bills is by recharging their laptops at your home. They borrow virtually everything and lend many things. They are those guys who buy spaghetti, fish and jam, yet keep looking for more money to buy chicken from you who only had rice and decided to safe for a rainy day. They borrow to add to their own expenses. All this guys do is Loot you and drain your pocket without you knowing it.

Don't Fall Into The Pit:

Kill all the temptations telling you to use the credit card, it could put you on a rat race at the long run. Spend according to what your budget says. Recharge cards are good , they get us calling but you have to budget that one too. It is a fire consuming money. And please rent houses you can cater for, remember you need to curtail your expenses to the minimal and house rents might be the drainer you didn't realize.

Pay Your Tithes' :

pay your tithes to a man of God, it is usually the one tenth of your income, for God to protect all your affairs of life.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

The 3M Every Billionaire Mind Need to Know

A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart.

Jonathan Swift

Before I dabble into the subject matter it will be essential I conceptualize the basic terms.
Then what is money?
What are these 3Ms of Money?
Firstly,  lets discuss what money is: Money is what you have in your wallet or pocket and is about to save i, pend it or even invest it but according to Oxford dictionary "Money is a generally accepted means of exchange and measure of value." But personally I see Money is an idea that serves three purposes. It is a medium of exchange, a store of value and a unit of account. It is used to pay debts, purchase goods and services and is accepted by the government for taxes. .
Further discussed, money can be a defence in a world where might is right. With it you can pleasure and keep smiling on your way to hell or move mountains by beating Bill Gates records and help others survive in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

Then back to our other concept, the 3M of money which is as follows:

1 Make money
2 Manage money
3 Multiply Money

1. Make Money:  I want to establish a point here that  sound ideas diversified are paramount in making money. Such ideas goes beyond an  Ambitious gal or guy getting married to a rich old man or the guy to a rich woman for instant money or a smart guy looking for a way to scam people on the internet. There are various ways to make money but i will delight to discuss four i have tested myself and can recommend with ease and with guarantee.

I. Put your Mind in the Matter:
Remember money is an accepted idea used as a medium of exchange and every country have their unique accepted idea for a means of exchange which is called currency. Then build an idea that you can exchange with money, usually devise an answer to a person's problem, it could solving the problem of a city, state, country or the world problem and get people to exchange your "answers" with money. You get the money they get the answers.....simple.
II. Learn a skill and earn money through it: As a skilled man there is hope and when you add morals and creativity to your skills then you will claim the portion of the world your mind could reach out to. Also learn how to package your product and the world will bit corners to Aba, Texas, Lagos, Mumbai, Manilla to buy from you. I will encourage the youths to get a skill that well suit their person, with their area of "interest" well invested, with time the world will pay attention and much money will be the dividend.
People pursue courses they are not even passionate about in the university. A Pursuit of a carrier as an employee is just a system the bourgeoisies designed to make you educate yourself only to be used in building their own dreams. You will remain a peasant for life and die as a "Have not." Rather turn it around, seek education to further get more knowledge to advance your area of passion. A skill well presented  will help you employ graduates to help you build your own dreams. Its not too late to get a skill and make sure it is in the area of your passion.

III. Volunteer to work free of charge to a big firm: Finally you decided to make mommy and daddy proud and you are out of school yet no employment and you ain't proud of yourself. This segment will help you. Mind you, in volunteering to work for free you are working for an experience, and adding values to your CV. Firstly, know that employers are after making more profit and can't risk employing any how, besides people already  in the system have youths like you a siblings they want to favor. in a country like Nigeria there are lots of good graded unemployed youths to contend with so why not volunteer to work for a big firm for free, you will be set on the hill to be watched, hide your intentions with a smile and perfect all works, you can't tell you may work wonders and get employed with huge pay. This system may look foolish but rewarding at the long run and it is also unconventional.

IV. Accept an Appointment with Lower Salary than you will naturally accept: Seeking employment could be challenging but there are ways to go about it. Take up a job with little pay than you deserve and work fervently, you either get an experience which will help you get employed in bigger places with bigger money or get promoted with bigger money.

V. Perfect your talent with time it will start paying you royalties beyond your imagination. I will discuss the other 2M in my next article. Remain blessed.

Become A True Seeker

It is not the possession of truth, but the success which attends the seeking after it, that enriches the seeker and brings happiness to him.

Max Planck

You can just be like us, true seekers not waiting for luck or kneeling on the preacher's feet waiting for a miracle, we take actions and create the greatest chances to put our statue on the pedestal. We dedicate ourselves and find ourselves champions, we believe with concentration we can move moutains and Like Jesus we walk the streets through hell with smiles on our face and like Shadrach We know that the hottest fires don't kill. They only give birth to the brightest gold. We also know that even in the church not many can invite us to their party but when we walk across we know its not about what clothes we put on but about what fabrics our mind is being framed with......we've got the mind of Christ. We don't just swallow all that is being passed done to the society, we just pray God to open our eyes so that the next book we are reading is gonna be Holy with the Holy Spirit sitting close by to remove our glasses. The rose tinted spectacles of ignorance, with the truth we could be the greatest, we won't be too greedy not to help the needy. We can be the best without depleting the ozone layer of our moral atmosphere but strive to give  the world records a creak, we can beat the time without selling our souls and  alienating our love ones and finally like the King Kong we shall bang on our chest with tears as we hang our name in the hall of fame and walk up finding a space among the stars.


I know that in me, that is, in my lower self, nothing good has its home; for while the will to do right is present with me, the power to carry it out is not.

Romans 6:17(Weymouth Bible)

Man is triune in nature, he is a spirit that has a soul that lives in the flesh. The flesh or the "self" is the landlord of the spirit and it is what returns to the ground when the spirit and the soul might have gone on a sudden flight to be judged in the judgement throne. The soul is the record chamber while the spirit faces any punishment levied on it. The spirit man is the real man and your whole physical body is the flesh. Your spirit is used to "will" while the flesh push for action but many times your flesh don't agree with the spirit man because " the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want." Galetians 5:17 opined.

We all in one way or the other is having problems with ourselves, our "self" is the problem, it is often called the "flesh," it is the sole reason most good thing you think to do never crossed the rooftop because your "self" never allowed it. That is the reason "When we are happy, we are always good, but when we are good, we are not always happy." Oscar Wilde observed. The flesh is after its own good, it long for pleasure, enjoyment and wants to be satisfied without minding the cost, it doesn't just care the consequences but the spirit care because everything your "flesh" commits your soul keeps the record and your spirit will be held accountable at the judgement day. That is the reason the spirit man speaks to you through your conscience each time your flesh leads you astray. Each time you want to read, the flesh wants to sleep, each time you want to read the bible, pray or meditate, the flesh wants to rest. When you want to fast, the tummy must want to eat. It is always contradicting all your good intentions because it wants to get all the attention without allowing the spirit man to be fed with prayers, meditations and bible reading.. What you don't feed dies, many of us are dead in the spirit, no wonder we are carnally minded being moved to action by the flesh that doesn't have a clear distinct of things, it can't separate good and bad, it is a powerful dictator and most often it is the best friend with your emotions to the level you yield to its dictation. It has everything to do with the head and nothing with the heart. It needs only knowledge to operate and does nothing to the moral environment. It hinders your success in craving for heavenly things to only long for the earthly. You want more money, more car, more houses, more loyalty even if there are many who needs your help.  No beast is wilder than the flesh, no one needs to be tamed more than our "self." It is that friend that you speak to that always contradict the voice of God in you, it shouts and feed your thought all the time. If you are still in the flesh. The below listed is what you must live to contend with:

1. SELFISHNESS: You are always looking after your own desires even at the expense of another. You always crave for you and for only you.

2 SELF RIGHTEOUS: You believe that you are the most righteous person, you speak about your righteousness and never care if it pisses another off. Mind you righteous is to be lived and not end at preaching.

3. SELF DIVINATION: you have grown to see yourself as a god and expect others to perceive that of you. This is mostly sin among our GOs.

4. SELF CENTERED: This one thinking only for one's own self.

5. SELF GLORIFICATION: this is when one  displays a boastful behaviour.

6. SELF DESTRUCTION: this case rises when one runs ones own self.

7. SELF RUN: This strives when you don't need anyone to advice you, often times perceived as stubbornness.

8. SELF HOOD: when one have a complete sense of self.

9. SELF IMMOLATION: when one sees every reason to die and commits suicide, or suicide as sacrifice. And often perceived from the terrorist inform of suicide bombing.

10. SELF IMPORTANCE: Exalting oneself and often perceived as arrogance.

There is no demon greater than self. Our problem is usually case by ourselves. There are more to expose, watch out for it in my next article.  

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


The last time I checked, there are still space in the sky for more stars to occupy. To become a star, you have to play your card to aces. We have our own cards to play in life, just like my friend Vicky said "To get ace, there's a lot of struggles & sacrifices...Its in our hands to play to achieve the  ACE and become the Star." When you shape your life to shine like that of a Northern Star, wise men and great things will have no choice than to follow you and as life still continues to be a game of negotiations, with cards of choices and the dice of values, what you play is what you get. But how will you likely win when you don't know how to play? Not to worry, i will likely teach you a better way to play and it began like this:

You choose the Way to Go: Some people made choices before I was I had to inherit the consequences of their bad choices. At a certain time, i had made wrong choices too but I don't have to kill myself or kill them for making the wrong choice which affected me, I just have to forgive them and myself which will allow me live my life with little mistakes and enable me live up for myself. I then realized that choices are accumulative, one choice will always determine another choice creating chains of choices and the kind of choice  i  make will determine how small or big i  will become in life, so I took responsibility of my life.

Take responsibility of your life: You have to carry your own cross and take it upon yourself. Taking responsibility of your life will enable you see that you are the owner of your life and had to wear your heart in your sleeves and become the determinant of what happens to you and become aware of the kind of influence you have around you. It will also allow you to see yourself as an uncompleted project that needs some positive touches, so you have to take charge of your life to discover "you" and tell yourself nothing but the truth.

Discover the truth. The truth will activate your self awareness and enlighten your conscience to guide you to make better choices. The truth serve you as a sieve to sieve the wrongs and the negatives out of your life, it dictates wrong friends, and tell you the future about yourself . It is the microscope you view each advice before taking it. It shapes your character, renew your mind and mortify your flesh.  It mirrors people's intentions and reveal to you there plans no matter the guises they hide. The truth will determine your values, your norms, your principles which is the foundation of your life. As a Crusader i found my truth in the Bible, am not a jihadist but some people claim to find theirs in Quran, others in Krishna or Buddha. Then which are you?

Which side are you:  Christ conscience is the Way, the Truth and the Light. This Truth of God will illuminate the dark path you are walking on, yourself and show you the rifht way to go as you discover yourself. You need to be in the side of the Angels.

Discover yourself: self discovery is power, those who had discovered themselves take charge of their life, their character, temperant, emotions is in check. It helps you discover your potentials.

Discover Your Potentials: Potentials are the untapped resources inside of you. They are those hidden talents that can help your world grow and make our world beautiful. Don't expect a smooth ride.

Don't expect a smooth ride: It won't be a hitch free road, remember a gold must pass through fire, diamonds must be refined, most times the road is rough and you get knocked down as much by gallops, most times there are bridges to cross, the reason you need to pick up woods of lessons when you fall to help construct your Bridges above the crocodile lakes. you need to determine your company, they can lead astray.

Get a goal and a plan: get a goal and a plan but don't put yourself first, your serving people and helping them circle your plans and don't get frustrated when it is not achieved, you divide them into short term goals and long term goals, short term is your daily goals meant to help you attain the long term. Learn to carry over the unattained goal over and learn to adjust them with time but don't fail to hear from God and discover His plans for you.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Courtship Rules for Matured Ladies

Men are hunters by nature, when we catch a game , zeal dies. Many ladies dress to be noticed by men, how can you avoid to be eaten when you rather want to be hunted?
By just being that game he wouldn't want to eat but like to keep and rear. Keep to the following rules:

*By simply imbibing credible Attitudes; your attitude, habits characterizes you and set you apart to be seen and not to be eaten.

*Don't negotiate into the relationship when you are hungry, desperate and weak...... We will take advantage of your vulnerability. When you are hungry you are prone to accept just anything. To you any man can do. With the excuse "I will change him" flying into your head.  But if you can't change his diapers, don't even border changing him because you can't change him.

*focus your attention on the relationship and not on the
man. Ladies will often want us to move the relationship forward, don't get frustrated if we don't , simply focus on the relationship and not the man.

* Give your passion or talent or skills 60% and the man 40%. Make sure something is taking your time that you don't have to give him 100% of your time. Make sure you don't abandon it either for him, he will see you as a fool if you do.

*Don't put trust on your outward beauty, it fades with time.
Put your trust in God, and the beauty of the inside will glow and It never fades with time.

You matter to me so take precaution.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Love and comfort are two important stuffs in a relationship, for the ladies, they watch out for these two things before venturing into any relationship. When we talk of comfort, we talk of being in a relationship with a man in possession of a beautiful apartment, a nice car, a good paying job and a good sum in the bank. And love comprises a man whose heart is a fountain that flows kindness, care, cheerfulness, sincerity in compliment and goodwill. Life is in a balance and not all men with love can give you comfort; which means some may have the comfort but lacks the ability to issue out the love.

Notwithstanding few can afford the both intact. Though some guys can guarantee you love and also had ready their jet pack and have strapped it to their back about to take off to the stars to grab that dream, that vision, that comfort you needed and most of them are expecting you to believe in them and also support them to get the comfort you needed.

 There are some men too who have this whole pie-in-the-sky dream, but are still sitting down stirring at the stars. Most times paramount in most women's mind is comfort and they expect love latter which never comes. It should be vice-versa, search for the men who have the ability to love and is ever ready to get the comfort and shun the others who aren't got a vision, a dream, a laid down plan to get you that comfort; but if you still see men with both then thank your stars. Though you may have seen or known a lady who had firstly seeked love and not comfort but later when the guy found riches he left her for another lady who he think matches his present status. My advice is: don't just look for the love and forget to look for the signs. Signs like: if he is into Christ and ready to walk with God or not; is he yet to discover himself and is still looking for a lady to keep him company for the mean time; is he ready for a relationship or is he still womanizing around. These are signs you watch out for and they are always glaring to you but your inner needs and wants and desperation to fall in love blinds you from these signs.


Happy James I do hope you were blessed by the part 1 of this series. Let me stress at this point that life is all about belief. No matter what you stand for, there's something you believe and that's what colours your life. If your life is ruled by doubts, you'll end up living in a vicious cycle of problems and that will create more negative thoughts. More negative beliefs will make your condition worse. The end result is, your subconscious picks up on those negative beliefs and negative thoughts and makes your life miserable. Every time you have a negative thought, you direct your subconscious to make your life more and more difficult. However, there's a better way to live your life: live a life of believing God for everything He has promised. Jesus said everything is possible to anyone who believes. Just keep believing and God will do the rest. I declare to you: this year God will take you to a new level in every area of your life in Jesus' Name.



"the evidence of things not seen." 

 ~Hebrew 11:1b~

 If truly we are living in visual world then what did you see? what are you seeing, what have you seen? Certainly it is what we see that rules us; with our eye being the mouth, we swallow all we saw into our heart, we get to respond to it and In most cases we react to it. What you have seen in the past have help shape you into who you are now. What we see become the experience that create for us beliefs which determines our behavior. Now, what are you seeing? To those of us in the Middle East it is ISIS, to us all in Nigeria it is Boko Haram, and the upcoming Election; to the Philippine folks, it is the Chinese claiming their Island and the Moslems fighting for supremacy. What we see do create most of our fears, doubt and anxiety, it determines our mood at every given time. What did you like seeing? Some of us love seeing pornography and skimpy dressed women. what you love seeing fuels your desire and determine your drive, strive to see healthy things that will add positively to your life. Now, what did you see in yourself? What is your self image telling you? What you see is what you project to the world and it will determine how they will see you, either bold ot timid. Did you see a Queen wearing a golden crown, a weakling, inadequate being, a genius. For me I can see a winner, a wealthy wo/man, a hero, a Champion, a Star, a King.

 Even if you don't see yourself sitting in grandiose throne of a king or queen surrounded with guards. Or you didn't see much money in your bank account Please don't depend on what you see outwardly, rather depend on the unseen; that is your faith put to work, remember that is the only way to please God. When you didn't see Jesus around you in your most travail moment even after you've fasted, when you see pains all around you, when you didn't see His hands in your business. Faith makes you see Him inside of you, faith make you see Jesus working in your favor, faith make you see Him bring in your miracle, faith makes you see Him working out your favor, faith makes you see Him fighting in your battle. "For we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Cor 5:7) Again, what did you see?